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Karimi H, Ataei P. (2020). Analysis of Entrepreneurial Skills of Agricultural and Natural Resources Students in University of Zabol. J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric. 7(14), 21-31. doi:10.52547/jea.7.14.21
URL: http://jea.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-226-fa.html
کریمی حمید، عطایی پوریا. تحلیل مهارت های کارآفرینانه دانشجویان کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی در دانشگاه زابل راهبردهای کارآفرینی در کشاورزی ۱۳۹۹; ۷ (۱۴) :۳۱-۲۱ ۱۰,۵۲۵۴۷/jea.۷.۱۴.۲۱

URL: http://jea.sanru.ac.ir/article-۱-۲۲۶-fa.html

۱- گروه ترویج و آموزش کشاورزی، دانشکده کشاورزی، دانشگاه زابل، زابل، ایران
۲- گروه ترویج و آموزش کشاورزی، دانشکده کشاورزی، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران
چکیده:   (۳۳۳۵ مشاهده)
  پژوهش حاضر با هدف تحلیل مهارت­های کارآفرینانه دانشجویان رشته کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی انجام گردید. این مطالعه در بین دانشجویان دانشکده ­های کشاورزی، آب و خاک و منابع طبیعی دانشگاه زابل انجام شد. جامعه آماری 893 دانشجو و نمونه مورد مطالعه به­ صورت نمونه­ گیری تصادفی طبقه ­ای با انتساب متناسب 269 دانشجو بود. ابزار سنجش در این مطالعه پرسشنامه بود که روایی آن را متخصصان کارآفرینی تأیید نمودند و برای بررسی پایایی آن نیز یک آزمون راهنما اجرا شد که تتای ترتیبی متغیرها بین 0/92-0/81 به ­دست آمد. در بررسی وضعیت موجود و مطلوب مهارت­های کارآفرینانه نتایج نشان داد که مهارت تیم ‏سازی در اولویت نخست قرار دارد. همچنین، مهارت آشنایی با قوانین و مقررات حقوقی و تجاری در هر دو وضعیت موجود و مطلوب، اولویت آخر را کسب نمود. بیشترین شکاف بین وضعیت موجود و مطلوب به­ ترتیب متعلق به مهارت­های آشنایی با قوانین و مقررات حقوقی و تجارت، تهیه طرح کسب ­و­کار و ارتباطات بود. پیشنهاد می­گردد مهارت­های کارآفرینانه به ­صورت یک فرآیند چندمرحله­ ای آموزش داده شود. به این صورت که هر مهارت کارآفرینی بخش­بندی گردد و هر بخش به دو صورت نظری و سپس عملی آموزش داده شود.
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نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: کارآفرینی در کشاورزی
دریافت: 1399/3/19 | پذیرش: 1399/7/6

فهرست منابع
1. Adeyemo, S. 2009. Understanding and acquisition of entrepreneurial skills: A pedagogical re-orientation for classroom teacher in science education. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 6(3): 57- 65.
2. Ahmadpour, A., H. Ghasemi and M. Alikhani Dadukulaee. 2015. Factors affecting the development of students' entrepreneurial skills at agricultural colleges in Iran. Journal of Agricultural Education Administration Research, 7(32): 26-40 (In Persian).
3. Aliabadi, V., P. Ataei and R. Movahedi. 2016. The effect of strategic thinking and social capital on recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities among rural youth. Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 5(2): 95-110 (In Persian).
4. Aliabadi, V., P. Ataei and R. Movahedi. 2018. Using content analysis summary in the conceptual model of entrepreneurship competencies needed for rural women. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Agriculture, 4(4): 37-48 (In Persian).
5. Aliabadi, V., P. Ataei, R. Movahedi and M. Khayati. 2017. Analysing the implications and challenges of self-employment among the agricultural graduates. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Agriculture, 4(3): 25-38 (In Persian).
6. Aliabadi, V., R. Movahedi. H. Saadi and P. Ataei. 2016. Conceptual modeling of competencies required for rural women entrepreneurs. Journal of Entrepreneurial Strategies in Agriculture, 3(5): 47-56 (In Persian).
