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Showing 1 results for Kheiri

Yadollah Rajaei, Shaghayegh Kheiri, Mohammad Bagher Salimi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (11-2015)

     The purpose of this research is identifying the role of Keshavarzi Bank’s payment  facilities to Small and Medium Size Enterprise (SME) in agricultural employment and production from viowpoint of bank customers  in  Abhar and Khorramdarreh  townships. This study is descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of the study consisted of all Recipients of capital facilities in the years 1391-1384 more than 50 million riyals from the Keshavarzi Bank that have used reception facilities in the agricultural sector. The proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to reach the respondents. (N=210) out of which 135 people were selected as a sample. Cochran formula was used for sample size (&alpha=0.75-0.80). The researcher made questionnaire was used that confirm its validity and reliability. The results showed that the respondents to a large extent (m = 4.47) on the role of facilitator in the development of agriculture and increase production and earn more (m = 4.25) were agreed. Paired t-test analysis showed that respondents' income before and after the facilities were significant differences in the level of error is 5 percent, based on the resulting average income of respondents has increased after receiving facilities.

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