Showing 8 results for Challenge
Rezvan Ghambarali, Hossein Agahi, Amir Hossein Ali Baygi, Kumars Zarafshani,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2014)
In today's world, despite the many changes and developments, entrepreneurship development in the agricultural sector has become a major necessity and the need, especially in developing countries, are increasingly is growing . Despite the growth of agriculture entrepreneurial businesses, access to finance for agricultural entrepreneurs, still remain a problem so that lack of access to finance have been mentioned as the main reason for the failure of entrepreneurial businesses. Therefore, the purpose of this survey study was to determine challenges of access to financial capital for agricultural entrepreneurs . The study used a descriptive survey design.The population of the study was consisted of two groups of agricultural entrepreneurs and managers of banks that according to Table Bartlett and others, the sample size was determined. Random sampling method was used to select the samples. The results showed that the long process of application, high interest rates, lack of collateral /guarantees, were identified as the main barriers perceived by men entrepreneurs in the process of receiving credit from banks. While barriers, lack of collateral/guarantee, inappropriate behavior, and the long process of application to the bank employees as the most important barriers identified by women entrepreneurs. Further findings showed that managers of commercial banks and financial institutions have mentioned lack of guarantees or collateral, poor business plan and poor financial track record of the entrepreneur as the main reasons for refuse of financial applicant entrepreneurs . It also appears that men and women finance their businesses differently. Men entrepreneurs are more to use from personal savings , banks and friends and relatives to obtain loans while women entrepreneur s would prefer to use from personal savings and friends and relatives rather than banks and private institutions.
Roya Eshraqhi Samani, Tayyebeh Karimi, Marjan Vahedi, Tayyebeh Saydeh,
Volume 3, Issue 5 (8-2016)
The current research was conducted with the purpose of Challenges of rural entrepreneurship in Ilam province. With respect to objectives, this research is an applied study using a survey method. Statistical population of the current research includes 400 persons of village assistants of Ilam province Sample size was determined through Cochran formula (n=196). Sampling was carried out through stratified random sampling method with appropriate assignment Content validity and face validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by experts’ judgments and the reliability of which was determined through the calculation of Cronbach alpha coefficient (=α0.86). Data analysis was carried out using SPSS software, version 19.According to results of factor analysis, five factors were identified including economic, political, instructional, social, and cultural impediments which specified 62.82 percent of the total variance. In addition, economic impediments with a special value of 5.035 explains the largest portion of total variance (22.31 percent) and cultural impediments with the special value of 1.484 explains the smallest portion (5.48 percent).
Ali Karshenasan, Mozhgan Alizade,
Volume 3, Issue 6 (12-2016)
The main purpose of this paper is to identify the challenges and barriers of entrepreneurship development in the conversion industry of horticultural products in North Khorasan Province and prioritize those barriers and finally provide solutions to the barriers to the development of this industry. For this purpose, the required information was obtained through face-to-face interviews and completed a questionnaire with 20 managers and experts from Jihad-e-Agriculture Organization, Department of Industry, Mine, Trade, Chamber of Commerce and Agricultural Bank of North Khorasan Province. The results show that the barriers to financing in the first place are the factors affecting the transformation industries of North Khorasan province, after which the market-related bottlenecks are ranked second, the lack of strategic planning in the gardening products conversion industry is ranked third, paperwork In the process of issuing licenses (bureaucratic system) and the weakness of the private sector management system and the cooperative of conversion units, they are ranked fourth in the fourth place, and the weakness of coordination between government agencies is in the fifth position. Therefore, it is proposed to pay a loan with easier conditions and a longer repayment period Will happen. It also, reduces the creation of a single window between organizations for licensing, costs, and the timing of the start-up of workshops and conversion industries, and the implementation of focused marketing programs to engage in regional and cross-border markets and seasonal markets will help solve the problem market bottlenecks.
Nasrin Koohi, Hamed Chaharsoughi Amin,
Volume 5, Issue 10 (7-2018)
The aim of this study was to identify the challenges of rural women entrepreneurship development in Ilam city. The statistical population of the study consisted of 51 rural women entrepreneurs in Ilam city who were studied by census method. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose content validity was confirmed by the opinion of the faculty members and experts of rural extension and development. The reliability of the research instrument was determined using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α = 0.78). Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and factor analysis with SSPS20 software. The results of factor analysis with exploratory approach led to the identification of four factors that explained in the form of educational training challenges, economic and legal challenges, individual and mental challenges, and socio-cultural challenges of 59.08% of the total variance. Extension and educational challenges as the first factor with a special amount of 2/631 had the highest share (21.62%) and social cultural challenges with a special amount of 1.306 of the lowest contribution (10.88%) in explaining the total variance.
