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Rohallah Maghabl, Reza Movahedi, Karim Naderi Mahdii, Alireza Ghazanfari,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2014)

This study has been established with an aim to find the solutions for developing and strengthening internet businesses in agricultural sector. The study has used an applied research type through a surveying methodology. The statistical population consisted of 21 managers of manufacturing, packaging and distribution factories and companies who were active in the agricultural internet businesses in​​ East Azerbaijan province. The research tool was a questionnaire which was validated by a panel of experts and its reliability was calculated by using Chronbach alpha test (α= 0.92). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis methods and structural equation modeling used to five the solutions for developing and strengthening agricultural internet businesses. The results showed five grouped factors in this regard. The first factor namely extension solutions with 18.54 percent of variance was the most important factor. The items named legal, technical, academic and cultural solutions were the next factors that determined 69.89 percent of variance summative. Based on the results, some recommendations were drawn for the development of internet businesses in the agricultural sector of east Azerbaijan Province.

Jahangir Yadollahi Farsi, Gholamhossein Hosseininia, Mojdeh Asadollahi Shad,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Correct evaluation of entrepreneurial opportunities could enhance the likelihood of success and neglecting of this process could cause business failure. This study seeks to identify what are the significant factors in the evaluation of business opportunities in organic food industry and what is the degree of the importance of each factor. The research statistical populations were entrepreneurs of organic food industry in Golestan, Isfahan, Markazi, Gilan and Khorasan in 2013, that 16 of them selected based on Krejcie and Morgan tables. The most important tool of data collection was the standard questionnaire, whose validity was confirmed by specialists and its reliability was computed using Inconsistency ratio (0.08), which shows its reliability. The results indicated that evaluation of the business opportunities in organic foods sector include five factors and thirty-two sub factors. The most important factor is market and the organic segment, characteristics of the entrepreneur, financial, investment and technology, are prioritized respectively. The proposed framework in this paper which indicates the main criteria on evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities is a good reference for future survey researches.

Zeynab Sharifi, Fatemeh Sozani, Mostafa Ahmadvand,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2014)

  The aim of this research is to investigate the level of entrepreneurship morale of agricultural students in Yasouj University. The statistical population of this study consisted of all freshman and senior agricultural students who were studying at Yasouj University in 2012- 2013 semesters . Accordingly, 207 students were selected by using stratified random sampling formula. Data collected through researcher-made questionnaire the validity of which was approved through experts' views and its r eliability was confirmed by Cronbach-Alpha coefficient. The findings of the research showed that 75.4% of students were at average level of entrepreneurship morale. Also the result indicated that there was no significant difference between male and female students in their level of entrepreneurship morale. The comparing means of characteristics of entrepreneurship (t-test) revealed that there was significant difference between male and female students in their level of ambiguity tolerance. In addition, there was no significant difference between freshman and senior students and students of different fields in terms of characteristics of entrepreneurship morale. This finding suggests that the university trainings could not lead to an increase of entrepreneurial morale in students. Therefore, it is suggested that more communication established among the university and centers of entrepreneurship and nurture of the entrepreneurial morale should be considered during the design and presentation of educational programs. Furthermore, it should be more attentive to the practical aspects of lessons as well as the theoretical materials content in accordance with what there is in the facts and action.

Vahid Vahedi, Seyed Ali Hoseini Yekani,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2014)

  According to importance of education and training of semi-skilled labors for employing in various production and services sectors and also importance of pre and post researches on performance of such training, this research aimed to evaluate the entrepreneurship of agricultural specialized training in the technical and vocational training organization according to the standards of the International Labor organization. To conduct this evaluation, the data related to the earned income, the final evaluation scores, number of visits for advice and the received loans of a sample of 100 graduates of various branches of agricultural sciences from technical and vocational training center of Babolsar during 1389 and 1390 were collected and after averaging was used. In the first stage, the affecting intensity and direction of graduates' income from three mentioned independent variables using a linear regression was measured and in the next stage the relationship among these three independent variables and the efficiency of graduates in a Data Envelopment Analysis framework was evaluated. The results of this study indicates that despite of a positive and significant effect of three variables of the final evaluation scores, number of visits for advice and the received loans on the earned income of the technical and vocational training center of Babolsar, the performance of these three variables can be increased. Therefore, some more effective planning and policy makings are required.