7. Ataei, P., H. Ghadermarzi, H. Karimi and A. Norouzi. 2020. The process of adopting entrepreneurial behaviour: Evidence from agriculture students in Iran. Innovations in Education and Teaching International (In Press). [DOI:10.1080/14703297.2020.1734476]
8. Blesia, J.U., M. Iek, W. Ratang and H. Hutajulu. 2019. Developing an entrepreneurship model to increase students' entrepreneurial skills: An action research project in a higher education institution in Indonesia. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 2: 1-18. [DOI:10.1007/s11213-019-09506-8]
9. Brixiová, Z., M. Ncube and Z. Bicaba. 2015. Skills and youth entrepreneurship in Africa: Analysis with evidence from Swaziland. World Development, 67: 11-26. [DOI:10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.09.027]
10. Chell, E. 2013. Review of skill and the entrepreneurial process. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 19(1): 6-31. [DOI:10.1108/13552551311299233]
11. Collins, L.A., A.J. Smith and P.D. Hannon. 2006. Discovering entrepreneurship: An exploration of a tripartite approach to developing entrepreneurial capacities. Journal of European Industrial Training, 30(3): 188-205. [DOI:10.1108/03090590610662940]
12. Darban Astaneh, A., M. Qadiri-Masoum and M.A. Firoozi. 2012. The study of relationship between rural administrator's entrepreneurial skills and organizational performance (Case study: Qazvin rural administration province). Journal of Rural Research, 3(9): 27-59 (In Persian).
13. De Araujo, R.G.B., M.V.A. Da Costa. B. Joseph and J.L.G. Sanchez. 2020. Developing professional and entrepreneurship skills of engineering students through problem-based learning: A case study in Brazil. International Journal of Engineering Education, 36(1): 155-169.
14. Deakins, D. and M.S. Freel. 2009. Entrepreneurship and small firms. New York: McGraw-Hill.
15. Dizji, M. and M. Zini. 2018. Investigating the effect of university education on the development of women's entrepreneurial skills. Technology Development Quarterly, 15(57): 43-34.
16. Garcia-Sanchez, E., V. Garcia-Morales and R. Martin-Rojas. 2018. Analysis of the influence of the environment, stakeholder integration capability, absorptive capacity and technological skills on organizational performance through corporate entrepreneurship. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 14(2): 345-377. [DOI:10.1007/s11365-017-0436-9]
17. Goudarzi, M., M. Jalali-Farahani, H. Rajabi and M. Hamidi. 2017 The design and codification of development model of entrepreneurial skills for students of sport management in Iran. New Trends in Sport Management, 5(18): 9-21 (In Persian).
18. Hosseini, T. and F. Lashgarara. 2014. Identifying the effective factors on development of entrepreneurship skills of rural women cooperatives in Fars Province. Agricultural Extension and Education Research, 7 (26): 13-34 (In Persian).
19. Hosseininia, G., P. Ataie and A. Yaghoubi-Farani. 2017. An assessment of students' entrepreneurial skills and characteristics and the impact on their entrepreneurial intention: a case of maharat applied science centers. Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, 19(73): 25-44 (In Persian).
20. Imani Jajromi, H. and P. Pourrajab-Miyandoab. 2012. Review and assessment of the characteristics of Dehyaran entrepreneurial and the effect of technical and professional skills on it. Journal of Community Development, 3(2): 107-26 (In Persian).
21. Ismail, A., W.N. Adnan, A. Masek, R. Hassan, S. Hashim and M.E. Ismail. 2019. Effectiveness of entrepreneurship programmes in developing entrepreneurship skills towards quality TVET graduates. Journal of Technical Education and Training, 11(1): 81-86. [DOI:10.30880/jtet.2019.11.01.010]
22. Izadi, N., A. Yaghoubi and P. Ataei. 2020. Determinants for entrepreneurial behavior among members of virtual agricultural social Networks. Journal of Entrepreneurial Strategies in Agriculture, 6(12): 48-58 (In Persian).
23. Jusoh, R., B. Ziae, S. Asimiran and S.A. Kadir. 2011. Entrepreneur training needs analysis: Implications on the entrepreneurial skills needed for successful entrepreneurs. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 10(1): 143-148. [DOI:10.19030/iber.v10i1.933]
24. Kashani, T., M. Rasouli and M. Soleimanpour. 2017. Examine the factors affecting entrepreneurial skills of agricultural students in technical and vocational University of Tehran. Agricultural Extension and Education Research, 10(1): 53-64 (In Persian).
