Mr. Ehsan Masoomi, Dr. Kurosh Rezaei-Moghaddam,
Volume 8, Issue 16 (12-2021)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Opportunity is often mentioned as vital element for understanding entrepreneurship in agriculture sector. Recognition and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities are among the most important steps in the agricultural entrepreneurial process. However, the factors affecting opportunity recognition have received more attention than that affecting opportunity exploitation. Investigation of these concepts in agriculture sector of developing countries is also one of the understudied topics in entrepreneurship research. The aim of this survey research was to investigate factors influencing the number of opportunities exploited by Iranian agricultural entrepreneurs. These factors were considered according to a sector-specific perspective (considering agriculture sector).
Material and Methods: The sample of this study was made up of 256 agricultural entrepreneurs (N=721). Data were gathered using questionnaire which its face validity was confirmed by Shiraz University professors and its reliability was measured through Cronbach’s alpha (0.78≤ α ≤0.92). Data were analyzed using R software. The results indicated positive and significant effects of social networks (B=0.092), perception about agriculture environment (B= 0.099), and experience in agriculture sector (B=0.022) on the number of opportunities exploited by agricultural entrepreneurs. Education (B=-0.022) had a negative and significant effect on the dependent variable.
Results: According to the findings, men were more successful than women in opportunity exploitation and entrepreneurs who live in rural areas were more likely to exploit opportunities than urban entrepreneurs.
Conclusion: Based on the findings, promoting perception about agriculture environment, gaining experience, and joining social networks were suggested for agricultural entrepreneurs. Developing entrepreneurial universities and promoting agriculture image were suggested for the government and the other stakeholders in agricultural entrepreneurship.