Showing 15 results for Knowledge
Hamed Charsoghiamin, Raoof Molaei, Ali Reza Norouzi, Ahmad Kakeh,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (11-2015)
The purpose of this research was to analyze the commercialization barriers of agricultural knowledge at IAU, Ilam Branch in 2013. The methodology of this research was applied in objective, a field study as far as the monitoring and control of variables is concerned, also in method of data gathering is descriptive. The statistical population included 90 postgraduate students studying agricultural extension and farm management. Since the statistical population were limited a small number of students, census method was used. The reliability of questionnaire was computed through Cronbach's alpha (&alpha=0.93), which was statistically acceptable. The Face validity of the questionnaire was affirmed by consulting the viewpoint of the faculty member's agricultural extension and management department. The findings ranking of commercialization barriers of agricultural knowledge at IAU, Ilam branch indicated that the cultural barriers are the first priority. Also, the factor analysis of the commercialization barriers of agricultural knowledge showed that five main factors including economic, social, educational political-logistical and legal accounted for 76.76 percent of the total variance. The most important factor among these five factors was the economic one, which accounted for about 46.32 percent of the total variance.
Khatereh Pourahangarian, Morteza Movaghar, Meisam Shirkhodaee,
Volume 3, Issue 6 (12-2016)
In dynamic business environment, that profit streams in future is unreliable, the firms continually need to search and exploit new opportunities. As a result, it is essential for firms have more attention to performance and factors affecting on it, to maintain an active presence in this field. Now a day, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial orientation is at the central point of view of researchers and managers in theory and practice of management in organizations. The purpose of this study is examining the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge absorptive capacity on SME performance of Agro industry in Mazandaran. The sampling method is stratified random sampling and the sample size consists of 99 firms. Data have been collected thought Questionnaire that its validity confirmed according to experts opinion. Its reliability was calculated 0.95 with Cronbach's alpha formula. The results showed that entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge absorptive capacity have a positive and significant effect on the firm performance. In other words, higher levels of entrepreneurial orientation activities lead to higher level of performance. In addition, the findings has showed that continuous exploration of knowledge outside the firm, absorption and internalization of required components of them among individuals an teams can improve the firm's performance. According to findings, we have introduced that the managers can improve the firm's performance with entrepreneurial orientation, and preparation to knowledge absorptive capacity.
Mrs Zahra Pazokinejad, Mr Mostafa Bageriyan,
Volume 5, Issue 9 (4-2018)
Climate change adaptation is generally defined as adjustments in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climate stimuli or their effects which moderated harm or exploit opportunities (IPCC, 2007: 869). Agricultural entrepreneurship is identification process of opportunities and threads of activity environment with new policies to create transformation in agriculture. Therefore, agricultural entrepreneurship can be as an adaptation policy with harmful effects of climate change. The purpose of paper is to study farmers’ attitudes towards agricultural entrepreneurship as an adaptation policy with harmful effects of climate change and to identify influencing factors on it. The statistical population of this study was 7861 villagers in Babolsar city. Using a multi-stage cluster sampling, 140 of them were selected as the statistical sample. The data collection tool was a questionnaire and reliability of data was more than 0/60. In the analysis section, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) were used to describe the data and inferential statistics (regression analysis) were used to identify the effective factors. The findings of the research showed that farmers’ attitudes towards agricultural entrepreneurship were positive. Among influencing factors, normative pressure and belief in climate change were importance factors determining farmers’ tendency towards agricultural entrepreneurship. Using the capabilities and support of rural Islamic councils to inform farmers about farming entrepreneurship Increasing farmers' knowledge of the environment, Familiarity of farmers with entrepreneurship experts and their consulting services were suggestions of the promotion of agricultural entrepreneurship.
