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Showing 2 results for Karami

Taher Azizi-Khalkheili, Gholamhosein Zamani, Ezatollah Karami,
Volume 5, Issue 10 (7-2018)

Optimal decision making is a prerequisite for job success, and decisions are influenced by motivations. This research was conducted to assess the optimal level of farmers' occupational decision making and the impact of job motivation and other factors on it by descriptive - correlational research and using a survey technique in Marvdasht Township of Fars province. The sample size (249 people) was determined by Mendenhall formula, which up to 307 people to increase research accuracy. A multi stage stratified random sampling method was used for sampling. The data gathering tool was a questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by the professors of agricultural extension and education and a pilot study was carried out to determine its reliability. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for research scales ranged from 0.71 to 0.86, indicating the accepted level of the measurement tool reliability. The results showed that farmers' attention to the optimal decision making criteria was moderate and all four types of job motivation had a positive and significant effect on optimal job decision making. Between the investigated criteria, the amount of hesitation in decision making and changing it has lower situation than the others. Moreover, one of the important factors in optimum decision making is the access of farmers to various information, especially meteorological information. According to the results, it is suggested that   authorities and experts pay more attention to different types of farmers' motivations, and to increase their knowledge and information about decision making subjects, provide them with appropriate solutions.

Mrs. Ommolbani Karami, Dr. Mahsa Fatemi, Dr. Kurosh Rezaei-Moghaddam, Mrs. Fatemeh Badzaban,
Volume 7, Issue 14 (12-2020)

One of the main contexts of women's participation in rural society is the creation of small businesses and entrepreneurship or self-employment. Microfinance funds and the Omid Entrepreneurship Fund have played a significant role in this regard. The main aim of study was to analyze the marketing activities of women entrepreneurs in the Agricultural Development Specialized Holding Companies and Omid Entrepreneurship Fund in Fars province. This survey study was conducted using stratified random sampling method and 307 individuales were interviewed through questionnaires for data collection. The main comparisons between the two women groups were done using T-tests. Based on the results, women entrepreneurs who are the members of Specialized Holding Companies had higher mean in terms of marketing methods awareness, marketing mixes, strategies and environmental factors than the members of Omid Entrepreneurship Fund. The members of the Specialized Holding Companies also were in a better position than women in the Omid Entrepreneurship Fund in terms of personality traits (success, risk-taking, creativity, and independence). In this regard, some applicable suggestions were presented in oreder to improve the marketing activities of rural women.

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