25. Khosravi, A.A., S. Keshtkari and M.A. Mirzabeigi. 2014 Investigating the degree of coordination of the implemented curriculum of the master's degree course in educational sciences with entrepreneurial skills. Journal of Higher Education Curriculum Studies, 5(9): 107-123 (In Persian).
26. Krejcie, R.V. and D.W. Morgan. 1970. Determining sample size for research activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 30: 607-610. [DOI:10.1177/001316447003000308]
27. Lepisto, J. and M.L. Ronkko. 2013. Teacher students as future entrepreneurship educators and learning facilitators. Education Training, 55(7): 641-653. [DOI:10.1108/ET-05-2012-0055]
28. Lyons, T.S., J.S. Lyons and G.J. Jolley. 2020. Entrepreneurial skill-building in rural ecosystems a framework for applying the readiness inventory for successful entrepreneurship (RISE). Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 9(1): 112-136. [DOI:10.1108/JEPP-09-2019-0075]
29. Mardanshahi, M.M., A.T. Esmaeili and M.H. Mobaraki. 2015. Evaluation of the entrepreneurship talent in junior and senior students of State Universities (Case study: State Universities of Mazandaran Province). Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 7(4): 755-771 (In Persian).
30. Moghimi, S.M., H. Khanifar, M.M. Ordibehesht and S.M. Sharifee. 2019. Providing skill-driven education model for media entrepreneurship development. Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 11 (4): 681-700 (In Persian).
31. Mousivand, M., M. Hamidi-Jahed, P. Ataei and A. Safaei-Shakib. 2017. Influence of internal factors in university on the entrepreneurial culture among agricultural students of Hamedan Universities. Socio-cultural Development Studies, 6(1): 185-206 (In Persian).
32. Mousivand, M., A. Safaei-Shakib, P. Ataei and B. Abdolmaleki. 2016. Analyzing effect of psychological capital components on identifying entrepreneurial opportunities of agriculture Jahad organization staffs of Hamedan Province. Quarterly Journal of Economic Growth and Development Research, 6(23): 64-55 (In Persian).
33. Reyad, S.M.R., A.M. Al-Sartawi and A. Hamdan. 2019. Do entrepreneurial skills affect entrepreneurship attitudes in accounting education. Higher Education Skills and Work-Based Learning, 9(4): 739-757. [DOI:10.1108/HESWBL-01-2019-0013]
34. Safari, S. and M. Samiazadeh. 2012. Needs assessment of entrepreneurship knowledge and skill education a comparative approach in different fields of humanities. Journal of Technology of Education, 7(1): 65-79 (In Persian).
35. Sajadi Qeidari, H., H. Mahmoodi and F. Jafari. 2017. An analysis of entrepreneurial skills of women in rural areas: A case study of villages in central district of Fariman. Journal of Rural Research, 8(2): 242-263 (In Persian).
36. Salehi-Emran, A. and S. Yaghmouri. 2010. Study of job-creating job market skills according to the global economy in higher education curricula. Curriculum Studies, 16: 188-165 (In Persian).
37. Seuneke, P., T. Lans and J.S.C. Wiskerke. 2013. Moving beyond entrepreneurial skills: Key factors driving entrepreneurial learning in multifunctional agriculture. Journal of Rural Studies, 32: 208-219. [DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.06.001]
38. Shaheen, N., N. Ahmad, N. Munir and S. Hussain. 2020. Psychology of learning entrepreneurship skills: Nurturing learning styles of students. Rawal Medical Journal, 45(1): 188-191.
39. Shekarey, A. and S. Heidarzadeh-Arany. 2012. A study of the effectiveness of insurance occupational training on the performance of insurance companie's employees in entrepreneurial skills (a case study in Isfahan Province). Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 4(3): 109-128.
40. Sousa, M.J. 2018. Entrepreneurship skills development in higher education courses for teams leaders. Administrative Sciences, 8(2): 1-15. [DOI:10.3390/admsci8020018]
41. Tabibzadeh, M. and F. Lashgarara. 2014. Identifying entrepreneurship skills development requirements of rural women in the Qom Province. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education Research, 6(4): 61-72.
