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Showing 7 results for Environment

Aboubakr Reisi, Mohim Sheihaki Tash, Habibollah Salarzehi, Abdulaziz Valinafs,
Volume 3, Issue 6 (12-2016)

Rural entrepreneurship is one of the new approaches to achieve sustainable development and agricultural sector is an important part of the rural economy providing ground for its growth and development. Agricultural development is the basis of investment, employment and reduction of unemployment. So, it is necessary to identify factors affecting rural agricultural entrepreneurship. The main objective of this study is to identify factors affecting agricultural entrepreneurship development from the perspective of entrepreneur farmers and agricultural experts. In terms of method, this research is of descriptive - surveying type and in terms of objective it is an applied research. The statistical population of this research is 550 of farmers of Sarbaz county 225 of which were selected as the sample using a Cochran formula. The survey instrument was a Researcher made questionnaire the validity of which was confirmed by a group of farmers and agricultural experts and its reliability was estimated about 0.783 using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. the data has been analyzed with the help of 23 Spss software. Based on the results, five factors of economic, environmental, social, behavioral and promotion have played a role in the development of agricultural entrepreneurship among which the Economic factors with average rating 3/25 have the greatest impact on agricultural entrepreneurship and then, environmental, social, behavioral and promotional factors respectively are the greatest impact have influenced the agricultural entrepreneurship. Therefore, there should be a provision for providing farmers with financial and credit facilities (financial support) for agricultural entrepreneurship, facilitating network co-operation, and increasing the competitiveness of farmers (free market space).
Roghayeh Zahedian Tejeneki, Mojtaba Mojaverian, Seyed Ali Hosseini Yekani,
Volume 6, Issue 12 (12-2019)

          Improving business environment is one of the factors affecting on the economic development of rural areas. In this study, 75  of the owners of agricultural businesses were evaluated and ranking of  business environment was conducted. Factor analysis showed that 5 factors effect  the rural economic activists, which explain 72% of the changes. Among the extracted factors, the first factor with 33.97% of total changes was named as business environment. Based on the components of this factor, the share of each of the measurable items was calculated and according to these shares, the cities of Mazandaran province were ranked. Results of TOPSIS method showed that Babol, Sari and Amol cities are in the ranks of the first to third respectively in rural areas. The scores of these three cities are 59.35, 53.68 and 50.68, respectively. The score of each city shows that the cities of Mazandaran province are different in terms of business environment index and all of cities are far from the ideal point, so it is necessary to do appropriate actions for Improvement the states of cities of Mazandaran province. The most important priorities for improving the business environment in rural areas are security and social capital, accessing to electricity, roads and markets, respectively.

Miss Zahra Karimi Amaleh, Dr. Mahsa Fatemi,
Volume 8, Issue 16 (12-2021)

Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Sustainability of small and medium-sized rural businesses` activities are very vital due to the importance and effective role of SMEs as the engine of human and economic development. Rural women have direct effect on these businesses` development as half of the population of rural areas. Therefore, determinants of entrepreneurial activities development of rural women of Larestan County in Fars province were the main purpose of the study.
Material and Methods: This descriptive study was accomplished through survey technique using a questionnaire for data collection. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the professors of the Department of Agricultural Extension and Education and the reliability was approved by conducting a pilot study out of the main sample in some villages of Marvdasht County. The Cronbach`s alphas of the variables were computed between 0.74 and 0.93. The research area was Larestan county in southern Fars province, so the study population was all of the rural women who were the members of Omid Entrepreneurship Fund of Larestan County (440 individuals) and the sample was estimated 108 individuals based on Cochran formula. Final samples of 216 rural women were interviewed due to the stratified random sampling method from two groups of members (111 women) and non-members (105 women) of Omid Entrepreneurship Fund. Two separate causal models were presented for memvers and non-members.
Results: The results of path analysis indicated that entrepreneurial spirit, educational level, entrepreneurship education, skills for business plan writing, governmental supportive policies, business environment, entrepreneurial; orientation and social and organizational networking had direct effects on the entrepreneurial activities development. On the other hand, based on the causal model of non-members group, the three variables of educational level, business environment and social and organizational networking were the effective factors on entrepreneurial activities development of non-members. Indirect effects of the factors through mediator variables have also been seen in the both models.  
Conclusion: Findings showed that the members of Omid Entrepreneurship Fund were better than non-members in terms of individual entrepreneurial characteristics and business`s condition. The causal model of the members is a stronger model and indicates a more diverse affecting factor in the development of rural women entrepreneurial activities compared to the other model of non-members. Some applicable recommendations were provided based on the findings in order to improve the businesses of Larestan county`s rural women. One of the most important recommendations of the study was to pay attention to various entrepreneurial educations, strengthen skills in business plan writing skill and improve the five characteristics of rural women entrepreneurial orientation. The networking of different rural women groups could also be effective on the improvement of business performence. Finally, creating a culture about the role of women in the socio-economic activities of community will also be an important factor in the women's entrepreneurial activities development.       
Nematollah Shiri,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (7-2022)

Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Entrepreneurship is a vital approach to accelerating innovation, developing economic growth, reducing unemployment, maintaining social stability and, indeed, value creation; in such a way that entrepreneurial activity or entrepreneurial behavior has attracted a lot of attention in educational and political systems. Over the past decades, many developing countries, including Iran, have turned to entrepreneurship as a potential underlying solution to various problems facing the country, including; Lack of efficiency in the economy, rising unemployment rate, over-graduation and the inability of the private and public sectors to create jobs for them have received serious attention. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the main purpose of investigating the impact of environmental factors on the entrepreneurial intention among agricultural students at Ilam University.
Material and Methods: In terms of paradigm, this research was quantitative, according to the applied purpose and in data collection and analysis was descriptive-correlation, which was done using structural equation modeling technique. The statistical population of this study included all fourth year undergraduate students of Ilam University (N=160), which using Cochran's formula, 100 of them by stratified random sampling with appropriate assignment (Based on field of study) were selected for the study. The main research tool was questionnaire که, the validity of which was confirmed by a panel of experts and convergent validity and its reliability by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient and combined reliability. Data analysis was performed in two sections of descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS21 and LISREL 8.80 software.
Results: The results showed that the status of entrepreneurial intention among agricultural students of Ilam University was moderate to high. The results showed that the variables of perceived desirability of entrepreneurship, social support, social norms and the entrepreneurship role model had a positive and significant relationship with the entrepreneurial intention of agricultural students. In addition, the results of structural equation modeling showed that the perceived desirability variable had the greatest effect (β= 0.82) directly and the social norms variable had the least effect (β = 0.06) indirectly. He had the entrepreneurial intention of the students.
Conclusion: Based on the research findings, it can be said that environmental factors such as social support, social norms and entrepreneurial patterns have an important role in developing the entrepreneurial intention of agricultural students due to the perceived variability of entrepreneurial desirability; Therefore, according to these factors, it is possible to develop the intention and entrepreneurial behavior of students in the agricultural higher education system of the country.

Zobeyde Kouchaky, Fatemeh Razzaghi Borkhani, Fatemeh Ghorbani Piralidehi, Taher Azizi Khalkheili,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (7-2024)