Enayat Abbasi, Latif Mohamadzadeh, Homayon Farhadian,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2014)

The purpose of research was to investigate influencing of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial spirit and skills of the students in Miandoab agricultural education center. This study was descriptive-correlation research and used survey method. The statistical population of the study consisted of all students in Miandoab educational center who have passed the entrepreneurship 3-credit course. Using Krejcie and Morgan’s table and proportional stratified random sampling technique, 178 students selected as research sample. The validity of the questionnaire was verified through the judgment of a panel of academic staffs in Tarbiat Modares University. To assess the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients calculated for the main scales of the questionnaire (0.60 to 0.85). Based on the results, there were significant differences between entrepreneurial spirit and skills before and after passing the entrepreneurship course. In other words, entrepreneurship education has caused improvement in entrepreneurial sprit and skills of the students. The results of multivariate regression analysis indicated that 36.8 percent (R2­= 0.368) of the variability in education level and location and previous experience of the entrepreneurship capabilities.

Mohammad Mehdi Mardanshahi, Ali Akbar Aghajani Afrozi,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2014)

  Increase the number of female students in the universities, the role of entrepreneurial characteristics on the employment of graduates, as well as the importance of agriculture and consequences of disregarding its, has led to evaluation the entrepreneurial characteristics of girl agricultural students in this study. The population of this study randomized is 1780 and 336 female subjects were selected . After the test, correlation test and t, the results show that most students (apart from the characteristics of ambiguity tolerance) in the risk-taking, thought fluid, activism, internal control, need for achievement, challenge and visionary are not an ideal condition. There is a significant difference between male and female students in characteristics: activism, need for achievement, tolerance for ambiguity, challenge, visionary and entrepreneurship. But there is a significant difference between male and female students in the characteristics: thought fluid, internal control and risk-taking. In terms of individual characteristics, there is a significant relationship between the type of diploma and risk-taking, need for achievement, thought fluid, ambiguity tolerance and entrepreneurship. But the father’s job is not relationship with any of the characteristics except risk-taking. There is relationship between skill and experience in business, tolerance for ambiguity, Tendency to start business relationship. There is no significant difference in any of the entrepreneurship features between first year and fourth year students. These results show that the need to plan for increasing entrepreneurial characteristics of women in higher education due to the strategic role of agriculture in independence and welfare.

Mohammad Sadegh Ebrahimi, Seyed Ahmad Khatonabadi, Neda Baniasadi,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2014)

  Entrepreneurship is one of the effective factors in rural development. Entrepreneurial is the process of upgrading the technology by creating a new business or organization The process of rural entrepreneurship in villages of Kerman Township takes place slowly. Therefore, this study investigates rural entrepreneurship development components. Research method is library and field work. After defining the indexes and variables of the research through a questionnaire, the necessary statistical data are gathered. Face validity of the questionnaire is obtained using the supervisor professors’ opinions and structural validity is obtained using factor analysis and KMO coefficient, whose amount was 0.67. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated using Cronbach Alpha Coefficient whose amount was 0.88. The sample population was estimated 150 entrepreneurship people. Results of research showed that entrepreneurs are generally young. The results of the study showed that the entrepreneurship among the entrepreneur was the average level and also education level in entrepreneur was lower than the level of higher education. Results of research showed that the component of entrepreneurial related: psychological, skills, personal and infrastructure factors were important respectively.

Sedighe Gasemii Ghasemii, Samira Bahramian, Mostafa Ahmadvand,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2014)

  The Unemployment of agricultural graduates has been one of the most important challenges of higher education systems in recent years, and has had the negative effects on students’ learning and motivation. But it seems that according to the capacity of the agricultural sector in Iran, this problem can be solved by enhancing students’ entrepreneurship empowerment. Thus, the main purpose of the present study was to identify the factors affecting entrepreneurship empowerment and employment of students after graduation that implemented by survey method. The statistical population of the study was the senior students at Yasouj University (160 person), that 110 of them selected by proportional stratified random sampling. Data were gathered using questionnaires. The face validity and reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and pilot study, and measuring Cronbach’s alpha (0.89 - 0.97). The results of the study showed that the majority of students believed, individual, socio-cultural and educational factors respectively have the greatest effect on students' entrepreneurial skills. The most important individual factors includes self-efficacy beliefs and creativity the most important socio-cultural factors includes community’s economic issues and the attractiveness of entrepreneurship career and the most important educational factors includes the existence of competitive environment in university and the creative and dynamic environment in dorms. The results showed that the respondents have more potential in social relations, creativity, and leadership and communication skills, respectively. Finally, it is recommended some suggestions for developing the entrepreneurship empowerment.

