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Showing 3 results for Naghavi

Nasser Aghaabbasi, Somayeh Naghavi,
Volume 8, Issue 15 (7-2021)

    Effective entrepreneurial activity can lead to economic development, employment, innovation and competitiveness. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the global Entrepreneurship Index in the employment of industry, services and agriculture sectors in selected countries using the method of discriminant analysis in 2018. For this purpose, using the K-means cluster analysis method, the countries were categorized into two groups. The countries of the first group were the countries with low levels in terms of average employment in industry, services and agriculture, and the countries of the second group were countries with high levels in terms of average employment in these three sectors. The results of discriminant analysis showed that the entrepreneurship index is the second most effective variable in employment after the share of value added of services and agriculture in GDP. Also, with the promotion of the Global Entrepreneurship Index, which is a symbol of the health of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, employment in the agricultural and service sectors of the countries in the second group will increase. This issue emphasizes the importance of the role of entrepreneurship ecosystem in employment. Therefore, protect for the development of entrepreneurship and improving of entrepreneurship ecosystem with high growth and discovery of existing potentials with the aim of increasing employment and added value should be considered.

Neda Baniasadi, Somayeh Naghavi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Extended Abstract
Background: One of the most important economic and social developments in Iran has been the significant increase in the population of female entrepreneurs. Women entrepreneurs play a significant role in job creation, wealth, poverty reduction, human development, education, health, and development of the country, especially in developing countries. The development of transformational and complementary industries in villages is a solution for empowerment and capacity building to reduce the gap between cities and villages, create economic, social, environmental, and institutional equality, and is an important tool to achieve sustainable development. The lack of attention to innovation management in the date conversion and finishing industries is one of the important factors that has made these industries unable to find their way to global markets. Considering the level of mass palm production, Kerman Province can take an effective step toward industrialization and creating employment for women in villages by developing processed products related to dates. The role of women is very important in the agricultural production system and rural development. Women are active in different ways in the villages, but their activity is invisible. Rural entrepreneurship in the direction of empowering rural women, as a key factor in reducing gender gaps, preventing migration to cities, and ensuring food security, is one of the important pillars of rural community development. Rural women's entrepreneurship supports the stability of the local economy in the village and improves the villagers’ quality of life. To inform society and defend the rights of women, various activities have been carried out in this field. By analyzing the capacities, talents, and opportunities of each region, entrepreneurs can offer many challenges and solutions for rural women's entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and employment of rural women increase the family income and improve the literacy and health status of the family and can affect rural life and ultimately the whole society. Therefore, identifying the entrepreneurial talents of rural people, especially rural women, and trying to develop and strengthen entrepreneurship by providing its basic conditions, are of particular importance. Accordingly, the present research aims to identify the dimensions of the development of date conversion and complementary industries in the development of rural women entrepreneurs.
Methods: This research is a descriptive-analytical study in terms of the nature and method and an applied study in terms of the purpose. Information was collected through library and field studies. The geographical area is the villages of Kerman Province where palm trees grow and women are active in the field of date processing and supplementary industries. In the qualitative part, data were collected using the opinions of academic experts, managers, and entrepreneurial experts with semi-structured interviews using the approach of database theory. The tools of data collection were interviews and questionnaires in the qualitative and quantitative parts, respectively. According to the outputs of the interview part, the research questionnaire was extracted through the final codes and put in the form of a quantitative part questionnaire in the quantitative part of the research. According to the statistics of 2021, 96 people were employed in the three fields of marketing, packaging, and processing of date products. A sample size of 76 people was estimated according to Cochran's formula. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire containing 58 items. SPSS and Amos software were used for data analysis. The structural equation modeling method was used to analyze and examine the desired relationships in the conceptual model.
Results: According to the results obtained from the confirmatory factor analysis model and the scores or factor load for each of the indicators, causal conditions, background conditions, intervening conditions, consequences, and the development model of date transformation and complementary industries on strategies with path coefficients of 0.82, 0.39, 0.76, and 0.86, respectively, significantly affect the entrepreneurship of rural agricultural women. The final model was obtained from the categories of causal conditions (system efficiency and innovation with a factor load of 0.81), contextual category (marketing ability with a factor load of .79), and intervening conditions (economic incentives with a factor load of 0.88) in strategies (globalization with a factor load of 89 0.0) and consequences (economic growth with a factor load of 0.89).
Conclusion: The studies conducted on date conversion and complementary industries in the villages of Kerman Province showed that educated women with different specializations and the desire to be entrepreneurs in the field of date conversion and complementary industries in rural areas  will become active members of the local community by creating employment and financial support for rural women. Processing agricultural products, including dates, with an innovative approach is a useful action among rural women entrepreneurs to improve women's access to global markets. Since rural women are weak financially and socially, strengthening rural women's entrepreneurship should be accompanied by financial and economic support. The category of entrepreneurship is associated with the concept of innovation, therefore, innovative women should be supported and the necessary background and facilities, including education, should be provided for rural women to be innovative regarding the transformation and complementary industries of dates. Setting up business teams of rural women increases their awareness and capacity for employment and entrepreneurship.