Extended Abstract
Background: The world is facing unprecedented environmental challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, resource depletion, and pollution. These challenges are serious threats to human welfare, economic development, and social stability. To face these challenges, there is a need for innovative solutions, such as green entrepreneurship, which can create positive environmental and social effects and economic value. Along with sustainable socioeconomic development, therefore, green entrepreneurship helps save the environment from destruction by maintaining the potential of the ecosystem, adaptation to climate change, water resource management, agricultural value chain improvement, the development of multi-functional agriculture, and the health of society. Greenhouses can present an alternative to transform and maintain a commercial and sustainable business over time. The growing number of greenhouse production systems has increased environmental concerns regarding energy consumption related to temperature control (heating/cooling), water resource management, excessive use of fertilizers, and agricultural chemicals. Green entrepreneurship in a greenhouse helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, grants environmental sustainability, and increases productivity by creating green economy opportunities. Paying attention to greenhouse cultivation and its development is one of the best strategies to change the cultivation pattern from traditional to scientific in arid and semi-arid provinces of Iran with limited water resources, including Golestan province. This region plays an important role in increasing production, employment, income, and productivity in water consumption and provides sustainable food security and water security. The development of greenhouse cultivation systems is necessary in Golestan province for continuous cultivation with environmental considerations, its superiority of the dry and semi-arid climate due to the increase in temperature, the dependence of agriculture on dry farming, the limitation of water resources, the decrease of rainfall, and the need to save and change cultivation. This research mainly aims to investigate the achievements that are realized through the establishment of green entrepreneurship in line with sustainability considerations in the production units of vegetable greenhouses.

Methods: The current research is an applied and descriptive study in terms of the objective data collection method, respectively, as well as inferential research with a variance matrix analysis and cross-sectional in terms of time. The statistical population of the study includes all the vegetable greenhouse producers in Golestan province, among which about 70 people were selected by total population sampling. The data collection tool was a questionnaire that was completed in the field through interviews. Its internal reliability was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability. The validity (face and content) of the questionnaire was confirmed based on the collective opinion of entrepreneurship and environmental experts and university faculty members. The convergent and discriminant validity of the model were respectively confirmed using the extracted mean variance index and the Fornell and Larcker matrix. Data were analyzed with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) based on the partial least squares method using Smart PLS version 3.0 software.
Results: This research mainly aimed to categorize the explanatory components of the green entrepreneurship establishment from the viewpoints of vegetable and summer greenhouse owners with the CFA method in Golestan province. The green entrepreneurship achievements were identified using two groups of obvious and hidden variables. In total, achievement indicators with 18 items and 6 components were entered into CFA. According to the research, the achievements of the green entrepreneurship establishment to achieve the sustainable development of rural entrepreneurship were investigated in three economic, social, and environmental dimensions. The main components of the green entrepreneurship achievements based on the path coefficient (in brackets), respectively, include six components. (1) Promoting community health and safety behavior (0.833), (2) participation and empowerment of agriculture (0.814), (3) consumer satisfaction and trust (0.632), (4) product market guarantee (0.553), (5) competitiveness in the market (0.442), and (6) promoting green operations management (0.370).
Conclusion: Green entrepreneurship is a type of entrepreneurship with innovation, which helps improve the life quality of communities by following the principles of sustainable development and preserving the environment and optimal consumption to utilize creative opportunities for economic benefits in society. To achieve this goal, it is necessary that green entrepreneurship contribute to the context of education and promotion with cultural creation and media advertising in the field of healthy domestic product brands for culture-building and awareness of green products and to increase the demand for green products. Moreover, institutional and government support should be provided by subsidizing healthy production inputs, such as organic pesticides, genetically modified seeds, and subsidizing irrigation equipment (e.g., drip irrigation), soil testing, and chemical pesticide residues, to encourage farmers to produce green crops. Accordingly, coordination of different public and private sectors, development of local networking, promotion of local women and youth employment, support of green product production cooperatives, promotion of healthy crop insurance, and access to the electronic market for buying and selling green products can be synergistically and effectively help in achieving economic, social, and environmental sustainable development achievements of green entrepreneurship.