Marjan Golkar Fard, Kurosh Rezaei-Moghaddam, Mahsa Fatemi,
Volume 6, Issue 12 (12-2019)
Considering the economical development level, Women play a crucial role in agricultural and rural development especially in developing countries. Paying attention to the development of entrepreneurial activities in rural areas is one of the ways towards development. Carried out through survey and classification random sampling methods, the present research aimed to analyze the individual and supportive variables of entrepreneurial activities among rural women in Fars province. Participants of this study were all of the members of Fars Province Agricultural Development support fund Companies (3033 individuales) which are activate in three companies in Marvdasht, Shiraz and Estahban counties. The sample consist of 393 rural women according to the Krejcie and Morgan table. Results indicated that to improve rural women’s entrepreneurship, elevation of entrepreneurial spirit and motivation as well as providing other necessary factors including suitable business environment with facilitating policies of the compony in order to develope rural women entrepreneurial activities are necessary “Gaining income and profit” and “high-quality production increasement” were considered as the two main items for improvement of rural women` motivation in entrepreneurial activities. Based on findings, women entrepreneurs of Marvdasht have depicted a more desirable performance in comparison with Estahban and Shiraz rural entrepreneur women in the following fields: the effectiveness of information sources, creativity, the skills of compiling commercial plan, entrepreneurial spirit, entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial motivation, information effectiveness, company conducted education, governmental supportive policies, company facilitating policies, business environment and managerial power of the Funds' directors. Thus, women entrepreneurs of Marvdasht could be a good model for entrepreneurisl activities improvement of the women in the two other studied sounties; Thus, it is suggested to provide monthly meetings for the rural women entrepreneurs of three counties in order to communicate and negotiate continouosly for transferring their valueable experiences.
Arefeh Pourvaei, Dr Mohammad Reza Mahboobi, Dr Mohammad Sharif Sharifzadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 14 (12-2020)
The purpose of this study was investigating factors affecting students' entrepreneurial intention in Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. The research method was descriptive. The statistical population was 390 final year undergraduate students in all active fields of the University. Using Krejcie and Morgan table and stratified random sampling method with assignment, 196 students were selected as the research sample. The data collection tool was a questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by the opinion of University specialists and its reliability for different parts of the questionnaire was obtained using Cronbach's alpha coefficient between 0.607 and 0.903. SPSS software was used for data analysis. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the respondents in terms of entrepreneurial intention in terms of gender, participation in entrepreneurship training courses, work experience and having a freelance job. The results of correlation test showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between family income and mother's literacy with entrepreneurial intention. The results of path analysis showed that the most effective variables on entrepreneurial intention were self-efficacy variable with direct effect of 0.516, attitude variable with direct effect of 0.319 and entrepreneurship knowledge variable with indirect effect of 0.209, respectively.
Milad Bakhsham, Hossein Karimi, Dr Mahdi Hosseinpour,
Volume 8, Issue 15 (7-2021)
Today, the digital revolution has affected all behaviors and lifestyles in various aspects, and this impact has attracted the attention of the general public and businesses to this issue. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of internet of things technological applications in the development of dynamic capabilities in knowledge-based agricultural companies in Kermanshah. The present research is quantitative in terms of type and applied in terms of purpose, and in terms of data collection, it is descriptive-correlative. According to the report of the working group for evaluation and qualification of knowledge-based companies, the statistical population of the study includes 59 managers of knowledge-based companies in the agricultural sector of Kermanshah province that Using the counting method and distributing the questionnaire among them, 59 questionnaires were used. In the statistics section, a description of SPSS 23 software has been made in order to analyze the data in the form of structural equation model was used Smart PLS3 software. The results showed that the technological applications of the Internet of Things with a positive and significant impact on the development of perception, absorption, adaptation, innovation and networking, with the development of dynamic capabilities in knowledge-based companies in the agricultural sector of Kermanshah has a positive and significant relationship. Agricultural knowledge-based companies can use the tools and sensors related to the Internet of Things to collect the data they need, including crop conditions, weather conditions, soil quality conditions, performance and status of manpower and equipment used.
Hossein Alikhani, Alireza Isfandyari Moghaddam , Parviz Saeedi,
Volume 8, Issue 16 (12-2021)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Entering the age that is common in the information society, entrepreneurship in the digital space as a new approach to starting businesses based on a new thinking and idea has found a prominent place among service and production activists. Identification and analysis of factors affecting digital entrepreneurship in knowledge-based companies in Mazandaran province.
