Enayat Abbasi, Latif Mohamadzadeh, Homayon Farhadian,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2014)
The purpose of research was to investigate influencing of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial spirit and skills of the students in Miandoab agricultural education center. This study was descriptive-correlation research and used survey method. The statistical population of the study consisted of all students in Miandoab educational center who have passed the entrepreneurship 3-credit course. Using Krejcie and Morgan’s table and proportional stratified random sampling technique, 178 students selected as research sample. The validity of the questionnaire was verified through the judgment of a panel of academic staffs in Tarbiat Modares University. To assess the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients calculated for the main scales of the questionnaire (0.60 to 0.85). Based on the results, there were significant differences between entrepreneurial spirit and skills before and after passing the entrepreneurship course. In other words, entrepreneurship education has caused improvement in entrepreneurial sprit and skills of the students. The results of multivariate regression analysis indicated that 36.8 percent (R2= 0.368) of the variability in education level and location and previous experience of the entrepreneurship capabilities.
Alireza Norouzi, Enayat Abbasi, Amir Naeimi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2014)
The purpose of this study was creativity factor analysis of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi organization staffs of Ilam province. Research method was descriptive – correlation which used survey method. Statistical population of the study was staffs of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi in Ilam province (N=300). Using Bartlett table, and stratified random sampling technique, 169 staffs were selected as sample. Research instrument was questionnaire. Face and content validity of the questionnaire revised and verified by a panel of experts of agricultural extension and education. Reliability of the questionnaire confirmed by calculating Cronbach’s alpha between 0.76 - 0.79 in pilot test. Descriptive statistics results showed that creativity level of staffs was moderate (Mean= 3.31). Explanatory factor analysis results showed that effective factors of creativity consisted of 2 components, managerial factor and contextual factor. These factors explain 69 percent of variance of creativity among staffs of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi organization. Base on the findings of the research, establishing idea management center in the Jihad-e Keshavarzi organization of Ilam province for recognition and applying of staffs’ creative ideas is suggested.