Shahrzad Shahbeyki, Saeed Jafari Titkanloo,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Extended abstract
Background: Knowledge-based companies are known as drivers of the economic wheel of developed and developing countries. The performance of these companies, especially in the agricultural sector, affects the future performance of the country's economy. Hence, examining factors affecting financial performance, as the most important indicator in evaluating the performance of companies, has always been of interest. In addition to external factors and economic, social, and climatic conditions and policies and plans to support these companies, management factors also significantly impact their financial performance. Organizations adopt different policies and strategies in using their resources, and choosing appropriate strategies puts companies on the right path of progress and development. In today's knowledge-oriented world, the effect of knowledge and knowledge management on the performance of companies is not hidden for the elite. Knowledge management (Heenkenda et al.) strategies can be understood as special programs designed to help an organization  manage information, data, and knowledge for the benefit of the organization and its stakeholders. Applying the knowledge exploitation strategy puts the existing knowledge in the field of exploitation, and the knowledge exploration strategy paves the way for development and progress by discovering hidden knowledge. On the other hand, the current age is the age of innovation, and the ability to innovate is a gift that organizations make their progress and development more possible. On the other hand, sustainability and creating a common competitive advantage have led organizations to commit to environmental, social, and economic responsibility while the most important performance expected by investors is the company's financial performance. Therefore, the desire and insistence of business units have been drawn to fulfill corporate social responsibility (CSR) in environmental, social, and economic dimensions and its significant impact on their popularity and financial performance. In the meantime, the simultaneous use of exploitation and exploration knowledge management strategies, known as "organizational ambidexterity", and the mediating effect of influencing factors, such as the capabilities of innovation and CSR, on financial performance can be a challenge that agricultural knowledge-based companies are facing in a new era to create a sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the effect of choosing knowledge management strategies on financial performance and the mediation of innovation capabilities and corporate social responsibility in knowledge-based agricultural companies in Khorasan Razavi Province.
Methods: This is applied research based on the purpose and a descriptive post-event and quantitative study based on data collection and methodology, respectively. The research statistical population consisted of more than 200 managers of knowledge-based agricultural companies in Khorasan Razavi Province, determined by simple random sampling with a sample size of 127 people according to Morgan's table. A questionnaire adapted from articles (González-Ramos, Guadamillas, et al., 2023; Ramos et al., 2018) was used to collect data. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by scientific elites and university professors, and its convergence and divergence were confirmed using Fornell and Larcker (1981) and HTMT methods. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed based on Cronbach's alpha coefficients and composite reliability. SPSS and SMART PLS-3 software were used for processing.
Results: In this research, knowledge management strategies, innovation capabilities, and corporate social responsibility each had a positive and significant effect on the financial performance of agricultural knowledge-based companies, with a confidence factor of 95%. Their significance coefficients are 2.11, 3.18, and 2.16, respectively. Innovation capabilities mediated the effect of knowledge management strategies on financial performance with a significant coefficient of 2.84, and the mediation of corporate social responsibility in the effect of knowledge management strategies on financial performance was confirmed with a significant coefficient of 2.09. In this research, the effect of corporate social responsibility on innovation capabilities was confirmed in a positive direction with a significant coefficient of 3.
Conclusion: The conceptual model of the research was confirmed based on the results. Considering the importance of adopting the right knowledge management strategies according to their position and abilities, agricultural knowledge-based companies can create a space to increase the capacity and ability to innovate in the direction of development and progress. Considering the unmet needs of the market, it will be possible to discover new distribution channels, commercialize new products to explore knowledge, or make improvements and modifications to existing products to exploit existing knowledge. In addition to increasing innovation capabilities in products and processes, such companies can have a more stable and greater effect on their financial performance by improving, modifying, and developing existing and new products to be ahead of their competitors, in parallel with adhering to corporate social responsibility, with inputs of less environmental damage. They should also produce a product with the least negative impact on the environment, provide fair wages, and pay attention to the rights and demands of the people of the region to create a common advantage with other stakeholders.