Seyed Mehdi Mirdamadi, Masoud Hekmat, Turaj Bonyadi Baladeh, Ahmad Hakemifar,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2014)

  The aim of this study was to investigate the sociological characteristics and their impact on the development of entrepreneurship in agricultural production cooperatives in Qazvin Province. The research method was descriptive - correlation and analytic in kind of causal-relational. The research’s population included all managers of agricultural production cooperatives of Qazvin Province that given the limited number of cooperatives, the census method was used (N =86). To evaluate the validity of research’ tool, the method of panel of experts was used. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient that it was estimated higher than 0.85 for different parts of the questionnaire. The Spearman correlation coefficient was used to study the relationship between variables and Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for bi-level and multilevel nominal variables, respectively. Also, the stepwise multiple regression method was used to study the major interactive effects of independent variables on the dependent variable and to identify the direct and indirect effects of independent variables on the dependent variable, the path analysis was used as well. The results showed that three variables of demographic characteristics, characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, paying attention and emphasize on the importance of investment in cooperatives as an important part of the economy, could explain 40.2 percent of the variability of the dependent variable. The results of path analysis showed that the variable of characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, directly and indirectly, had the greatest impact on the dependent variable.

Rezvan Ghambarali, Hossein Agahi, Amir Hossein Ali Baygi, Kumars Zarafshani,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2014)

  In today's world, despite the many changes and developments, entrepreneurship development in the agricultural sector has become a major necessity and the need, especially in developing countries, are increasingly is growing . Despite the growth of agriculture entrepreneurial businesses, access to finance for agricultural entrepreneurs, still remain a problem so that lack of access to finance have been mentioned as the main reason for the failure of entrepreneurial businesses. Therefore, the purpose of this survey study was to determine challenges of access to financial capital for agricultural entrepreneurs . The study used a descriptive survey design.The population of the study was consisted of two groups of agricultural entrepreneurs and managers of banks that according to Table Bartlett and others, the sample size was determined. Random sampling method was used to select the samples. The results showed that the long process of application, high interest rates, lack of collateral /guarantees, were identified as the main barriers perceived by men entrepreneurs in the process of receiving credit from banks. While barriers, lack of collateral/guarantee, inappropriate behavior, and the long process of application to the bank employees as the most important barriers identified by women entrepreneurs. Further findings showed that managers of commercial banks and financial institutions have mentioned lack of guarantees or collateral, poor business plan and poor financial track record of the entrepreneur as the main reasons for refuse of financial applicant entrepreneurs . It also appears that men and women finance their businesses differently. Men entrepreneurs are more to use from personal savings , banks and friends and relatives to obtain loans while women entrepreneur s would prefer to use from personal savings and friends and relatives rather than banks and private institutions.

Zahra Rabiei, Hassan Sadighi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2014)

  The purpose of this descriptive -survey research is to analyses the effective factors in the development of the entrepreneurship spirit among the natural resources students. Research has been done by questionnaire, data were analyzed by using spss software and in order to identify factors involved in the entrepreneurial spirit of student's descriptive statistics were used and the Mann-Whitney U Test and Independent T-test were used to test the difference hypothesis. the results have showed that among the psychological variables, variables related to psychological factors influencing the entrepreneurial spirit including self- confidence, self-esteem and prospective being variables, have the greatest impact and hard-working , capability of creative management have the least impact . Among the effective educational and collegiate variables, creative teaching methods, adaptation of courses with scientific and have the greatest impact and continuous and regular evaluation of students have the least impact and among the institutional factors, supporting the thesis and researches related to entrepreneurship variable have the most impact and developing entrepreneurship groups and a shared vision and variables have the least impact. This research also shows that there is no significant and positive relationship between the gender, skill, experience and desire to set up business and effective factors on developing students' s entrepreneurial spirit.

Marjan Vahedi, Hamed Chaharsoughi Amin, Mohammdreza Zanganeh, Alireza Norouzi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2014)

  The purpose of this study was to compare entrepreneurial spirit of successful and unsuccessful managers of agricultural cooperatives in Ilam Township. This research was applied and a descriptive-survey research method was used. Statistical population of this study are all the managers of agricultural cooperatives in Ilam county (N =340). The numbers of successful managers were 265 people, and the numbers of unsuccessful managers were 75 people. In this study, unsuccessful managers were studied by using census method and 100 cases of successful cooperative managers were selected by using proportionate stratified random sampling method and using Cochran formula. Instrument of data gathering was questionnaire which its content validity was confirmed by expert panel. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was used to determine reliability of questionnaire and its value was equal to 0/87, which is acceptable. The results showed that the characteristic of risk-taking, locus of control and creativity of the participants was strong. Also, characteristic of need to achievement, tolerance for ambiguity and independence of participants was average. Also the results showed that there was a significant difference between entrepreneurial sprit of successful and unsuccessful agricultural cooperatives managers in terms of risk-taking, need to achivement and independence, but There was no significant difference between sprit of successful and unsuccessful managers in terms of creativity, tolerance for ambiguity and locus of control.

