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Mrs Zahra Pazokinejad, Mr Mostafa Bageriyan,
Volume 5, Issue 9 (4-2018)

Climate change adaptation is generally defined as adjustments in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climate stimuli or their effects which moderated harm or exploit opportunities (IPCC, 2007: 869). Agricultural entrepreneurship is identification process of opportunities and threads of activity environment with new policies to create transformation in agriculture. Therefore, agricultural entrepreneurship can be as an adaptation policy with harmful effects of climate change. The purpose of paper is to study farmers’ attitudes towards agricultural entrepreneurship as an adaptation policy with harmful effects of climate change and to identify influencing factors on it. The statistical population of this study was 7861 villagers in Babolsar city. Using a multi-stage cluster sampling, 140 of them were selected as the statistical sample. The data collection tool was a questionnaire and reliability of data was more than 0/60. In the analysis section, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) were used to describe the data and inferential statistics (regression analysis) were used to identify the effective factors. The findings of the research showed that   farmers’ attitudes towards agricultural entrepreneurship were positive.  Among influencing factors, normative pressure and belief in climate change were importance factors determining farmers’ tendency towards agricultural entrepreneurship. Using the capabilities and support of rural Islamic councils to inform farmers about farming entrepreneurship Increasing farmers' knowledge of the environment, Familiarity of farmers with entrepreneurship experts and their consulting services were suggestions of the promotion of agricultural entrepreneurship.
Mr Aliakbar Aghajaniafrouzi, Dr. Jahangir Yadolahifarsi, Phd Mahmod Ahmadpour Dariani, Professor Mahmoud Motavasseli,
Volume 6, Issue 11 (9-2019)

    In recent years, with the growth of studies in the field of family business, research on the corporate social responsibility has increased in parallel. Regarding the importance of social responsibility studies in the field of family business, the present study identifies the component of corporate social responsibility in order to investigate its impact on family business performance in Mazandaran province. In this regard, a descriptive survey method using structural equation model was used in this research. In order to, a researcher-made questionnaire of 67 questions with a five-point Likert questionnaire was used to collect data. A simple stratified sampling method was used to select a sample of 125 active business owners in Mazandaran Province Cooperation and Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture Chambers. The data were analyzed by PLS software and the findings showed that the impact of customer social responsibility with a factor of 84 percent had the greatest impact on the financial performance of the company.                                                  

Ssahar Ekradi, Dr Mahdi Hosseinpour, Hossein Karimi, Milad Bakhsham,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (7-2022)

Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Organizational performance is one of the most important structures in achieving organizational goals and also one of the most important structures discussed in managerial research and without a doubt, it is the most important criterion for measuring the success of commercial companies. the existing competitive environment is more competitive than in the past. in such situations, agricultural organizations have to look for new ways to improve performance. in this regard, one of the most appropriate strategies is to focus on choosing the right organizational strategy and organizational knowledge and its proper management. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of knowledge management on organizational performance with regard to the mediating role of differentiation strategy in agricultural companies located in Kermanshah Science and Technology Park.
Material and Methods: This research is based on the purpose of an applied research, based on data collection, descriptive comparative causal research and in terms of approach or methodology, it is quantitative research. The statistical population of the study was the employees of agricultural companies located in Kermanshah Science and Technology Park, which amounted to 95 people and the sample size was determined using Cochran's formula of 77 people. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data and was scored based on the Likert scale. Descriptive statistics techniques in SPSS software and structural equation analysis in Amos software were used to process the data.
Result: The results showed that knowledge management affects organizational performance both directly and indirectly through the mediating variable of differentiation strategy. Knowledge management is one of the important factors affecting organizational performance that the mediating role of differentiation strategy in this regard was also confirmed.

Conclusion: Agricultural organizations if they want to maintain their position and act in a way that leads to survival, development and success, it is necessary to review its performance and select the appropriate organizational strategy and organizational knowledge and manage it properly. an organization that cannot choose the right competitive strategy and develop its skills, knowledge and knowledge and use it to increase productivity, will not be able to develop any of its resources optimally.

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