Extended Abstract
Background: Although studies indicate the existence of extensive and, at the same time, scattered programs during the years after the revolution in the field of removing deprivation, improvement, and rural construction, with the allocation of necessary credits in the field of rural programs, it seems that deprivation, poverty, and inequality still prevail in rural areas. The effects of this situation are visible in the issues and problems of rural areas, including unemployment of family members, population evacuation and physical destruction of the village, poverty and inequality, lack of access to educational and health facilities, increasing dependence on government social support, inability to face climate changes, weakness of infrastructure, land degradation, low-yield agriculture, loss of valuable pastures, and low level of income. To fulfill its missions, including ensuring the food security of the society and playing an effective role in strengthening national independence, the agricultural sector needs a rapid transition from the subsistence and traditional production stage to the industrial and commercial production stage. In this regard, agricultural development can provide opportunities for attracting facilities and services in the village and is an important factor in preventing unemployment and its negative consequences and problems. Among agricultural products, olive trees have long been of interest to different societies due to their long life, adaptability to relatively a wide spectrum of environmental conditions, historical aspects, and their high value in human nutrition and health. This is because the development of olive cultivation in the region is an important factor for attracting labor, creating employment, generating income, reducing unemployment, and especially preventing group migrations and evacuation of manpower from villages. In this direction and to improve the welfare of villagers, the present research aimed to identify the strategies for the development of olive cultivation in the rural areas of Rijab City.
Methods: In terms of the purpose, the current research is considered a descriptive survey research in the category of applied research and data collection and analysis. A combined approach (qualitative-quantitative), Delphi methods, and hierarchical analysis were used to achieve the goal of the research. The community studied in this research was exemplary and leading farmers, experts of the Agricultural Jihad Organization, and subject matter experts in Rijab City, among which 21 people were selected as members of the Delphi panel using the purposeful Snowball sampling method. In this research, a consensus was reached after three rounds of investigation regarding the strategies for the development of olive cultivation in the rural areas of Rijab City. The main research tool in the first Delphi round was a questionnaire with open-ended questions, a questionnaire with closed and open-ended questions in the second and third rounds, and a pairwise comparison questionnaire in the hierarchical analysis stage. The data were analyzed using coding, content analysis, and descriptive statistics in SPSS, Excel, and Expert Choice software.
Results: Based on the research results, for the development of olive cultivation in the rural areas of Rijab City, 27 solutions were identified in the form of four general categories, including educational and skill solutions, cultural and social solutions, infrastructural and service solutions, and economic and support solutions. The most frequency was dedicated to economic and support solutions. It was also determined that the solutions for paying low-interest facilities for the construction of olive gardens and the development of olive processing and packaging industries were respectively the most important and, in other words, the most appropriate solutions for the development of olive cultivation in the rural areas of Rijab City.
Conclusion: The cultivation of olives in areas with suitable ecological conditions has brought prosperity to horticulture in the region, which brings a stable and permanent income for gardeners in the long run. On the other hand, the cultivation of olive groves through the use of labor in all stages from the construction of the orchard to the harvest of the crop will boost employment and create job opportunities in the olive-growing areas, and this development of olive groves and increasing its production will create a competitive advantage that attracts investors from other regions. In addition, the development of olive groves has an effect on the livelihood and sustainable food security of the village and seeks social welfare. Based on the findings of the present research, programs and measures can be suggested for paying low-interest facilities for the construction of olive groves, development of olive processing and packaging industries, efforts to attract local, regional, and national investors for the development of olive groves, development of educational and promotional infrastructures in the field, planting, growing, and harvesting olives, establishing an olive oiling workshop, providing subsidized and free seedlings, developing transformation industries to reduce the sale of raw olives, and holding training and skill training courses on planting and using olives. In this regard, olive cultivation in the Rijab region has led to the prosperity of horticulture due to the favorable ecological conditions, which will lead to the development of sustainable agricultural businesses and farmers' achievement of stable and permanent income in the long run. Therefore it is suggested to identify suitable places for the development of olive groves by carrying out research projects and location plans based on detailed climate studies, soil science, etc. Farmers should be encouraged to cultivate olives by creating experimental and demonstration farms under the supervision of research centers. The quality reduction and corruption of the olive product should be prevented by modernizing the oil extraction methods and improving storage conditions. Considering that most of the agricultural land in the city of Rijab is mountainous and steep, investing and using bank facilities and agricultural subsidies for the development of olive orchards can prevent soil erosion in these areas.