Extended Abstract
Background: Extensive studies show that the lack of a suitable job market for university graduates is one of the most important challenges in higher education, which causes students to lack motivation for higher education. Today, new and important tasks have been defined for universities, especially agricultural faculties. One of the important duties of professors at universities is to provide a supportive environment for students to learn and progress. Underlying this task is the development of entrepreneurial characteristics in students during the study programs, which ensures that graduates are ready to work. The development of entrepreneurship at universities requires a network of different factors and components in the form of an entrepreneurial ecosystem. In fact, universities as one of the entrepreneurial ecosystems that play an important role in the growth and development of entrepreneurial activities. On the other hand, the resilience of entrepreneurial education is very important for the role and performance of universities in line with the entrepreneurial ecosystem. In other words, identifying the indicators of the university entrepreneurship ecosystem plays a very important role in identifying entrepreneurial opportunities and improving the entrepreneurial resilience of universities. Considering the role of agricultural colleges in developing the concepts of entrepreneurship and technology needed in the field of agriculture, the entrepreneurial ecosystem and improving entrepreneurial resilience together can improve the performance of agricultural colleges. Therefore, it is highly important to study this field. Thus, the current study aims to identify factors affecting the resilience of entrepreneurship education at agricultural faculties from the perspective of graduate students at the School of Agriculture, Shiraz University.
Methods: This quantitative descriptive research was accomplished using the survey technique. The statistical population of the study was all graduate students (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) studying at the School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, in the academic year 2023-2024. The sample was estimated to be 186 graduate students who were from two master's degree and Ph.D. classes, according to stratified random sampling. A questionnaire was used for data collection. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of expert professors in the field of entrepreneurship at the School of Agriculture, Shiraz University. To confirm the reliability, a pilot study was conducted among 30 students of agricultural fields at Islamic Azad University (Shiraz Branch), followed by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficients (between 0.77 and 0.95) for the questionnaire variables, being considered an acceptable amount. The path analysis method and AMOS software were used to analyze the data and implement the causal model. The causal model of the research obtained an optimal level in terms of model fit indices, so that the Chi-square ratio to the degree of freedom, the comparative fit index, the normative fit index, and the root mean square error index were equal to 1.25, 0.960, 0.966, and 0.024, respectively.
Results: According to the findings of the causal model and based on the graduate students’ attitudes, the entrepreneurship ecosystem had a direct, positive, and significant effect on systematic networking. As a result, the activity and development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem had an effect on the internal and external systematic networking of agricultural schools and expanded communication and interaction between people. Meanwhile, an interesting point was the indirect effect of the entrepreneurial ecosystem variable on external networking through the internal networking variable. On the other hand, the entrepreneurship ecosystem also had a direct, positive, and significant effect on intra-organizational knowledge integration and extra-organizational knowledge integration. Similar to the findings of systemic networking, the entrepreneurial ecosystem variable had an indirect effect on the extra-organizational knowledge integration variable through the intra-organizational knowledge integration variable. Next, the entrepreneurial ecosystem variable had a direct, positive, and significant effect on entrepreneurship development. The effect of extra-organizational knowledge integration was not significant on entrepreneurship development. This finding showed that the existing activities, such as the application of research results of agricultural faculties by the Agricultural Jihad Organization, information sharing between professors and managers of different faculties, facilitating conditions for participation in entrepreneurship workshops outside the university, and providing internship conditions and sabbatical opportunity learning were not in line with the entrepreneurial activities of students. Based on the causal model results, it should generally be acknowledged that the creation of an entrepreneurial ecosystem and the entrepreneurial activities development had a direct, positive, and significant effect on the resilience of entrepreneurship education at agricultural colleges. Moreover, internal and external systematic networking and intra-organizational integration had a direct, positive, and significant effect on the resilience of agricultural colleges.
Conclusion: The unemployment of agricultural graduates has been one of the most important challenges of the country's higher education system in recent years and has adversely affected students' motivation to study and learn. The effect of the entrepreneurship ecosystem on the resilience of agricultural colleges shows that activities such as government policy and strategy, cooperation of various private and public institutions and universities, applied courses related to entrepreneurship, and the role of professors in informing and connecting the students with entrepreneurial activities would be effective for developing the resilience of agricultural colleges. The relationship between the entrepreneurship activities development and the resilience of agricultural colleges also showed that the increase in activities, such as familiarizing the students with the innovation and entrepreneurship center through university managers and professors, supporting the entrepreneurial activities of students through university authorities, preparing for the labor market through participation in entrepreneurship classes, and identifying entrepreneurial opportunities, would be very important in the resilience of agricultural colleges. Creating conditions for the communication and interaction of students with different departments and facilitating the communication of the School of Agriculture with accelerators, entrepreneurship centers, and hubs inside the college and university, and the interaction and cooperation of the School of Agriculture with Science and Technology Parks are among the other suggestions of this study to improve the resilience of educational activities. It is also recommended to move the university toward the creation of interdisciplinary knowledge, and the atmosphere of knowledge sharing is strengthened by holding scientific meetings between students and professors of different disciplines through the formation of informal groups between professors and students.