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Showing 1 results for Employment Development

Elham Kanani, Mostafa Ahmadvand,
Volume 5, Issue 10 (7-2018)

The purpose of the present study was to identify the employment feasibilitis and effective job opportunity strategies in villages of Mashhad-e-Morghab district, Fars province which was conducted in a survey between experts and local elites. The data were collected using a protocol and a questionnaire with open and closed questions which were analyzed using SWOT technique in 96 year. The results showed that the study area faced by 39 factors pertaining to weaknesses (with weight of 0.876), 28 factors of threats (with weight of 0.952), 14 strength factors (with weight of 1.917) and three factors pertaining to opportunities (with weight of 1.659) for developing job opportunity. According to the Strategic Assesment and Spacead Matrix and the total value of strengths and opportunities, the aggressive strategy (SO), which focuses on internal strengths and external opportunities was identified as a priority of strategies for employment in rural villages of Mashhad-e-Morghab district. Therefore, in presenting job opportunity strategies in the studied area, the focus is on internal weaknesses (such as lack of adequate budget allocation for entrepreneurship, rural financial weakness, mismanagement of water resources with total value of 0.028) and external threats (drought and high banking profits with total value of 0.03). Also, in categorizing of identified capacities, the most important factor in the weaknesses and threats in creating employment are the economic factors. Finally, according to the results of the study, applied strategies for developing job opportunity in Mashhad-e- Morghab district were recommended.

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