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Showing 2 results for Agriculture Jihad Organization

Zahra Yusefi, Nader Naderi, Bijan Rezaei, Nematollah Shiri,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2015)

     The overall goal of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the development of agricultural entrepreneurship in rural areas. The study population included all experts of Agriculture Jihad Organization of Kermanshah Proviance (N=197) that 130 of them were selected using Cochran’s formula. The main research tool Researcher made questionnaire which had been made by a group of experts and its validity and reliability had been coefficient using Spss according to Cronbach's alpha coefficient (91%). The Data in two descriptive and inferential statistics. Inferential statistics used in this study were Friedman nonparametric test and the average rating the results of this study showed that among the factors affecting the development of agricultural entrepreneurship in rural areas there is a significant difference statistically; So that based on the view of respondents Environment Factors have the greate impact and Socid factors have the smallest impact on the development of agricultural entrepreneurship in rural areas. The other Factors affecting the development of agricultural entrepreneurship include psychological, education and economics. According to the priorities of environmental factors, making appropriate laws and incentives for agricultural entrepreneurial activities and removing barriers such as obtaining permits and commissioning stages of entrepreneurial business, expanding and improving the possibility of living in the rural villages and making the vast possibilities available to villagers can provide the context of development of agricultural entrepreneurship in rural areas.

Akbar Bahmani, Seyed Mehdi Mousavi Davoudi, Mehdi Vaezi,
Volume 5, Issue 10 (7-2018)

The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of green entrepreneurship orientation in increasing the performance of Agriculture Jihad Organization. The present study is an applied research and included witin descriptive research method. In this research, green entrepreneurship has been considered as an independent variable and organizational performance as a dependent variable. The statistical population of this research includes 115 managers and employees of Mazandaran Agriculture Jihad Organization. According to Krejcie & Morgan table, the minimum number of sample size has been determined as 89 people that have been selected randomly. Further, standardized questionnaires have been used to gather necessary data. The reliability of the questionnaire has ben approved by Cronbach's alpha coefficienty; Moreover, combined reliability, has been confirmed by using convergent validity. Furthermore, the validity has been confirmed by content validity through the esperts idea about the questionnaire. Further, SPSS22 and AMOS22 softwares were used to analyzing the data and determining the correlation between variables. The results of the current study show that green entrepreneurship has a significant effect on organizational performance. Therefore, managers can take a practical step towards developing environmental activities considering the dimensions of green entrepreneurship and their institutionalization in the organization.

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