Materials and Methods: This research was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of implementation method, descriptive-survey and purposeful, which was performed by mixed exploratory method. In the qualitative stage, the research team consisted of 10 university experts who were selected by targeted method and snowball technique. In the quantitative stage of the statistical population, all managers of knowledge-based companies were 197 people. The sample size according to Krejcie and Morgan table was 132 people and simple random sampling method was used. In the qualitative stage, the content analysis method was used to identify the factors and in the quantitative stage, the structural equation method with the SmartPLS3 software was used to analyze the relationships of the variables.
Results: The results of content analysis showed that the factors affecting digital entrepreneurship include 39 components in seven dimensions (structure-strategy-management-people-technology-content-environment). Also, the results of structural equations showed structural factors (0.620), strategy (0.366), managerial (0.587), individuals (0.412), technology (0.491), content (0.307) and environmental (0.318) have a positive and significant effect on digital entrepreneurship in knowledge-based companies.
Conclusion: Finally, it can be said that digital entrepreneurship is essential for knowledge-based companies.
Nourollah Asadi, Majid Fattahi, Maryam Taghvaie,
Volume 8, Issue 16 (12-2021)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: In the competitive world of today, agriculture has become knowledge-intensive and is rapidly changing. Therefore, new product development and scientific research commercialization in knowledge-based companies and successful delivery of products and services to the market can improve performance and increase production in agriculture and play an important role in development of the country.
Material and Methods: This research is conducted based on the Grounded Theory and a systemic view with a qualitative approach. The target population includes the experts of science and technology parks and the CEOs of the knowledge-based agricultural companies located in these parks. Using theoretical purposive sampling, after conduction of 15 in-depth interviews theoretical saturation was reached.
Results: Based on the analysis of the conducted interviews, 578 initial open codes were identified and these codes are subsequently reduced to 43 axial codes and 6 selected codes. The final theory is formed around the axial categories of innovation-orientation, customer-orientation, market-orientation, and profit-orientation. The generated theory was modified in terms of credibility through the strategy of members' revision. Further, to ensure the research reliability, the data analysis process, until formation of the theory, was described as much as possible. The results indicate that the axial categories are recognizable by relying on the factors of individual competence, team competence, innovation and technology nature, market readiness, the level of technology preparedness and maturity, support factors, founder's mental engagement, and internal productivity. In addition, these constructs, under the influence of environmental, political-administrative, socio-cultural, economic-financial, technological and legal interfering conditions and the contextual organizational conditions of knowledge-based companies, the role of technology parks and government support and the application of commercialization strategies, lead to sustainable entrepreneurship, improvement of product quality, sales and profit promotion, and better service delivery to community.
Conclusion: the managers of the knowledge-based agricultural companies should align their strategies in order to be able to successfully commercialize their products and should constantly look for new knowledge and its applications in different stages of new product production. In addition, senior public administrators and universities of agricultural sciences must always strive to use these strategies for commercialization of research of scholars and scientists and wealth generation.
Ssahar Ekradi, Dr Mahdi Hosseinpour, Hossein Karimi, Milad Bakhsham,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (7-2022)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Organizational performance is one of the most important structures in achieving organizational goals and also one of the most important structures discussed in managerial research and without a doubt, it is the most important criterion for measuring the success of commercial companies. the existing competitive environment is more competitive than in the past. in such situations, agricultural organizations have to look for new ways to improve performance. in this regard, one of the most appropriate strategies is to focus on choosing the right organizational strategy and organizational knowledge and its proper management. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of knowledge management on organizational performance with regard to the mediating role of differentiation strategy in agricultural companies located in Kermanshah Science and Technology Park.
Material and Methods: This research is based on the purpose of an applied research, based on data collection, descriptive comparative causal research and in terms of approach or methodology, it is quantitative research. The statistical population of the study was the employees of agricultural companies located in Kermanshah Science and Technology Park, which amounted to 95 people and the sample size was determined using Cochran's formula of 77 people. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data and was scored based on the Likert scale. Descriptive statistics techniques in SPSS software and structural equation analysis in Amos software were used to process the data.