42. Tayefe-Mahmodi, M., M. Peyvast, M. Mohseni, M. Kharat and K. Badei. 2012. Ontology-based up gradation of entrepreneurship skills using educational portals. Iranian Communication and Information Technology, 4(11): 37-45 (In Persian).
43. Tripathy, M. 2019. Overcoming the major challenges in new entrepreneurship: An orientation through soft skills. Smart-Journal of Business Management Studies, 15 (2): 38-46. [DOI:10.5958/2321-2012.2019.00013.7]
44. UNESCO. 2016. Strategy for technical and vocational education and training. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France.
45. Woodcock, C., P. Shekhar and A. Huang-Saad. 2019. Examining project based entrepreneurship and engineering design course professional skills outcomes. International Journal of Engineering Education, 35(2): 631-644.
46. Yaghoubi-Farani, A., S. Karimi, N. Izadi and P. Ataei. 2019. Effect of virtual social networks on entrepreneurial behavior of agricultural students. Applied Economics, 51(21): 2326-2335. [DOI:10.1080/00036846.2018.1543940]
47. Zarei-Sebhati, A., A. Shekari and A.Yazdkhasti. 2016. The role of entrepreneurial entrepreneurship training model (KAB) on the entrepreneurial skills of trainees of technical and vocational training centers (case study: Isfahan province). Theory and Practice in Curriculum, 4(7): 31-54 (In Persian).
48. Adeyemo, S. 2009. Understanding and acquisition of entrepreneurial skills: A pedagogical re-orientation for classroom teacher in science education. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 6(3): 57- 65.
49. Ahmadpour, A., H. Ghasemi and M. Alikhani Dadukulaee. 2015. Factors affecting the development of students' entrepreneurial skills at agricultural colleges in Iran. Journal of Agricultural Education Administration Research, 7(32): 26-40 (In Persian).
50. Aliabadi, V., P. Ataei and R. Movahedi. 2016. The effect of strategic thinking and social capital on recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities among rural youth. Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 5(2): 95-110 (In Persian).
51. Aliabadi, V., P. Ataei and R. Movahedi. 2018. Using content analysis summary in the conceptual model of entrepreneurship competencies needed for rural women. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Agriculture, 4(4): 37-48 (In Persian).
52. Aliabadi, V., P. Ataei, R. Movahedi and M. Khayati. 2017. Analysing the implications and challenges of self-employment among the agricultural graduates. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Agriculture, 4(3): 25-38 (In Persian).
53. Aliabadi, V., R. Movahedi. H. Saadi and P. Ataei. 2016. Conceptual modeling of competencies required for rural women entrepreneurs. Journal of Entrepreneurial Strategies in Agriculture, 3(5): 47-56 (In Persian).
54. Ataei, P., H. Ghadermarzi, H. Karimi and A. Norouzi. 2020. The process of adopting entrepreneurial behaviour: Evidence from agriculture students in Iran. Innovations in Education and Teaching International (In Press). [DOI:10.1080/14703297.2020.1734476]
55. Blesia, J.U., M. Iek, W. Ratang and H. Hutajulu. 2019. Developing an entrepreneurship model to increase students' entrepreneurial skills: An action research project in a higher education institution in Indonesia. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 2: 1-18. [DOI:10.1007/s11213-019-09506-8]
56. Brixiová, Z., M. Ncube and Z. Bicaba. 2015. Skills and youth entrepreneurship in Africa: Analysis with evidence from Swaziland. World Development, 67: 11-26. [DOI:10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.09.027]
57. Chell, E. 2013. Review of skill and the entrepreneurial process. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 19(1): 6-31. [DOI:10.1108/13552551311299233]
58. Collins, L.A., A.J. Smith and P.D. Hannon. 2006. Discovering entrepreneurship: An exploration of a tripartite approach to developing entrepreneurial capacities. Journal of European Industrial Training, 30(3): 188-205. [DOI:10.1108/03090590610662940]
59. Darban Astaneh, A., M. Qadiri-Masoum and M.A. Firoozi. 2012. The study of relationship between rural administrator's entrepreneurial skills and organizational performance (Case study: Qazvin rural administration province). Journal of Rural Research, 3(9): 27-59 (In Persian).