Mr Farshad Razmavar, Dr Moslem Savari,
Volume 8, Issue 16 (12-2021)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Villages play an undeniable role in economic, socio-political growth in the social and demographic system of countries and agriculture as a strategy for rural development includes most of the economic activities of villagers. Currently, the phenomenon of sustainable employment in rural communities is more important than before because sustainable job development among villagers is an important strategy that can improve the rural development process. Therefore, only by increasing employment in rural areas can the phenomenon of migration be prevented because agricultural resources alone will not meet their needs. The depopulation of villages can be a major threat to the food security of the community. In this way the aim of this study was to design sustainable employment mechanisms among tobacco farmers.
Material and Methods: In this study, the qualitative paradigm and grounded theory of the foundation were used to identify the mechanisms of sustainable employment. Participants in this study included 18 tobacco farmers with more than 10 years of experience in Dashtestan. The samples were selected using snowball sampling method and the criterion for the number of subjects was theoretical saturation. The method of collecting information extracted from the interview participants was semi-structured.
Result: The results of the collected data revealed 48 main challenges among tobacco farmers. Factors of lack of support and purchase of the product at a reasonable price by the city tobacco department, the occurrence of numerous pests, lack of support for domestic production and increase in imports, lack of government support for the agricultural sector, high cost of buying agricultural inputs in the open market and brokers are the most important problems. He was a tobacconist. Factors extracted in 7 economic and support mechanisms (13 factors), agriculture and environment (9 factors), marketing (9 factors), industrialization (4 factors), education and skills (3 factors), policy (6 factors) and motivational (4 factors) were categorized and analyzed. Finally, the mechanisms were placed in the form of Strauss and Corbin models based on their nature.
Conclusion: In general, the results of this research can provide new insights for rural and agricultural development policy makers because all issues and problems of tobacco workers' employment have been identified and with careful planning can help to stabilize them. In this regard, it is suggested that by holding training courses and workshops, they provide the ground for the development of cultivation of this crop among farmers based on scientific and precise principles.
Professor Mohammad Ghorbani, Professor Mahmoud Sabouhi, Mr Pejman Avazpoor,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (7-2022)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Innovation is one of the factors that drive economic growth and production by improving labor productivity, dynamics in industries, and determining economic success. Science and Technological Parks play an important role in the technological development of a country by significantly increasing economic growth. So, knowledge-based companies are known as one of the main factors for accelerating production and achieving economic resilience goals.
Material and Methods: In this study, knowledge-based and agricultural companies located in the Center for Agricultural Technology Development, Natural Resources and Food Industries and Technology Development Center of Gonabad, Neishabour, and Torbat-e Heydarieh have been studied. The method of data collection in this research was by census method and through a questionnaire. The required data of 5 companies were collected via email, 3 companies were collected via telegram, and 39 questionnaires were completed through face-to-face distribution. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The software used in this study was Excel and Stata.
Results: Based on the obtained results, factors such as financial support and business advice were the most important requirements for knowledge-based companies. Also, the most important weaknesses in institutional sectors were lack of financial resources in the financial sector, inability to introduce the product and international marketing in the marketing sector, and lack of proper and timely execution of upstream documents were among the weaknesses in the institutional sector. In contrast, personal capital and product innovation were among the strengths of knowledge-based companies and agricultural technology. Furthermore, the most important threats for these companies were price fluctuations, uncertainty due to foreign currency policies, low level or nonawareness of legal regulations, and long-term process to obtain official permissions. Also, the exclusivity of the product was declared the most important opportunity for companies. The priority of these companies was related to future strategies, export, and focus on foreign markets and attracting investors.