Result: The results showed that knowledge management affects organizational performance both directly and indirectly through the mediating variable of differentiation strategy. Knowledge management is one of the important factors affecting organizational performance that the mediating role of differentiation strategy in this regard was also confirmed.
Conclusion: Agricultural organizations if they want to maintain their position and act in a way that leads to survival, development and success, it is necessary to review its performance and select the appropriate organizational strategy and organizational knowledge and manage it properly. an organization that cannot choose the right competitive strategy and develop its skills, knowledge and knowledge and use it to increase productivity, will not be able to develop any of its resources optimally.
Professor Mohammad Ghorbani, Professor Mahmoud Sabouhi, Mr Pejman Avazpoor,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (7-2022)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Innovation is one of the factors that drive economic growth and production by improving labor productivity, dynamics in industries, and determining economic success. Science and Technological Parks play an important role in the technological development of a country by significantly increasing economic growth. So, knowledge-based companies are known as one of the main factors for accelerating production and achieving economic resilience goals.
Material and Methods: In this study, knowledge-based and agricultural companies located in the Center for Agricultural Technology Development, Natural Resources and Food Industries and Technology Development Center of Gonabad, Neishabour, and Torbat-e Heydarieh have been studied. The method of data collection in this research was by census method and through a questionnaire. The required data of 5 companies were collected via email, 3 companies were collected via telegram, and 39 questionnaires were completed through face-to-face distribution. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The software used in this study was Excel and Stata.
Results: Based on the obtained results, factors such as financial support and business advice were the most important requirements for knowledge-based companies. Also, the most important weaknesses in institutional sectors were lack of financial resources in the financial sector, inability to introduce the product and international marketing in the marketing sector, and lack of proper and timely execution of upstream documents were among the weaknesses in the institutional sector. In contrast, personal capital and product innovation were among the strengths of knowledge-based companies and agricultural technology. Furthermore, the most important threats for these companies were price fluctuations, uncertainty due to foreign currency policies, low level or nonawareness of legal regulations, and long-term process to obtain official permissions. Also, the exclusivity of the product was declared the most important opportunity for companies. The priority of these companies was related to future strategies, export, and focus on foreign markets and attracting investors.
Conclusion: Finally, it is suggested that due to the low efficiency of knowledge-based companies in terms of job creation, the following should be on the agenda: effective entry of universities in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation, drafting an innovation system document, and directing research activities towards knowledge foundations in universities. Also, to increase the employment of agricultural graduates, it is suggested that arrangements be made so that the employment of these people in knowledge-based companies will lead to the establishment of facilities such as providing free insurance coverage for these companies. Knowledge-based companies and agricultural technology need a management-consulting package in the field of marketing and marketing of products, legal and financial products in order to have a stronger presence in the existing space in domestic markets and in the international market.
Leila Jabbari, Hassan Mantegh,
Volume 9, Issue 18 (12-2022)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: To carry out knowledge management projects, organizations need to develop a knowledge management strategy. Considering the important role of the Apiculture Industry Development and Advocacy Fund (AIDAF), this article seeks to develop a knowledge management strategy for this organization.
Material and Methods: The present paper is an applied study that was conducted using a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative), questionnaire, and interview within the conceptual model of the research. The statistical population of the study is comprised of two groups. The first group consisted of 16 employees of AIDAF and the second group consisted of eight managers and experts interviewed using the Delphi technique.
Results: AIDAF was assessed using the Asian Productivity Organization Framework categories (Leadership, processes, people, technology, knowledge processes, learning, innovation, and knowledge management outcomes). According to the results of the questionnaires, the score obtained for AIDAF was 113.6 indicating that AIDAF readiness for knowledge management is at the initiation level.
