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Ladan Razikordmahaleh, Maryam Larijani,
Volume 5, Issue 9 (4-2018)

Identifying and developing green jobs in the agricultural and rangeland areas can revitalize the rural economy and the environment. Green jobs are considered by policy makers as the main solution to the global crisis in the current economy and environment, and the move towards a more sustainable economy and a society that maintains the environment of current and future generations. The present article aims to identify the intermediate factors and dimensions of green jobs through an interpretative and multifactorial approach. The method of this article is a qualitative and quantitative in the framework of Grounded Theory. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the matter, a semi-structured interview, in 2017, with 50 experts on environmental experts at the department of environmental protection, municipality, faculty members of the universities, the natural resources and watersheds organization, the Agricultural Jihad and NGOs, the issue of values and actions has served as the main research tool. The samples were selected through purposive sampling and snowball method, and interviews were conducted to the point of theoretical saturation. Findings of data analysis in this three steps show that factors such as the synergy of the Economic, social and environmental dimensions can create green job. The green jobs is influenced by underlying and structural factors.


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