60. De Araujo, R.G.B., M.V.A. Da Costa. B. Joseph and J.L.G. Sanchez. 2020. Developing professional and entrepreneurship skills of engineering students through problem-based learning: A case study in Brazil. International Journal of Engineering Education, 36(1): 155-169.
61. Deakins, D. and M.S. Freel. 2009. Entrepreneurship and small firms. New York: McGraw-Hill.
62. Dizji, M. and M. Zini. 2018. Investigating the effect of university education on the development of women's entrepreneurial skills. Technology Development Quarterly, 15(57): 43-34.
63. Garcia-Sanchez, E., V. Garcia-Morales and R. Martin-Rojas. 2018. Analysis of the influence of the environment, stakeholder integration capability, absorptive capacity and technological skills on organizational performance through corporate entrepreneurship. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 14(2): 345-377. [DOI:10.1007/s11365-017-0436-9]
64. Goudarzi, M., M. Jalali-Farahani, H. Rajabi and M. Hamidi. 2017 The design and codification of development model of entrepreneurial skills for students of sport management in Iran. New Trends in Sport Management, 5(18): 9-21 (In Persian).
65. Hosseini, T. and F. Lashgarara. 2014. Identifying the effective factors on development of entrepreneurship skills of rural women cooperatives in Fars Province. Agricultural Extension and Education Research, 7 (26): 13-34 (In Persian).
66. Hosseininia, G., P. Ataie and A. Yaghoubi-Farani. 2017. An assessment of students' entrepreneurial skills and characteristics and the impact on their entrepreneurial intention: a case of maharat applied science centers. Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, 19(73): 25-44 (In Persian).
67. Imani Jajromi, H. and P. Pourrajab-Miyandoab. 2012. Review and assessment of the characteristics of Dehyaran entrepreneurial and the effect of technical and professional skills on it. Journal of Community Development, 3(2): 107-26 (In Persian).
68. Ismail, A., W.N. Adnan, A. Masek, R. Hassan, S. Hashim and M.E. Ismail. 2019. Effectiveness of entrepreneurship programmes in developing entrepreneurship skills towards quality TVET graduates. Journal of Technical Education and Training, 11(1): 81-86. [DOI:10.30880/jtet.2019.11.01.010]
69. Izadi, N., A. Yaghoubi and P. Ataei. 2020. Determinants for entrepreneurial behavior among members of virtual agricultural social Networks. Journal of Entrepreneurial Strategies in Agriculture, 6(12): 48-58 (In Persian).
70. Jusoh, R., B. Ziae, S. Asimiran and S.A. Kadir. 2011. Entrepreneur training needs analysis: Implications on the entrepreneurial skills needed for successful entrepreneurs. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 10(1): 143-148. [DOI:10.19030/iber.v10i1.933]
71. Kashani, T., M. Rasouli and M. Soleimanpour. 2017. Examine the factors affecting entrepreneurial skills of agricultural students in technical and vocational University of Tehran. Agricultural Extension and Education Research, 10(1): 53-64 (In Persian).
72. Khosravi, A.A., S. Keshtkari and M.A. Mirzabeigi. 2014 Investigating the degree of coordination of the implemented curriculum of the master's degree course in educational sciences with entrepreneurial skills. Journal of Higher Education Curriculum Studies, 5(9): 107-123 (In Persian).
73. Krejcie, R.V. and D.W. Morgan. 1970. Determining sample size for research activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 30: 607-610. [DOI:10.1177/001316447003000308]
74. Lepisto, J. and M.L. Ronkko. 2013. Teacher students as future entrepreneurship educators and learning facilitators. Education Training, 55(7): 641-653. [DOI:10.1108/ET-05-2012-0055]
75. Lyons, T.S., J.S. Lyons and G.J. Jolley. 2020. Entrepreneurial skill-building in rural ecosystems a framework for applying the readiness inventory for successful entrepreneurship (RISE). Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 9(1): 112-136. [DOI:10.1108/JEPP-09-2019-0075]
76. Mardanshahi, M.M., A.T. Esmaeili and M.H. Mobaraki. 2015. Evaluation of the entrepreneurship talent in junior and senior students of State Universities (Case study: State Universities of Mazandaran Province). Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 7(4): 755-771 (In Persian).
