Volume 6, Issue 12 (12-2019)                   J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric 2019, 6(12): 35-47 | Back to browse issues page

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Golkar Fard M, Rezaei-Moghaddam K, Fatemi M. (2019). Comparative Analysis of Entrepreneurship Contexts of Rural Women in Fars Province. J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric. 6(12), 35-47. doi:10.52547/jea.6.12.35
URL: http://jea.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-201-en.html
1- Shiraz University
Abstract:   (4242 Views)
          Considering the economical development level, Women play a crucial role in agricultural and rural development especially in developing countries. Paying attention to the development of entrepreneurial activities in rural areas is one of the ways towards development. Carried out through survey and classification random sampling methods, the present research  aimed to analyze the individual and supportive variables of entrepreneurial activities among rural women in Fars province. Participants of this study were all of the members of Fars Province Agricultural Development support fund Companies (3033 individuales) which are activate in three companies in Marvdasht, Shiraz and Estahban counties. The sample consist of 393 rural women according to the Krejcie and Morgan table. Results indicated that to improve rural women’s entrepreneurship, elevation of   entrepreneurial spirit and motivation  as well as providing other necessary factors including suitable business environment with facilitating policies of the compony in order to develope rural women entrepreneurial activities are necessary “Gaining income and profit” and “high-quality production increasement” were considered as the two main items for improvement of rural women` motivation in entrepreneurial activities. Based on findings, women entrepreneurs of Marvdasht have depicted a more desirable performance in comparison with Estahban and Shiraz rural entrepreneur women in the following fields: the effectiveness of information sources, creativity, the skills of compiling commercial plan, entrepreneurial spirit, entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial motivation, information effectiveness, company conducted education, governmental supportive policies, company facilitating policies, business environment and managerial power of the Funds' directors. Thus, women entrepreneurs of Marvdasht could be a good model for entrepreneurisl activities improvement of the women in the two other studied sounties; Thus, it is suggested to provide monthly meetings for the rural women entrepreneurs of three counties in order to communicate and negotiate continouosly for transferring their valueable experiences.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: کارآفرینی در کشاورزی
Received: 2019/11/2 | Accepted: 2019/12/1

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