Conclusion: Finally, it is suggested that due to the low efficiency of knowledge-based companies in terms of job creation, the following should be on the agenda: effective entry of universities in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation, drafting an innovation system document, and directing research activities towards knowledge foundations in universities. Also, to increase the employment of agricultural graduates, it is suggested that arrangements be made so that the employment of these people in knowledge-based companies will lead to the establishment of facilities such as providing free insurance coverage for these companies. Knowledge-based companies and agricultural technology need a management-consulting package in the field of marketing and marketing of products, legal and financial products in order to have a stronger presence in the existing space in domestic markets and in the international market.
Dr Ali Ahmadi Firouzjaie, Mrs Leili Ahmadi, Dr Hamideh Khalaj, Dr Aliakbar Aghajani Afrouzi,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (7-2022)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Agribusinesses that follow conventional approach, due to overuse of off-farm inputs threaten ecosystem services, environmental health and human life. Insisting on the continuation of these type of businesses will threaten the sustainable livelihoods of the rural population, as well as the lives and health of consumers. Therefore, to deal with these threats, the creation and development of organic production businesses is an inevitable necessity.The present study sought to first identify and prioritize the challenges of creating and developing organic wheat production business and then introduce appropriate solutions to remove these obstacles and challenges.
Material and Methods: The present study used the Delphi technique to identify and prioritize the barriers and solutions of the creation and development of organic wheat production business. Using snowball sampling, 21 Agriculture-Jahad specialists of Markazi province were selected to participate in two rounds of Delphi technique. The data from the semi-structured interview of the first round were coded using the content analysis and then were compiled as a Likert scale and again provided to the experts for scoring. The coefficient of variation was used to end the Delphi technique and the normalized weight index was used to prioritize the variables.
Results: The results revealed that lack of initial capital, lack of government support for organic wheat production due to the dominance of self-sufficiency policy, improper marketing, insufficient knowledge and skills and low motivation along with long period of transition and lack of insurance coverageas were the most important challenges respectively and the formation of a wheat growers’ cooperative, the payment of low-interest facilities, training and extension, crop insurance and guaranteed purchase along with supplying inputs were the most important solutions respectively.
Conclusion: In short, in this study an economic challenge i.e. insufficient initial capital has been introduced as the first and most important obstacle for creating and developing the organic wheat production business and a policy issue i.e., lack of government support for organic wheat production due to the dominance of self-sufficiency policy has been introduced as the second important obstacle. Other challenges, namely marketing, cognitive and psychological problems, are overshadowed by these two challenges and are in the next ranks. The interesting thing is that given the challenges, a social action, i.e., organizing wheat farmers in the form of a production cooperative, has been introduced as the first and most important solution to address the challenges and reduce their adverse effects. So that other measures such as payment of facilities, holding training and extension courses, insurance, guaranteed purchase of the products and supply of inputs within it and through it will be facilitated, accelerated and implemented.
Mr Ahmad Hajarian,
Volume 9, Issue 18 (12-2022)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Green entrepreneurship is the process of creating a transformation in business and infrastructure in such a way that based on the preservation of the environment and compliance with standards, investment and economic development will be better. The purpose of this article is to investigate the obstacles and challenges of green entrepreneurship development from the point of view of experts and stakeholders using a combined approach.
Material and Methods: The current research is applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical research in terms of nature and has a qualitative-quantitative approach. The statistical population of the research includes two groups. The first group includes university professors and experts related to the subject, and the second group includes stakeholders. For the first group of research, 28 people were selected using snowball or chain sampling, and for the second group, 1230 users were selected based on the statistics obtained in the rural areas of the study area, which was finally determined based on Cochran's formula of 276 people. The research data was analyzed using SPSS 23 software. In the qualitative phase of the research, the obstacles and challenges of green entrepreneurship were extracted using the Delphi technique. In the quantitative phase of the research, the factor analysis method was used to identify the basic variables or factors to explain the correlation pattern between the observed variables.
Results: The results in the qualitative part of the research indicated that the most important challenges for the development of green entrepreneurship were extracted using the opinions of experts. In the quantitative part, using exploratory factor analysis in the form of 4 factors that included economic, infrastructural, promotional-educational and social-cultural factors, which explained 65.62% of the total variance.
Conclusion: With the elimination of environmental entrepreneurship obstacles and challenges, including economic, infrastructural, promotion-educational and social-cultural obstacles, we can witness the elimination of rural poverty, redistribution of employment opportunities and rural development. It is suggested that in order to improve the indicators of green entrepreneurship, the promotional-educational factor should be given more attention to improve the final result.