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Mrs Zahra Pazokinejad, Mr Mostafa Bageriyan,
Volume 5, Issue 9 (4-2018)

Climate change adaptation is generally defined as adjustments in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climate stimuli or their effects which moderated harm or exploit opportunities (IPCC, 2007: 869). Agricultural entrepreneurship is identification process of opportunities and threads of activity environment with new policies to create transformation in agriculture. Therefore, agricultural entrepreneurship can be as an adaptation policy with harmful effects of climate change. The purpose of paper is to study farmers’ attitudes towards agricultural entrepreneurship as an adaptation policy with harmful effects of climate change and to identify influencing factors on it. The statistical population of this study was 7861 villagers in Babolsar city. Using a multi-stage cluster sampling, 140 of them were selected as the statistical sample. The data collection tool was a questionnaire and reliability of data was more than 0/60. In the analysis section, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) were used to describe the data and inferential statistics (regression analysis) were used to identify the effective factors. The findings of the research showed that   farmers’ attitudes towards agricultural entrepreneurship were positive.  Among influencing factors, normative pressure and belief in climate change were importance factors determining farmers’ tendency towards agricultural entrepreneurship. Using the capabilities and support of rural Islamic councils to inform farmers about farming entrepreneurship Increasing farmers' knowledge of the environment, Familiarity of farmers with entrepreneurship experts and their consulting services were suggestions of the promotion of agricultural entrepreneurship.

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