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Showing 9 results for Ilam

Marjan Vahedi, Hamed Chaharsoughi Amin, Mohammdreza Zanganeh, Alireza Norouzi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2014)

  The purpose of this study was to compare entrepreneurial spirit of successful and unsuccessful managers of agricultural cooperatives in Ilam Township. This research was applied and a descriptive-survey research method was used. Statistical population of this study are all the managers of agricultural cooperatives in Ilam county (N =340). The numbers of successful managers were 265 people, and the numbers of unsuccessful managers were 75 people. In this study, unsuccessful managers were studied by using census method and 100 cases of successful cooperative managers were selected by using proportionate stratified random sampling method and using Cochran formula. Instrument of data gathering was questionnaire which its content validity was confirmed by expert panel. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was used to determine reliability of questionnaire and its value was equal to 0/87, which is acceptable. The results showed that the characteristic of risk-taking, locus of control and creativity of the participants was strong. Also, characteristic of need to achievement, tolerance for ambiguity and independence of participants was average. Also the results showed that there was a significant difference between entrepreneurial sprit of successful and unsuccessful agricultural cooperatives managers in terms of risk-taking, need to achivement and independence, but There was no significant difference between sprit of successful and unsuccessful managers in terms of creativity, tolerance for ambiguity and locus of control.

Alireza Norouzi, Enayat Abbasi, Amir Naeimi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2014)

The purpose of this study was creativity factor analysis of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi organization staffs of Ilam province. Research method was descriptive – correlation which used survey method. Statistical population of the study was staffs of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi in Ilam province (N=300). Using Bartlett table, and stratified random sampling technique, 169 staffs were selected as sample. Research instrument was questionnaire. Face and content validity of the questionnaire revised and verified by a panel of experts of agricultural extension and education. Reliability of the questionnaire confirmed by calculating Cronbach’s alpha between 0.76 - 0.79 in pilot test. Descriptive statistics results showed that creativity level of staffs was moderate (Mean= 3.31). Explanatory factor analysis results showed that effective factors of creativity consisted of 2 components, managerial factor and contextual factor. These factors explain 69 percent of variance of creativity among staffs of Jihad-e-Keshavarzi organization. Base on the findings of the research, establishing idea management center in the Jihad-e Keshavarzi organization of Ilam province for recognition and applying of staffs’ creative ideas is suggested.

Hamed Charsoghiamin, Raoof Molaei, Ali Reza Norouzi, Ahmad Kakeh,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (11-2015)

     The purpose of this research was to analyze the commercialization barriers of agricultural knowledge at IAU, Ilam Branch in 2013. The methodology of this research was applied in objective, a field study as far as the monitoring and control of variables is concerned, also in method of data gathering is descriptive. The statistical population included 90 postgraduate students studying agricultural extension and farm management. Since the statistical population were limited a small number of students, census method was used. The reliability of questionnaire was computed through Cronbach's alpha (&alpha=0.93), which was statistically acceptable. The Face validity of the questionnaire was affirmed by consulting the viewpoint of the faculty member's agricultural extension and management department. The findings ranking of commercialization barriers of agricultural knowledge at IAU, Ilam branch indicated that the cultural barriers are the   first priority. Also, the factor analysis of the commercialization barriers of agricultural knowledge showed that five main factors including economic, social, educational political-logistical and legal accounted for 76.76 percent of the total variance. The most important factor among these five factors was the economic one, which accounted for about 46.32 percent of the total variance.

Marjan Vahedi, Sara Mosavion,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (11-2015)

     Business enterprises are places for growth and progress of entrepreneurs. Businesses and entrepreneurship play key role in economic development of various communities. The purpose of this research was to identify difficulties of agricultural businesses in animal sub-sector of Ilam Township. This research was applied and a descriptive-survey method was used. Population of this study was 952 managers of enterprises which by using of proportionate stratified random sampling method and use of Cochran formula 120 enterprises were selected. Instrument of data gathering was questionnaire that its validity confirmed by expert panel and for reliability of questionnaire, cronbach alpha coefficient was used that its value was equal to 0.93 that is acceptable. Descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency and coefficient of variance were used for data analysis. Difficulties of businesses were categorized by factor analysis. Results showed that difficulties of infrastructure-public(%23/40), economic(%15/15), marketing(%13/25), management(%10/03), educational(%4/24) and sociocultural(%3/10) have identified as the main difficulties of agricultural businesses that these factors explain %69/178 of total variance.

Tayyebeh Seyedeh, Roya Eshraqhi Samani, Alireza Poursaied,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2015)

     The present research investigates factors influencing rural women’s occupational capability in Ilam County. The statistical population of this study includes employed rural women in Ilam county (N= 1088). Through Cochran formula 323 people were selected as the sample. Sampling was carried out through stratified random sampling. Content and face validity of the questionnaire was determined through experts judgment and its reliability was calculated through Cronbach alpha coefficient (α= 91.3). Data analysis was carried out through descriptive and inferential statistics using SSPS. Correlation and regression analysis were run through stepwise method. Results of regression analysis indicated that variables including occupational barriers, psychological characteristics, economic status, educational factors, family support, educational, type economical activities type, and social status influenced occupational capability of rural women in Ilam County and can predict 80.7 percent of changes in the dependent variable. Among the variables of the model, the variable of occupational barriers had the highest share in predicting the occupational capability as the independent variable.

