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Showing 7 results for Mojaverian

Vida Sarrani Kani, Seyed Motjaba Mojaverian, Mohammad Mehdi Mardanshaahi,
Volume 3, Issue 5 (8-2016)

     The main goal of this study was investigating the effect of the growth of agricultural sector and trade openness level on the stabilized entrepreneurship and new entrepreneurship in selected countries. To do so, the data related to 25 selected countries during the period of
2008-2013 as well as panel data approach used. The assessment results indicated a positive and significant effect of both the variables on the entrepreneurship in the selected countries, such that one percent increase in the trade openness level and agricultural sector growth with a time delay led to 18.30 and 0.06 percent, respectively, positive change in the stabilized entrepreneurship rate, and on the other hand, one percent increase in the trade openness level and agricultural sector growth with a delay led to 16.73 and 0.32 percent, respectively, positive change in the new entrepreneurship rate. Therefore, in order to accomplish entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector, increasing attention toward these two subjects, and eliminating the obstacles facing them should be placed in countries’ agenda.
Seyed Mojtaba Mojaverian, Foad Eshghie,
Volume 5, Issue 9 (4-2018)

Providing people's feed requirement, raw materials for industry, employment and creating incomes is important; strengthening and developing the agricultural sector has a significant role in consolidating the economic foundations of developing countries; for this reason, the stability and sustainability of agricultural sector growth. For this reason, the stability and sustainability of the agricultural sector are among the main drivers of social stability and economic growth. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the share of agricultural employment with the fear of entrepreneurship in the three categories of high economic growth, sustained economic growth, and unsustainable economic growth. Therefore, the panel data related to fears of failure rates and agricultural employment share in the years of 2008- 2017 for 15 countries and the Panel least squares method were used. The results show that there is an inverse relationship between the share of agricultural employment and the fear of entrepreneurial failure. Investigating the relationship between these three groups showed that there was no significant difference between them. To better understand the environmental factors governing the relationship between industrialization and entrepreneurship, re-sampling should be done. Based on the results, it is suggested that in the conditions of rapid structural changes and in countries with high agricultural share, more government guarantees are needed.

Roghayeh Zahedian Tejeneki, Mojtaba Mojaverian, Seyed Ali Hosseini Yekani,
Volume 6, Issue 12 (12-2019)

          Improving business environment is one of the factors affecting on the economic development of rural areas. In this study, 75  of the owners of agricultural businesses were evaluated and ranking of  business environment was conducted. Factor analysis showed that 5 factors effect  the rural economic activists, which explain 72% of the changes. Among the extracted factors, the first factor with 33.97% of total changes was named as business environment. Based on the components of this factor, the share of each of the measurable items was calculated and according to these shares, the cities of Mazandaran province were ranked. Results of TOPSIS method showed that Babol, Sari and Amol cities are in the ranks of the first to third respectively in rural areas. The scores of these three cities are 59.35, 53.68 and 50.68, respectively. The score of each city shows that the cities of Mazandaran province are different in terms of business environment index and all of cities are far from the ideal point, so it is necessary to do appropriate actions for Improvement the states of cities of Mazandaran province. The most important priorities for improving the business environment in rural areas are security and social capital, accessing to electricity, roads and markets, respectively.

Dr Seyed Mojtaba Mojaverian, Dr Foad Eshqi, Mr Hossin Rahmani Esmaeili,
Volume 8, Issue 15 (7-2021)

Consumer preferences regarding tea packaging are very important in the tea packaging industry and businesses. In this study, by combining symmetric analysis method with artificial neural network algorithm, buyers' preferences for tea packaging and factors affecting it have been used to identify. Tea packaging influences consumer preferences and marketing by conveying visual and textual information. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of simultaneous tea packaging characteristics with price component on consumer preferences by symmetric analysis and artificial neural network based on symmetric analysis in Sari. The required data were collected in 1397 by completing 296 questionnaires. In this research, SPSS and Excel software have been used. Based on the results of the conjoint analysis of the four characteristics of the shape, Information, price and brand. the information on the package had the greatest impact on the consumer. Also, limited information is more preferable than complete information. Relatively newer brands are more preferable to long-term brands. Using the weight obtained from the results of conjoint analysis in the artificial neural network along with the entry of income, age and amount of tea consumption variables, the results showed that the effect of information on the total model of neural network is 25%, price is 50%, shape is 22% and brand is 19% in consumer selection. In the artificial neural network model, with the arrival of the variables income, age, and consumption of tea, choose according to the income and consumption of state of mind (desires) to the mode select consumer (close to the demand), the adjustment is that, in terms of properties of individual artificial neural network model leads to a realistic show the preferences of the  consumer in the model, artificial neural network has been؛ For example, the effect of tea price variable increased from 24% in conjoint analysis to 50% in synthetic neural network model based on conjoint analysis. According to the results of the research, entrepreneurs and business owners related to tea packaging should do the packaging in the form of a combination of minimal information (brand name, consumer price and production date and expiration) in the form of cylindrical cans and high price level.