Conclusion Based on K-SWOT analysis, AIDAF is relatively strong in terms of internal factors (weakness and strength) while, it is in a moderate and almost fragile position in terms of external factors (opportunities and threats). Therefore, AIDAF managers need to take the necessary actions to improve knowledge management.
Nourollah Asadi, Majid Fattahi, Maryam Taghvaie,
Volume 9, Issue 18 (12-2022)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Nowodays, companies located in science and technology parks face increasing technological changes and experience a dynamic environment, in such a way that they constantly need to rearrange and recombine their technological assets to respond to the changing conditions of their market and technology. In order to follow this path, the company needs to acquire a new capability or upgrade its existing capabilities in each of the stages of commercialization. Therefore, agricultural companies based in science and technology park should actively develop new technology in products in order to achieve superior technological capabilities against their competitors and find more customers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Commercialization of Knowledge-Based Ideas on Enhancement of Technological Capabilities in In the agricultural companies of Science and Technology Park with the mediating role of organizational development and excellence.
Material and Methods: This research regarding to the purpose, is applicable and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection method. The statistical population consisted of all managers, assistants and senior experts of companies active in the field of agriculture based in Mazandaran Science and Technology Park, numbering 220 people. Based on the Cochran formula, 140 of them were selected through stratified random sampling method with proportional allocation. A researcher-made questionnaire with a Likert scale was used to collect data, and finally, the related information was analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) method by SmartPLS3 software. Cronbach's alpha for all constructs was higher than 0.7, and AVE was higher than 0.5, and the validity and reliability of the constructs were confirmed.
Results: The results of the research showed that the commercialization of knowledge-based ideas and organizational development and excellence predicts 34.1% and 47.6% of the enhancement of technological capabilities variance of agricultural companies located in Science and Technology Park, respectively. It was also shown that the indirect effect of commercialization of knowledge-based ideas on enhancement of technological capabilities of these companies was 52.1%, which was determined by the organizational development and excellence mediator variable. R2 equal 0.597 indicated that the independent variable has a moderate prediction of the variable of improving technological capabilities.The fitting indices of the overall research model confirmed the desirable fitness of this model. therefore, organizational development and excellence mediated the relationship between commercialization of knowledge-based ideas and enhancement of technological capabilities of these companies.
Conclusion: According to the research finding , by increasing the amount of commercialization of knowledge-based ideas and using indicators of organizational development and excellence, such as: development of agricultural knowledge-based businesses, development of technical knowledge and agricultural technological innovation, development of skills in the field of agriculture, future research in the field of agriculture, adherence to the main work and independence and entrepreneurship, vertical development and phased development of investment provided the basis for the development of technological capabilities, including: management capabilities, communication capabilities, marketing capabilities, knowledge capabilities and commercialization experience, human power capabilities, and research and development capabilities in agricultural companies based in parks.
Dr Hossein Rahimi Kolour, Mr Younes Nikkhah, Mr Mehdi Ebrahimzadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (7-2024)
Extended Abstract
Background: Considering the complex and dynamic environmental conditions, all firms need to create and apply effective skills for the firm's goals to continue their activities. On the other hand, with the use of new technologies and digital platforms, firms were required to adapt their goals in this direction. One of the variables that can guide firms in the direction of improving performance and is in line with today's technology platform and digital environment is related to technological entrepreneurship because it is a leader in absorbing the value and innovative implementation of science and knowledge and can help the firm to reach directly its goals. Moreover, the use of digital technologies integrates new business ventures into business models and operations, leading to digital entrepreneurship through digital products, tools, and platforms. In this regard, digitalization can accelerate sustainable changes and respond to environmental and governance challenges while improving performance at the same time by accessing opportunities. In a complex and changing world, innovation is a key factor for creating a competitive advantage that requires support and investment because favorable innovation can increase the share of firms. For this reason, this study aimed to investigate the mediating role of digitalization and innovation in the relationship between technological entrepreneurship and the growth of knowledge-based firms active in the fields of biotechnology, agriculture, and food, which has not been noticed in previous studies.
