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Showing 3 results for Economic Growth

Seyed Mojtaba Mojaverian, Foad Eshghie,
Volume 5, Issue 9 (4-2018)

Providing people's feed requirement, raw materials for industry, employment and creating incomes is important; strengthening and developing the agricultural sector has a significant role in consolidating the economic foundations of developing countries; for this reason, the stability and sustainability of agricultural sector growth. For this reason, the stability and sustainability of the agricultural sector are among the main drivers of social stability and economic growth. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the share of agricultural employment with the fear of entrepreneurship in the three categories of high economic growth, sustained economic growth, and unsustainable economic growth. Therefore, the panel data related to fears of failure rates and agricultural employment share in the years of 2008- 2017 for 15 countries and the Panel least squares method were used. The results show that there is an inverse relationship between the share of agricultural employment and the fear of entrepreneurial failure. Investigating the relationship between these three groups showed that there was no significant difference between them. To better understand the environmental factors governing the relationship between industrialization and entrepreneurship, re-sampling should be done. Based on the results, it is suggested that in the conditions of rapid structural changes and in countries with high agricultural share, more government guarantees are needed.

Maryam Asadpourkordi, Hamid Amirnejad, Foad Eshghi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Extended Abstract
Background: Knowledge-based economy is not only a new theoretical concept but also a new era that is fundamentally different from the era of agricultural and industrial economy. The development process of the knowledge-based economy is the formation of a knowledge-based economy, which will mean the beginning of a new stage in the development of the global economy. Nowadays, the economy based on knowledge and entrepreneurship is one of the important issues for the growth and development of various economic sectors of the world, in which the agricultural sector, similar to other economic sectors, requires the use of knowledge, innovation, and technology for growth and development. In the new models of agricultural development, knowledge and technology have an important place in the growth and development of sustainable agriculture, and these models are referred to as scientific agriculture, agriculture based on knowledge and technology, and knowledge agriculture. In other words, it means the development of the agricultural knowledge base, knowledge management, technology, and innovation in agriculture. Therefore, the role of knowledge in the agricultural development process has nowadays gained significant importance. Currently, knowledge and information, such as land, capital, and labor, are the main factors of production in the agricultural sector, and therefore, the access of farmers to modern knowledge in agriculture plays an essential role in agricultural and rural development. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the effect of knowledge-based economy indicators on the added value of the agricultural sector of the D8 member countries (including Iran, Bangladesh, Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Nigeria).
Methods: In general, the indicators of knowledge economy can be divided into two categories. The first category focuses on the basic characteristics of the knowledge-based economy, and these indicators describe the share of the knowledge-based economy in the overall economy of the country. For example, the proportion of people working in high-tech industries, or the proportion of people with higher education who make universities powerful centers that consolidate strong intellectual capital and produce new knowledge and technological innovations in their research activities. The second largest group consists of the so-called performance or output indicators, which include the production of high-tech industries, high-tech exports, GDP growth, and labor productivity growth. There are several approaches to classifying the knowledge-based economy indicators, among which the World Bank, instead of indicators based on the knowledge-based economy characteristics, argues the pillars of the knowledge-based economy, and these four pillars are the economic and institutional regime, education and human resources, information and communication infrastructure, and the innovation system. In this research, the indicators of the knowledge-based economy for 8 D8 member countries were prepared using the model introduced by the World Bank, which is a complete and common model, during 2000-2019. All study data, including economic growth, regulatory quality, and corruption control for the institutional regime and economic motivation, scientific journal articles, patent applications for the innovation system, internet users and mobile phone users for information and communication technology, registration rate in the second academic year, and the enrollment rate in the third year, the guidelines for training and development of human resources were obtained from the World Bank website. The PANEL ARDL method was used to estimate the model.
Results: Before estimating the model, four economic indicators, innovation, education, and information technology of Islamic developing countries were calculated during the reviewed period. The results of index calculations showed that among the D8 countries, Iran ranked first in the innovation index, second in the education index, third in the technology index, and seventh in the economic index. The results of this research showed that in the long term, all four indicators of the knowledge-based economy had a positive and significant effect on the added value of the agricultural sector of the D8 countries. In the short term, however, there were no relationships between the indicators of the knowledge-based economy and the added value of the agricultural sector. In other words, the effect of the knowledge-based economy components on the added value of the agricultural sector is a long-term process and will be observed in the long term. Among the indices, the education and human development index has had a greater effect on the added value of the agricultural sector according to the elasticity in the long term, showing greater importance of this index on the growth and development of agriculture.
Conclusion: According to the results, although the effects of knowledge-based indicators are not significant in the short term, they have a positive and significant effect on the added value of the agricultural sector in the long term, which shows the importance of knowledge-based economy in the future of the agricultural development of countries. Therefore, attention and investment in education, technology, innovation, and economic growth can ultimately increase the growth and development of the agricultural sector. This is because the productivity of production factors has improved with the use of institutional and technical innovations and the development of education. It leads to the growth of production in the agricultural sector, thus it is recommended to take an effective action in this field by investing more and improving the quality of educational centers in the studied countries. Finally, considering that agriculture has a direct relationship with the indicators of the knowledge-based economy, researchers should provide their scientific and research achievements to farmers and agricultural sector operators to increase and improve the efficiency of the agricultural sector