Foad Eshghi, Seyed Mojtaba Mojaverian, Mohammad Mehdi Mardanshahi,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (7-2022)

Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Agriculture is an activity with various risks, including production, trade and financial risks. The instability of the prices of agricultural products as a major problem has always caused concern and distrust of producers and consumers towards the market. Price insurance with price risk coverage, which is the most important market sign and the most important factor in production and sales decisions, is a good way to reduce product price fluctuations in the market. The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of price insurance to cover the price risk of farmers in Sari, which reduces the risk of agricultural prices and business stability.
Material and Methods: In this study, using field data and interviews with farmers, Features affecting the acceptance of price insurance such as price insurance flexibility for different products and its varieties, the ability to update premiums based on market day price ,and calculate fair premiums based on the index agreed by the insurer and insurance were investigated. For this purpose, Spearman correlation coefficient and structural equations were used for farmers in Sari.
Results: The results showed that between price insurance and price insurance flexibility variables for different varieties and different products, the ability to update the premium based on the market day price and calculate a fair premium based on the index agreed by the insurer and the insurer there is a positive correlation. Also, the correlation between price insurance and the ability to update premiums based on the market price is greater than other effective factors.
Conclusion: According to the results, the flexibility of price insurance on the acceptance of price insurance for different products and its varieties by farmers, the ability to update price insurance on the acceptance of price insurance by farmers and price insurance on a fair premium based The index agreed by the insurer and the insurer of price insurance has an effect on the acceptance of price insurance by farmers. Therefore, the research hypotheses are confirmed.

Miss Somayeh Pasandideh, Foad Eshghi, Phd Seyed Mojtaba Mojaverian, Phd Mahsa Taslimi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (7-2024)

ies, focusing on the success of these new products and the profitability of insurance companies.
Methods: The Choice Experiment method is based on two basic parts, including Lancaster's value theory and Random utility function theory. According to Lancaster, a person benefits from the attributes and characteristics of a product compared to the state where he directly uses the product. Therefore, a change in price leads to a change in the Choice of a set of goods over other goods, which creates a higher cost. The theory of random utility function is the second structural part of the selection test method. Based on this theory, all the components of the utility function that result from people's choices are not directly visible to the researcher. In this research, five attributes, moral hazard, franchise, insurance premium estimate, ability to update insurance premium, and price as the main variables in two levels were considered for investigation. In such a way that the audience has two levels for each of the attributes (has the moral hazard /does not have the moral hazard, has the franchise /does not have the franchise, has the insurance premium estimate /does not have the insurance premium estimates, can update insurance premium /cannot update insurance premium, and the price attribute is up to 3000000 Tomans/up to 3750000 Tomans). To collect the necessary data and information, in February 2024, questionnaires were sent to all active private insurance companies in Mazandaran province, which had experienced experts with more than 3 years of relevant work experience, of which 45 questionnaires were completed. The Choice Experiment was valid. The conditional logit method was used to estimate the model. Hence, to ensure the correct use of the conditional logit method to estimate the model, first, using the Hausman-McFadden test, the hypothesis of independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) was examined. For this purpose, first, the model was estimated in an unrestricted form with the presence of all options; Then, by removing one of the options, the model was estimated in a restricted form and according to the
x2 (chi-square) statistic, a decision was made about the desired model. If the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the coefficients (in other words, the hypothesis of independence of irrelevant alternatives) is not rejected, the conditional logit method can be used to estimate the model.
Results: Based on the obtained results, the value of the chi-square statistic was equal to -1.62, which indicates the confirmation of the null hypothesis and establishing the independence of irrelevant alternatives; Accordingly, conditional logit regression is the most suitable model for investigating the effective attributes of price insurance in its acceptance by insurance companies. According to the results, the sign of the coefficients of the franchise, insurance premium, and price variables is positive and by the theory; Also, the variables of moral hazard and the ability to update have an inverse relationship with the utility of price insurance by insurance companies. The coefficient of the final effect of the moral hazard variable is equal to -0.072, which means that with other variables being constant if the characteristic of a unit's moral hazard increases, the marginal utility or willingness to pay insurers will decrease by 0.072 units. The value of the final effect of the insurance premium variable is 0.098, which states that if the premium attribute increases one unit, in a situation where other attributes are constant, the willingness to pay or the marginal utility of the insurers increases by 0.098 units.
Conclusion: Accordingly, the sign of the coefficients of the franchise, insurance premium calculation, and price variables is positive and according to the theory. Also, variables of moral hazard and the ability to update insurance premiums have an inverse relationship with the utility of price insurance by insurers. The effect of the attributes of price insurance is the highest in the form of franchise, insurance premium calculation, moral hazard, and the ability to update insurance premiums. Also, considering that 70% of insurance companies' experts welcome price insurance, including it in the insurance portfolio offered by insurance companies can improve the profitability of insurance companies and on the other hand, improve the business environment related to agriculture if the insurance premium is determined and strengthen food security. By developing price insurance, the policymaker can compensate to a large extent the current damage caused by insurance of agricultural products. 