Methods: The statistical population of this research includes Iranian knowledge-based firms active in the fields of biotechnology, agriculture, and food. The number of statistical population is equal to 480 firms, and a sample size of 213 units was estimated using Cochran’s formula. Data were collected through a five-level Likert scale questionnaire, and 189 questionnaires were analyzed statistically. Several hypotheses were presented to investigate the relationships between the variables, which were analyzed using the structural equation modeling method. Finally, SPSS24 and SmartPLS3 software were used for data analysis.
Results: The output of the software showed that technological entrepreneurship had a positive and significant effect on the firm's growth at a confidence level of 99%. The mediating role of digitalization in the relationship between technological entrepreneurship and firm growth was obtained at a significant level of 99%. In addition, the mediating role of innovation in the relationship between technological entrepreneurship and firm growth was confirmed at the 99% level.
Conclusion: The contribution of this study from the analyses is to provide a new conceptual framework to fill the existing gap and provide practical solutions in line with the subject of the studied society. In line with the growth of knowledge-based firms active in the fields of biotechnology, agriculture, and food, this survey used digitalization and innovation variables as mediating variables considering today's complex and dynamic environment. It should be noted that this issue was not investigated in previous studies. The result of the first hypothesis of the research shows that entrepreneurial initiatives facilitate decisions in line with corporate goals. Focusing on entrepreneurship based on strategic processes that deal with long-term goals can also positively affect firm performance, leading to competitive advantage and economic prosperity of firms according to research on technological entrepreneurship capability. Therefore, this study specifically demonstrates that technological entrepreneurship is a key predictive factor for improving the growth of knowledge-based firms active in the fields of biotechnology, agriculture, and food. In line with the result of the second research hypothesis, the government can develop entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector by investing in infrastructures of agriculture and by applying incentive policies, such as removing or discounting taxes for investors. Based on this, knowledge-based firms active in the fields of biotechnology, agriculture, and food, focusing on entrepreneurship with a technological platform, can digitalize their operational, process, and production processes. The results show that an emphasis on digitalization can improve the growth of firms. The result of the third hypothesis of the research shows that knowledge-based companies active in the fields of biotechnology, agriculture, and food can focus on technological entrepreneurship to improve innovation levels in their products and processes, develop performance, and improve their market share. It should be noted that innovation and change have become important sources of competitive advantage for firms, and the desire for entrepreneurship also plays an important role in improving performance and ensuring the source of their growth. In general, this study documents that knowledge-based firms active in the fields of biotechnology, agriculture, and food can invest in technological entrepreneurship activities to positively influence their firm's growth. In the meantime, the existence of digitalization and innovation variables were identified as crucial factors that could strengthen the growth foundations of the studied firms. The results of this research can help knowledge-based firms active in the fields of biotechnology, agriculture, and food in the direction of strategic and technological decisions for firm growth and performance improvement. Based on the results of the hypotheses, this study has provided several practical suggestions, which can be implemented in the studied firms.
Shahrzad Shahbeyki, Saeed Jafari Titkanloo,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)
Extended abstract
Background: Knowledge-based companies are known as drivers of the economic wheel of developed and developing countries. The performance of these companies, especially in the agricultural sector, affects the future performance of the country's economy. Hence, examining factors affecting financial performance, as the most important indicator in evaluating the performance of companies, has always been of interest. In addition to external factors and economic, social, and climatic conditions and policies and plans to support these companies, management factors also significantly impact their financial performance. Organizations adopt different policies and strategies in using their resources, and choosing appropriate strategies puts companies on the right path of progress and development. In today's knowledge-oriented world, the effect of knowledge and knowledge management on the performance of companies is not hidden for the elite. Knowledge management (Heenkenda et al.) strategies can be understood as special programs designed to help an organization manage information, data, and knowledge for the benefit of the organization and its stakeholders. Applying the knowledge exploitation strategy puts the existing knowledge in the field of exploitation, and the knowledge exploration strategy paves the way for development and progress by discovering hidden knowledge. On the other hand, the current age is the age of innovation, and the ability to innovate is a gift that organizations make their progress and development more possible. On the other hand, sustainability and creating a common competitive advantage have led organizations to commit to environmental, social, and economic responsibility while the most important performance expected by investors is the company's financial performance. Therefore, the desire and insistence of business units have been drawn to fulfill corporate social responsibility (CSR) in environmental, social, and economic dimensions and its significant impact on their popularity and financial performance. In the meantime, the simultaneous use of exploitation and exploration knowledge management strategies, known as "organizational ambidexterity", and the mediating effect of influencing factors, such as the capabilities of innovation and CSR, on financial performance can be a challenge that agricultural knowledge-based companies are facing in a new era to create a sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the effect of choosing knowledge management strategies on financial performance and the mediation of innovation capabilities and corporate social responsibility in knowledge-based agricultural companies in Khorasan Razavi Province.