Mohammadreza Tatian, Reza Tamartash, Jaber Ghorbanalinejhad,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2014)

  Cooperative company is an economic social organization that formed for gatherings of the people freely and voluntarily, in order to create jobs in specific fields to achieve the common goals of the members. Cooperation will banish trafficking and exploitation of persons and its main objective is entrepreneurship, collection of human and moral values ​​with economic objectives. In the field of medicinal plants in the Hezarjarib Region of Behshahr has started some works in about 10 acres that need to more support from relevant institutions. This study was designed to measure the formation of medicinal plants cooperative in Behshahr (Yanesar section) to entrepreneurship and new job opportunities. 10 villages randomly (Using a random number table) were selected among the 33 villages, and five land owners were selected in each village randomly to complete the questionnaire. This study level was nominal scale and Goodman's correlation test was used to evaluate variables. The results showed that the people wanting to join the cooperatives had no significant correlation with production problems, the people jobs and their satisfaction familiarity but was significant about farmers' age, educational level, and land ownership, kind of crop production, history of medicinal plants production and cooperative membership history. However, the farmers don’t tend to the medicinal plants cultivation because of unfamiliarity of medicinal plants kinds for cultivate and production, lack of confidence and satisfaction of good income from production and sale of these plants.

Alireza Norouzi, Enayat Abbasi, Amir Naeimi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2014)

The purpose of this study was creativity factor analysis of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi organization staffs of Ilam province. Research method was descriptive – correlation which used survey method. Statistical population of the study was staffs of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi in Ilam province (N=300). Using Bartlett table, and stratified random sampling technique, 169 staffs were selected as sample. Research instrument was questionnaire. Face and content validity of the questionnaire revised and verified by a panel of experts of agricultural extension and education. Reliability of the questionnaire confirmed by calculating Cronbach’s alpha between 0.76 - 0.79 in pilot test. Descriptive statistics results showed that creativity level of staffs was moderate (Mean= 3.31). Explanatory factor analysis results showed that effective factors of creativity consisted of 2 components, managerial factor and contextual factor. These factors explain 69 percent of variance of creativity among staffs of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi organization. Base on the findings of the research, establishing idea management center in the Jihad-e Keshavarzi organization of Ilam province for recognition and applying of staffs’ creative ideas is suggested.

Alireza Poursaeed, Sajad Larti,
Volume 3, Issue 5 (8-2016)

The role of participatory management in organizational entrepreneurship of agricultural cooperatives was studied in Ilam Township. The study was an applied study in terms of objective and a survey study in terms of data collection method. The statistical population was composed of all members of agricultural cooperatives in Ilam Township who totaled 1960 people, out of which 320 people were randomly sampled by Morgan and Krejcie’s table. Data collection tool was a self-designed questionnaire including questions about different facets of participatory management and organizational entrepreneurship. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts composed of faculty members of Agriculture Extension and Management Group of Islamic Azad University of Ilam. Its reliability was estimated to be (0.77
Samira Behroozeh, Naser Aghaabbasi , Faezeh Mohammadinezhad,
Volume 3, Issue 5 (8-2016)

The appearance and enhancement of entrepreneurial behavior depend on various factors and conditions including psychological and personality properties of people, and environmental and structural factors. The present study which is a survey in nature, aims at investigating entrepreneurial spirit. The data was collected through questionnaires. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by content validity and the reliability of them was identified by studying the guide lines. The statistical society of the study included Basij members among agriculture and nature resources engineers in the city Qom who were 190 people. 125 people were selected through random sampling. The data was analyzed descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The results indicated that there was a significant relationship between agricultural experience, entrepreneurial motivation, practical training, and theoretical training with entrepreneurial spirit. So that factor of practical training, theoretical training, entrepreneurial motivation and agricultural experience explain 81% of entrepreneurial spirit changes of study people. Therefore this result, justify understanding necessity and participation in holding of activities related to agriculture for members of Basij organization among agricultural and nature resources engineers.
Bahman Khosravipour, Mona Dorani,
Volume 3, Issue 5 (8-2016)