Roghayeh Zahedian Tejeneki, Seyed Mojtaba Mojaverian,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (2-2025)

Knowing the behavior of investors in the stages of creating economic units is one of the first steps to solve the problems they face. Usually, investors have plans and programs for building economic units, and based on them, they provide the resources needed to build their unit. One of the conditions that investors pay attention to in unit construction plans is the market situation. Choosing the right size of the unit, the number of products produced and choosing the right strategy for selling the product will be a great help in advancing the goals of the economic unit. In this regard, choosing the correct type and number of products produced by an economic unit will help a lot in attracting the target market. Product diversification strategy is one of the ways for economic units to achieve goals such as introducing the product to different markets, reducing risk, increasing market power and reducing the probability of bankruptcy. But the adoption of this strategy in the construction stage requires different production lines and more cost, the effects of this strategy are shown in the cost of creating the unit and the speed of completing the unit. Therefore, in this study, an attempt is made to determine the effect of this type of strategy on the establishment of food and beverage industries in Mazandaran province. The reason for choosing food industries in this study was the importance of these units in the country's industry and their relationship with food security. Also, the cheapness of the raw materials of agricultural products and foreign exchange and the lower capital required compared to other industrial units have made the food and beverage industry one of the priorities for reducing unemployment in every country.
Research method: In this study, based on the level of physical progress, food and beverage industries in Mazandaran province were divided into four groups: primary, semi-developed, exploitable and exploited. The role of influencing factors (type of activity, type of ownership, size of activity, location of activity, strategy of product diversification and time) on the construction process of these industries was investigated using the ordered logit model and the required information was obtained from the website of the province's industry, mining and trade organization. Mazandaran was collected in 2022.
Results: The results of the ordinal logit model showed that among the variables affecting the construction process of food and beverage industries, the type of ownership had the greatest effect on the construction process. The variables of time, variety of products, area of the unit, place of establishment have a significant effect on the construction process. Variables of proposed capacity, private ownership, cooperative ownership and product diversification strategy have a negative effect on the progress of construction. On the other hand, the variables of industrial towns, Bread Biscuits Sweets activity and the years 2007 and 2008 have a positive effect on the construction process. Also, the choice of product diversification strategy by the applicants will reduce the chances of exploiting the food industry. So that the units with product variety have 6% less chance in exploitation than other units. The variable coefficient of the type of ownership shows that the probability of the cooperative units being placed in the preparatory group of construction is 38% higher than that of joint-stock units, and in the later stages of construction, these units have less chance than joint-stock units. On the other hand, food industries with share ownership have 32.7% more chance of exploitation than private food industries. The availability of the necessary infrastructure to start activities in industrial towns increases the possibility of exploiting the food industries of Mazandaran province, so that the chances of units whose location is in industrial towns are 13% higher than others. It is units. Choosing the activity of Bread Biscuits Sweets products will increase the chances of using the food industry. So that the probability of completing these units is 11% higher than other activities. One of the reasons for this result can be attributed to the high consumption of bakery products (such as fancy bread, biscuits, sweets) by people.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that despite the benefits of the product diversification strategy in market development, this strategy increases construction costs and prolongs the construction process of food and beverage industries. Also, factors such as type of ownership and type of activity had a great effect on the construction process of food industries in Mazandaran province. Based on the results of this research, suggestions such as the priority of supporting the existing semi-finished units and granting new construction permits to joint-stock, private and cooperative ownership respectively and paying cheap facilities for the construction of food and beverage industries were presented. Also, despite the effect of the product diversity strategy in introducing the product on a wide level, this strategy increases the construction costs and prolongs the construction process of food and beverage industries. Therefore, it is recommended that new units start working by offering products with less variety and start diversifying the product as the experience of the unit increases.

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