Alireza Poursaeed, Sajad Larti,
Volume 3, Issue 5 (8-2016)

The role of participatory management in organizational entrepreneurship of agricultural cooperatives was studied in Ilam Township. The study was an applied study in terms of objective and a survey study in terms of data collection method. The statistical population was composed of all members of agricultural cooperatives in Ilam Township who totaled 1960 people, out of which 320 people were randomly sampled by Morgan and Krejcie’s table. Data collection tool was a self-designed questionnaire including questions about different facets of participatory management and organizational entrepreneurship. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts composed of faculty members of Agriculture Extension and Management Group of Islamic Azad University of Ilam. Its reliability was estimated to be (0.77
Roya Eshraqhi Samani, Tayyebeh Karimi, Marjan Vahedi, Tayyebeh Saydeh,
Volume 3, Issue 5 (8-2016)

The current research was conducted with the purpose of Challenges of rural entrepreneurship in Ilam province. With respect to objectives, this research is an applied study using a survey method. Statistical population of the current research includes 400 persons of village assistants of Ilam province Sample size was determined through Cochran formula (n=196). Sampling was carried out through stratified random sampling method with appropriate assignment Content validity and face validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by experts’ judgments and the reliability of which was determined through the calculation of Cronbach alpha coefficient (=α0.86). Data analysis was carried out using SPSS software, version 19.According to results of factor analysis, five factors were identified including economic, political, instructional, social, and cultural impediments which specified 62.82 percent of the total variance. In addition, economic impediments with a special value of 5.035 explains the largest portion of total variance (22.31 percent) and cultural impediments with the special value of 1.484 explains the smallest portion (5.48 percent). 
Nasrin Koohi, Hamed Chaharsoughi Amin,
Volume 5, Issue 10 (7-2018)

The aim of this study was to identify the challenges of rural women entrepreneurship development in Ilam city. The statistical population of the study consisted of 51 rural women entrepreneurs in Ilam city who were studied by census method. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose content validity was confirmed by the opinion of the faculty members and experts of rural extension and development. The reliability of the research instrument was determined using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α = 0.78). Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and factor analysis with SSPS20 software. The results of factor analysis with exploratory approach led to the identification of four factors that explained in the form of educational training challenges, economic and legal challenges, individual and mental challenges, and socio-cultural challenges of 59.08% of the total variance. Extension and educational challenges as the first factor with a special amount of 2/631 had the highest share (21.62%) and social cultural challenges with a special amount of 1.306 of the lowest contribution (10.88%) in explaining the total variance. 

Nematollah Shiri,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (7-2022)

Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Entrepreneurship is a vital approach to accelerating innovation, developing economic growth, reducing unemployment, maintaining social stability and, indeed, value creation; in such a way that entrepreneurial activity or entrepreneurial behavior has attracted a lot of attention in educational and political systems. Over the past decades, many developing countries, including Iran, have turned to entrepreneurship as a potential underlying solution to various problems facing the country, including; Lack of efficiency in the economy, rising unemployment rate, over-graduation and the inability of the private and public sectors to create jobs for them have received serious attention. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the main purpose of investigating the impact of environmental factors on the entrepreneurial intention among agricultural students at Ilam University.
Material and Methods: In terms of paradigm, this research was quantitative, according to the applied purpose and in data collection and analysis was descriptive-correlation, which was done using structural equation modeling technique. The statistical population of this study included all fourth year undergraduate students of Ilam University (N=160), which using Cochran's formula, 100 of them by stratified random sampling with appropriate assignment (Based on field of study) were selected for the study. The main research tool was questionnaire که, the validity of which was confirmed by a panel of experts and convergent validity and its reliability by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient and combined reliability. Data analysis was performed in two sections of descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS21 and LISREL 8.80 software.
Results: The results showed that the status of entrepreneurial intention among agricultural students of Ilam University was moderate to high. The results showed that the variables of perceived desirability of entrepreneurship, social support, social norms and the entrepreneurship role model had a positive and significant relationship with the entrepreneurial intention of agricultural students. In addition, the results of structural equation modeling showed that the perceived desirability variable had the greatest effect (β= 0.82) directly and the social norms variable had the least effect (β = 0.06) indirectly. He had the entrepreneurial intention of the students.
Conclusion: Based on the research findings, it can be said that environmental factors such as social support, social norms and entrepreneurial patterns have an important role in developing the entrepreneurial intention of agricultural students due to the perceived variability of entrepreneurial desirability; Therefore, according to these factors, it is possible to develop the intention and entrepreneurial behavior of students in the agricultural higher education system of the country.

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