Methods: This is applied research based on the purpose and a descriptive post-event and quantitative study based on data collection and methodology, respectively. The research statistical population consisted of more than 200 managers of knowledge-based agricultural companies in Khorasan Razavi Province, determined by simple random sampling with a sample size of 127 people according to Morgan's table. A questionnaire adapted from articles (González-Ramos, Guadamillas, et al., 2023; Ramos et al., 2018) was used to collect data. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by scientific elites and university professors, and its convergence and divergence were confirmed using Fornell and Larcker (1981) and HTMT methods. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed based on Cronbach's alpha coefficients and composite reliability. SPSS and SMART PLS-3 software were used for processing.
Results: In this research, knowledge management strategies, innovation capabilities, and corporate social responsibility each had a positive and significant effect on the financial performance of agricultural knowledge-based companies, with a confidence factor of 95%. Their significance coefficients are 2.11, 3.18, and 2.16, respectively. Innovation capabilities mediated the effect of knowledge management strategies on financial performance with a significant coefficient of 2.84, and the mediation of corporate social responsibility in the effect of knowledge management strategies on financial performance was confirmed with a significant coefficient of 2.09. In this research, the effect of corporate social responsibility on innovation capabilities was confirmed in a positive direction with a significant coefficient of 3.
Conclusion: The conceptual model of the research was confirmed based on the results. Considering the importance of adopting the right knowledge management strategies according to their position and abilities, agricultural knowledge-based companies can create a space to increase the capacity and ability to innovate in the direction of development and progress. Considering the unmet needs of the market, it will be possible to discover new distribution channels, commercialize new products to explore knowledge, or make improvements and modifications to existing products to exploit existing knowledge. In addition to increasing innovation capabilities in products and processes, such companies can have a more stable and greater effect on their financial performance by improving, modifying, and developing existing and new products to be ahead of their competitors, in parallel with adhering to corporate social responsibility, with inputs of less environmental damage. They should also produce a product with the least negative impact on the environment, provide fair wages, and pay attention to the rights and demands of the people of the region to create a common advantage with other stakeholders.
Afsaneh Banazadeh, Kurosh Rezaei-Moghaddam, Mahsa Fatemi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)
Extended Abstract
Background: Extensive studies show that the lack of a suitable job market for university graduates is one of the most important challenges in higher education, which causes students to lack motivation for higher education. Today, new and important tasks have been defined for universities, especially agricultural faculties. One of the important duties of professors at universities is to provide a supportive environment for students to learn and progress. Underlying this task is the development of entrepreneurial characteristics in students during the study programs, which ensures that graduates are ready to work. The development of entrepreneurship at universities requires a network of different factors and components in the form of an entrepreneurial ecosystem. In fact, universities as one of the entrepreneurial ecosystems that play an important role in the growth and development of entrepreneurial activities. On the other hand, the resilience of entrepreneurial education is very important for the role and performance of universities in line with the entrepreneurial ecosystem. In other words, identifying the indicators of the university entrepreneurship ecosystem plays a very important role in identifying entrepreneurial opportunities and improving the entrepreneurial resilience of universities. Considering the role of agricultural colleges in developing the concepts of entrepreneurship and technology needed in the field of agriculture, the entrepreneurial ecosystem and improving entrepreneurial resilience together can improve the performance of agricultural colleges. Therefore, it is highly important to study this field. Thus, the current study aims to identify factors affecting the resilience of entrepreneurship education at agricultural faculties from the perspective of graduate students at the School of Agriculture, Shiraz University.