Maryam Ziaabadi, Mohammad Reza Zare Mehrjerdi, Salimeh Ghanbari,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Extended Abstract
Background: Due to the increase in the population, the decrease in the share of the government in employment, and the increase in the share of the private sector in the economy, entrepreneurship has nowadays been proposed as a tool to achieve the social, economic, and dynamic goals of societies. Entrepreneurship falls into the major inexhaustible resources of all human societies, and entrepreneurs, as owners of thoughts and ideas, create value by identifying and using existing opportunities and are considered key factors in improving productivity and economic growth. Before the recent economic developments, it was believed that economic growth would increase incomes and improve the quality of people's lives, but the economic growth along with the decrease in environmental quality caused the issues related to sustainable development to be the focus of global attention. Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the current generation without jeopardizing the ability of future generations.In this path, there are sustainable societies that pay attention to environmental sustainability in addition to social and economic sustainability. The development of entrepreneurship with the aim of higher economic growth along with the excessive consumption of natural resources and the destruction of the environment has made it necessary to simultaneously pay attention to the goals of economic and environmental sustainability. According to the stated contents, the current research aims to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurship, economy, and environmental quality in a selection of developing and developed countries.
Methods: In 2024, this research investigated the simultaneous effects of entrepreneurship, economic growth, and environmental quality on each other during 1995-2020 using data on 26 selected developing countries and 17 selected developed countries. In the current applied research, data and information were collectedthrough the library-documentary method. Therefore, factors affecting entrepreneurship, environment, and economic growth werefirst extractedby reviewing previous studies. Then, the coefficients of the model variables were estimated using the system of simultaneous equations method with tabular data (panel 3sls). This method estimates all the equations simultaneously in the system of equations, which is asymptotically more efficient, and all the coefficients of the studied relationship variables can be calculated simultaneouslywith this method. Stata version 13 software was used to estimate the equations.
Results: The results of estimating the coefficients of the simultaneous equations showed that GDP per capita, energy consumption, and financial development variables had a positive and significant effect on environmental pollutionin developed countries, with coefficients of 0.332, 0.318, and 0.118, respectively. However, trade liberalization and entrepreneurship negativelyaffected environmental degradation with coefficients of -0.105 and -0.266, respectively. In these countries, the energy consumption, trade liberalization, entrepreneurship, and financial development variables had a positive and significant effect on economic growth with coefficients of 0.551, 0.213, 0.498, and 0.108, respectively. Besides, the GDP per capita, public government expenditure, trade liberalization, fixed capital formation, and research and development expenditurevariables, with coefficients of 0.475, 0.005, 0.339, 0.016, and 0.141,showed a positive and significant effect. They were based on entrepreneurship and caused the development of entrepreneurship. The results of the simultaneous estimation of relations in developing countries showed that the GDP per capita, energy consumption, and entrepreneurshipvariables had a positive and significant effect with the coefficients of 0.466, 0.629, and 0.203, respectively, and the trade liberalization variable with a coefficient of -0.117 had a negative and significant impact on environmental pollution. In these countries, energy consumption, trade liberalization, entrepreneurship, public government expenditure, and financial development increased economic growth with coefficients of 0.749, 0.117, 0.114, 0.072, and 0.202, respectively. The GDP per capita, trade liberalization, fixed capital formation, and research and development expenditurevariables had a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurship in developing countries, with coefficients of 0.210, 0.115, 0.545, and 0.033, respectively.However, public government expenditure did not significantlyimpact the development of entrepreneurship in these countries.
Conclusion: In recent decades, the destruction of the environment has increased and serious damage has been caused to the ecosystemdue to the development of economic activities with the aim of higher economic growth.In the meantime, one of the most important activities related to increasing economic growth has been the development of entrepreneurship, which has had a negative impact on environmental pollution and destructionin developed countries, where, entrepreneurship development has,therefore, been carried out in line with sustainable development policies. Despite the significant contribution of entrepreneurship in the economic growth of developing countries, entrepreneurship has caused an increase in pollution and endangered the sustainability of their environment because the goal of economic growth and more production has been pursuedin these countries, without considering the environmental aspect of economic activities. According to the obtained results,therefore, it is suggested that entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities should continue to be consideredto increase economic growth and increase the welfare of societies.However, the necessary platform for environment-friendly entrepreneurshipactivities should be providedto prevent the negative effects of entrepreneurship development on the environment.Moreover, entrepreneurship development, economic growth, and environmental quality improvement should be taken into consideration togetherwith proper planning, policymaking, and environmental laws.


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