Maryam Ziaabadi, Mohammad Reza Zare Mehrjerdi, Salimeh Ghanbari,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Extended Abstract
Background: Due to the increase in the population, the decrease in the share of the government in employment, and the increase in the share of the private sector in the economy, entrepreneurship has nowadays been proposed as a tool to achieve the social, economic, and dynamic goals of societies. Entrepreneurship falls into the major inexhaustible resources of all human societies, and entrepreneurs, as owners of thoughts and ideas, create value by identifying and using existing opportunities and are considered key factors in improving productivity and economic growth. Before the recent economic developments, it was believed that economic growth would increase incomes and improve the quality of people's lives, but the economic growth along with the decrease in environmental quality caused the issues related to sustainable development to be the focus of global attention. Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the current generation without jeopardizing the ability of future generations.In this path, there are sustainable societies that pay attention to environmental sustainability in addition to social and economic sustainability. The development of entrepreneurship with the aim of higher economic growth along with the excessive consumption of natural resources and the destruction of the environment has made it necessary to simultaneously pay attention to the goals of economic and environmental sustainability. According to the stated contents, the current research aims to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurship, economy, and environmental quality in a selection of developing and developed countries.
Methods: In 2024, this research investigated the simultaneous effects of entrepreneurship, economic growth, and environmental quality on each other during 1995-2020 using data on 26 selected developing countries and 17 selected developed countries. In the current applied research, data and information were collectedthrough the library-documentary method. Therefore, factors affecting entrepreneurship, environment, and economic growth werefirst extractedby reviewing previous studies. Then, the coefficients of the model variables were estimated using the system of simultaneous equations method with tabular data (panel 3sls). This method estimates all the equations simultaneously in the system of equations, which is asymptotically more efficient, and all the coefficients of the studied relationship variables can be calculated simultaneouslywith this method. Stata version 13 software was used to estimate the equations.
Results: The results of estimating the coefficients of the simultaneous equations showed that GDP per capita, energy consumption, and financial development variables had a positive and significant effect on environmental pollutionin developed countries, with coefficients of 0.332, 0.318, and 0.118, respectively. However, trade liberalization and entrepreneurship negativelyaffected environmental degradation with coefficients of -0.105 and -0.266, respectively. In these countries, the energy consumption, trade liberalization, entrepreneurship, and financial development variables had a positive and significant effect on economic growth with coefficients of 0.551, 0.213, 0.498, and 0.108, respectively. Besides, the GDP per capita, public government expenditure, trade liberalization, fixed capital formation, and research and development expenditurevariables, with coefficients of 0.475, 0.005, 0.339, 0.016, and 0.141,showed a positive and significant effect. They were based on entrepreneurship and caused the development of entrepreneurship. The results of the simultaneous estimation of relations in developing countries showed that the GDP per capita, energy consumption, and entrepreneurshipvariables had a positive and significant effect with the coefficients of 0.466, 0.629, and 0.203, respectively, and the trade liberalization variable with a coefficient of -0.117 had a negative and significant impact on environmental pollution. In these countries, energy consumption, trade liberalization, entrepreneurship, public government expenditure, and financial development increased economic growth with coefficients of 0.749, 0.117, 0.114, 0.072, and 0.202, respectively. The GDP per capita, trade liberalization, fixed capital formation, and research and development expenditurevariables had a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurship in developing countries, with coefficients of 0.210, 0.115, 0.545, and 0.033, respectively.However, public government expenditure did not significantlyimpact the development of entrepreneurship in these countries.
Conclusion: In recent decades, the destruction of the environment has increased and serious damage has been caused to the ecosystemdue to the development of economic activities with the aim of higher economic growth.In the meantime, one of the most important activities related to increasing economic growth has been the development of entrepreneurship, which has had a negative impact on environmental pollution and destructionin developed countries, where, entrepreneurship development has,therefore, been carried out in line with sustainable development policies. Despite the significant contribution of entrepreneurship in the economic growth of developing countries, entrepreneurship has caused an increase in pollution and endangered the sustainability of their environment because the goal of economic growth and more production has been pursuedin these countries, without considering the environmental aspect of economic activities. According to the obtained results,therefore, it is suggested that entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities should continue to be consideredto increase economic growth and increase the welfare of societies.However, the necessary platform for environment-friendly entrepreneurshipactivities should be providedto prevent the negative effects of entrepreneurship development on the environment.Moreover, entrepreneurship development, economic growth, and environmental quality improvement should be taken into consideration togetherwith proper planning, policymaking, and environmental laws.


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