Methods: This quantitative descriptive research was accomplished using the survey technique. The statistical population of the study was all graduate students (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) studying at the School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, in the academic year 2023-2024. The sample was estimated to be 186 graduate students who were from two master's degree and Ph.D. classes, according to stratified random sampling. A questionnaire was used for data collection. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of expert professors in the field of entrepreneurship at the School of Agriculture, Shiraz University. To confirm the reliability, a pilot study was conducted among 30 students of agricultural fields at Islamic Azad University (Shiraz Branch), followed by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficients (between 0.77 and 0.95) for the questionnaire variables, being considered an acceptable amount. The path analysis method and AMOS software were used to analyze the data and implement the causal model. The causal model of the research obtained an optimal level in terms of model fit indices, so that the Chi-square ratio to the degree of freedom, the comparative fit index, the normative fit index, and the root mean square error index were equal to 1.25, 0.960, 0.966, and 0.024, respectively.
Results: According to the findings of the causal model and based on the graduate students’ attitudes, the entrepreneurship ecosystem had a direct, positive, and significant effect on systematic networking. As a result, the activity and development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem had an effect on the internal and external systematic networking of agricultural schools and expanded communication and interaction between people. Meanwhile, an interesting point was the indirect effect of the entrepreneurial ecosystem variable on external networking through the internal networking variable. On the other hand, the entrepreneurship ecosystem also had a direct, positive, and significant effect on intra-organizational knowledge integration and extra-organizational knowledge integration. Similar to the findings of systemic networking, the entrepreneurial ecosystem variable had an indirect effect on the extra-organizational knowledge integration variable through the intra-organizational knowledge integration variable. Next, the entrepreneurial ecosystem variable had a direct, positive, and significant effect on entrepreneurship development. The effect of extra-organizational knowledge integration was not significant on entrepreneurship development. This finding showed that the existing activities, such as the application of research results of agricultural faculties by the Agricultural Jihad Organization, information sharing between professors and managers of different faculties, facilitating conditions for participation in entrepreneurship workshops outside the university, and providing internship conditions and sabbatical opportunity learning were not in line with the entrepreneurial activities of students. Based on the causal model results, it should generally be acknowledged that the creation of an entrepreneurial ecosystem and the entrepreneurial activities development had a direct, positive, and significant effect on the resilience of entrepreneurship education at agricultural colleges. Moreover, internal and external systematic networking and intra-organizational integration had a direct, positive, and significant effect on the resilience of agricultural colleges.
Conclusion: The unemployment of agricultural graduates has been one of the most important challenges of the country's higher education system in recent years and has adversely affected students' motivation to study and learn. The effect of the entrepreneurship ecosystem on the resilience of agricultural colleges shows that activities such as government policy and strategy, cooperation of various private and public institutions and universities, applied courses related to entrepreneurship, and the role of professors in informing and connecting the students with entrepreneurial activities would be effective for developing the resilience of agricultural colleges. The relationship between the entrepreneurship activities development and the resilience of agricultural colleges also showed that the increase in activities, such as familiarizing the students with the innovation and entrepreneurship center through university managers and professors, supporting the entrepreneurial activities of students through university authorities, preparing for the labor market through participation in entrepreneurship classes, and identifying entrepreneurial opportunities, would be very important in the resilience of agricultural colleges. Creating conditions for the communication and interaction of students with different departments and facilitating the communication of the School of Agriculture with accelerators, entrepreneurship centers, and hubs inside the college and university, and the interaction and cooperation of the School of Agriculture with Science and Technology Parks are among the other suggestions of this study to improve the resilience of educational activities. It is also recommended to move the university toward the creation of interdisciplinary knowledge, and the atmosphere of knowledge sharing is strengthened by holding scientific meetings between students and professors of different disciplines through the formation of informal groups between professors and students.