The purpose of the present study was to identify the encountered challenges and problems of undergraduates when passing the training course. The paradigm of the present study was mixed method (qualitative-quantitative). The last year undergraduate students (2015-2016) at Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan considered as the population in both qualitative and quantitative parts. Among them, using purposive sampling method, 30 students selected and until achieving to the theoretical saturation data collection process lasted in qualitative. It should be noted that data collected using individual in-depth interviews and also data analyzed using Nvivo 11. Based on the findings of the qualitative part, a researcher made questionnaire designed to measure the quantitative part and the data for this part, analyzed using SPSS software. The results revealed that in the qualitative part, many factors are hindering the implementation of effective training courses in the students’ viewpoint such as administrative bureaucracy, lack of facilities, lack of definition of specific educational program in order to pass the course, lack of scientific and practical scientific quality. Also in the quantitative part, the factors such as the improper timing for passing the course, the poor training, poor equipment and facilities allocated to the top priorities. Finally, it can be suggested that the officials should evaluate the implemented courses and used the results in the future periods.
Vida Sarrani Kani, Seyed Motjaba Mojaverian, Mohammad Mehdi Mardanshaahi,
Volume 3, Issue 5 (8-2016)

     The main goal of this study was investigating the effect of the growth of agricultural sector and trade openness level on the stabilized entrepreneurship and new entrepreneurship in selected countries. To do so, the data related to 25 selected countries during the period of
2008-2013 as well as panel data approach used. The assessment results indicated a positive and significant effect of both the variables on the entrepreneurship in the selected countries, such that one percent increase in the trade openness level and agricultural sector growth with a time delay led to 18.30 and 0.06 percent, respectively, positive change in the stabilized entrepreneurship rate, and on the other hand, one percent increase in the trade openness level and agricultural sector growth with a delay led to 16.73 and 0.32 percent, respectively, positive change in the new entrepreneurship rate. Therefore, in order to accomplish entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector, increasing attention toward these two subjects, and eliminating the obstacles facing them should be placed in countries’ agenda.
Nader Naderi, Zahra Yusefi, Bijan Rezaee,
Volume 3, Issue 5 (8-2016)

This study, we were looking phenomenology of barriers to agricultural startup launches were conducted as a qualitative and phenomenological. Participants were 15 executives of agricultural startups in 1395 that their companies were in the growth stage or growth. And were engaged supported by the Science and Technology Park and through interviews with 11 of them reached theoretical saturation. In order to collect data, in-depth interviews with open-ended questions and data analysis was performed based on Colaizzi. The findings in the form of 11 themes emerged which these themes are Low attractiveness for investment activities in section agriculture, Thinking high cost and low profit margins associated with agricultural activities, Macroeconomic mismanagement and a lack of recognition of the agricultural sector priorities, Failure notification system to serve the agriculture-based projects ideas, Weak management and a lack of strategic decision making for progress in agriculture, Restriction to allocate niches for agricultural startups in Science and Technology Park, The high cost of providing basic requirements and equipment for setting up the agricultural startup, High probability of stealing the idea due to the length of the process of obtaining patents in section agriculture, Time-consuming and costly process of obtaining the necessary permits from the relevant authorities such as department of agricultural jihad, Food and Drug Department and so on, Unpredictable factors such as weather, climate, rainfall, humidity, The problem of access to work because of the spatial distance from the farm, factory or warehouse.  
Vahid Aliabadi, Reza Movahedi, Heshmatollah Saadi, Pouria Ataei,
Volume 3, Issue 5 (8-2016)

Rural women’s entrepreneurial activities provided contexts reduction poverty in rural areas that is step to rural development. A significant increase of employed women is undeniable reality in Iranian society. However, social experience indicates that a small number of women are entrepreneurs. Appropriate competencies are necessary for emergence entrepreneurial activities. The main aim of this study was conceptual modeling of competencies required for rural women entrepreneurs. The population of this study was included 125 rural women entrepreneurs of Kangavar, Sahneh and Harsin cities. Accordingly, the census was used. The data collection tool was a questionnaire designed. The reliability of variables was between 0.83-0.88. The findings show that based on sensitivity analysis (ANN) communication competencies, strategic and commitment, in the first layer is of the utmost importance. The findings showed that based on sensitivity analysis (ANN) communication, strategic and commitment competencies have more important in the first layer. Based on field activities (agriculture, livestock and consulting services), there was a significant difference in the level of 99 percent between and mental strategy competencies. So, these competencies were higher among entrepreneurs consulting services.

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