77. Moghimi, S.M., H. Khanifar, M.M. Ordibehesht and S.M. Sharifee. 2019. Providing skill-driven education model for media entrepreneurship development. Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 11 (4): 681-700 (In Persian).
78. Mousivand, M., M. Hamidi-Jahed, P. Ataei and A. Safaei-Shakib. 2017. Influence of internal factors in university on the entrepreneurial culture among agricultural students of Hamedan Universities. Socio-cultural Development Studies, 6(1): 185-206 (In Persian).
79. Mousivand, M., A. Safaei-Shakib, P. Ataei and B. Abdolmaleki. 2016. Analyzing effect of psychological capital components on identifying entrepreneurial opportunities of agriculture Jahad organization staffs of Hamedan Province. Quarterly Journal of Economic Growth and Development Research, 6(23): 64-55 (In Persian).
80. Reyad, S.M.R., A.M. Al-Sartawi and A. Hamdan. 2019. Do entrepreneurial skills affect entrepreneurship attitudes in accounting education. Higher Education Skills and Work-Based Learning, 9(4): 739-757. [DOI:10.1108/HESWBL-01-2019-0013]
81. Safari, S. and M. Samiazadeh. 2012. Needs assessment of entrepreneurship knowledge and skill education a comparative approach in different fields of humanities. Journal of Technology of Education, 7(1): 65-79 (In Persian).
82. Sajadi Qeidari, H., H. Mahmoodi and F. Jafari. 2017. An analysis of entrepreneurial skills of women in rural areas: A case study of villages in central district of Fariman. Journal of Rural Research, 8(2): 242-263 (In Persian).
83. Salehi-Emran, A. and S. Yaghmouri. 2010. Study of job-creating job market skills according to the global economy in higher education curricula. Curriculum Studies, 16: 188-165 (In Persian).
84. Seuneke, P., T. Lans and J.S.C. Wiskerke. 2013. Moving beyond entrepreneurial skills: Key factors driving entrepreneurial learning in multifunctional agriculture. Journal of Rural Studies, 32: 208-219. [DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.06.001]
85. Shaheen, N., N. Ahmad, N. Munir and S. Hussain. 2020. Psychology of learning entrepreneurship skills: Nurturing learning styles of students. Rawal Medical Journal, 45(1): 188-191.
86. Shekarey, A. and S. Heidarzadeh-Arany. 2012. A study of the effectiveness of insurance occupational training on the performance of insurance companie's employees in entrepreneurial skills (a case study in Isfahan Province). Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 4(3): 109-128.
87. Sousa, M.J. 2018. Entrepreneurship skills development in higher education courses for teams leaders. Administrative Sciences, 8(2): 1-15. [DOI:10.3390/admsci8020018]
88. Tabibzadeh, M. and F. Lashgarara. 2014. Identifying entrepreneurship skills development requirements of rural women in the Qom Province. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education Research, 6(4): 61-72.
89. Tayefe-Mahmodi, M., M. Peyvast, M. Mohseni, M. Kharat and K. Badei. 2012. Ontology-based up gradation of entrepreneurship skills using educational portals. Iranian Communication and Information Technology, 4(11): 37-45 (In Persian).
90. Tripathy, M. 2019. Overcoming the major challenges in new entrepreneurship: An orientation through soft skills. Smart-Journal of Business Management Studies, 15 (2): 38-46. [DOI:10.5958/2321-2012.2019.00013.7]
91. UNESCO. 2016. Strategy for technical and vocational education and training. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France.
92. Woodcock, C., P. Shekhar and A. Huang-Saad. 2019. Examining project based entrepreneurship and engineering design course professional skills outcomes. International Journal of Engineering Education, 35(2): 631-644.
93. Yaghoubi-Farani, A., S. Karimi, N. Izadi and P. Ataei. 2019. Effect of virtual social networks on entrepreneurial behavior of agricultural students. Applied Economics, 51(21): 2326-2335. [DOI:10.1080/00036846.2018.1543940]
94. Zarei-Sebhati, A., A. Shekari and A.Yazdkhasti. 2016. The role of entrepreneurial entrepreneurship training model (KAB) on the entrepreneurial skills of trainees of technical and vocational training centers (case study: Isfahan province). Theory and Practice in Curriculum, 4(7): 31-54 (In Persian).

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