Volume 4, Issue 8 (12-2017)                   J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric 2017, 4(8): 65-75 | Back to browse issues page

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eshghi F. (2017). Investigation of the Relationship between the Growth of Agriculture and Entrepreneurship in G20 and Iran Countries . J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric. 4(8), 65-75. doi:10.29252/jea.4.8.65
URL: http://jea.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-163-en.html
Department of Agricultural Economics, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, Sari, Iran
Abstract:   (3088 Views)
Entrepreneurship is closely linked to the economic and social development of countries, and today it is one of the indicators of development in the developing world. Due to the special role of entrepreneurs in the process of economic growth and development, many governments in developed countries are struggling to maximize the opportunities and exploit research gains that leading a number of people with entrepreneurial characteristics to entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial activities. The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between the share of agriculture and entrepreneurship index. For this reason, entrepreneurship Perceived Opportunity and entrepreneurship Perceived Capabilities were used to examine entrepreneurship and agricultural sector share. For this purpose, the data and data of G20 and Iran during the period of 2008-2017 and Fischer co-integration method have been used.  The results of the co-integration study showed that there is a long-term relationship between the agricultural sector's contribution to economic growth and entrepreneurship Perceived Opportunity. Also, the long-term relationship between agricultural sectors contributes to economic growth and entrepreneurship capability is also confirmed. In addition, the existence of a long-term equilibrium relationship between two entrepreneurial indicators, entrepreneurship Perceived Opportunity and entrepreneurship Perceived Capabilities, has also been confirmed. Considering the results obtained in the research on the long-term relationship between agricultural sector's share of entrepreneurship Perceived Opportunity and entrepreneurship Perceived Capabilities and the high share of the country's employees in this section, policymakers should pay attention to the importance of agricultural sector potential in improving entrepreneurial conditions.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: کارآفرینی در کشاورزی
Received: 2018/11/2 | Accepted: 2019/01/8

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