Bahareh Parsa Motlagh, Somayeh Naghavi, Reza Youneszadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Extended Abstract
Background: Sustainable development is a development that meets the current needs of societies without jeopardizing the needs of future generations so that a combination of economic, social, and environmental factors is included in its measurement indicators. One of the most important parts of sustainable development is agriculture, which has a significant impact on society and plays a very important role in nations due to the determination of social, economic, and political priorities. Since rapid population growth leads to an increase in the environmental costs of developing countries, it is very important to pay attention to food security and achieve sustainable development. Therefore, its risks can be reduced by planning appropriate cultivation patterns based on diverse agricultural products. The advantages of cultivation patterns include reducing the consumption of fertilizers and herbicides, reducing the contamination of food with chemicals, high efficiency of land use, yield stability, distribution of the share of labor during the growing season, less dependence on storage, more market opportunities in crop production, sustainability, and long-term profitability without the need for more financial investments.  Considering the area under cultivation and high production, the special climate of the region in the south of Kerman Province, the need to plan for appropriate cultivation patterns is particularly important. The current research aimed to investigate and identify the challenges of cultivation patterns and diversity of crops in the south of Kerman Province and to provide solutions and suggestions.
Methods: The research implementation and data collection were through research-descriptive and survey-type methods, and it is a research-applicable study in terms of the goal. The research was carried out by completing 50 questionnaires by experts in the south of Kerman Province. The tools of data collection included library studies, questionnaires, the use of experts' opinions, interviews, and Friedman's test to rank infrastructural, educational-supportive, economic, and agricultural barriers. The questionnaire used in this research included four parts, infrastructural, educational-supportive, economic, and agricultural barriers. Statistical analysis was done using Excel and SPSS software.
Results: The results showed a significant difference between infrastructural, economic, educational-supportive, and agricultural barriers, among which infrastructural obstacles, economic obstacles, educational-supportive obstacles, and agricultural obstacles were in the first (3.80), second (2.92), third (2), and fourth (1/28) ranks, respectively. Among the indicators of educational-supportive obstacles, the index of the lack of suitable organization and company for the approval of agricultural products ranked first (4.10), among the indicators of economic obstacles, the weak and low guarantee purchase index ranked first (21/ 4), among the indices of agricultural barriers, the index of farmers' experience and customs in cultivating a crop was in the first place (3.78), and among the infrastructural, economic, educational-supportive and agricultural barriers, the infrastructural barriers were in the first place (3/80). It seems that among the obstacles to complying with the appropriate planting pattern of the region in the indicators of economic obstacles, the farmers' lack of access to the necessary facilities, the lack of suitable support packages, and the sale of various products are the major reasons for the farmers non-participation in the south of Kerman Province. On the other hand, repeating the cultivation of some crops every year and the personal unwillingness of farmers to change the cultivation pattern are among other obstacles. Agriculture is influenced by human society and changing natural conditions. One of these changes is the cultivation pattern that is chosen by farmers or imposed on them. Therefore, educating the necessary awareness about the environment, infrastructure, encouraging, and supporting farmers regarding the appropriate cultivation pattern, and paying attention to its application are useful solutions that will increase the farmers’ quality of life and sustainable development.
Conclusion: The following suggestions are made regarding the results of this research: 1- Provision and necessary conditions in implementing the appropriate cultivation pattern aiming at balancing the cultivation levels and encouraging the cultivation of strategic crops. 2- Determining the price and purchase of strategic products .3- The practical and direct participation of the community of experts and specialists in the entire process of planting, growing, and harvesting strategic products with farmers. 4- Correct planning for the development of conversion and export industries for surplus products. 5- Payment of facilities for farmers who follow the planting pattern. 6- Development of the cultivation of low-water plants in the cultivation pattern of the region. 7- Allocation of subsidized chemical inputs to agricultural and horticultural crops according to the cultivation pattern. 8- Applying the governance of water resources in agriculture, especially in the case of wells, through the installation of smart meters and determining the water requirement of the desired crops in the cultivation pattern, soil conditions, and the capacity of the region and climate, and paying facilities for farmers who follow the planting pattern.

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