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Dr. Mohammad Sharif Sharifzadeh, Dr. Gholamhossein Abdollahzadeh, Dr. Mohammad Rahbari,
Volume 6, Issue 11 (9-2019)

This research aimed to diagnose the reason to increase in the total number of unemployment insurance applicants (claimants) in the Golestan province in order to find realistic solutions. From the perspective of data collection, this research is a field-based, in terms of controlling variables is non-experimental research and with regard to purpose is applied research. Quantitative and qualitative data collection tools were interview and questionnaire, respectively. This research was conducted in two main phases during 2017 and 2018. In the first phase, a Delphi panel technique is used to identify the causes and solutions of the increase of unemployment insurance applicants in Golestan province and in the second phase, the AHP and TOPSYS techniques were used for quantitative assessment and prioritization of identified causes and solutions in the first phase. The results of the AHP showed that four factors of "business milieu", "responsible institutions", "employers" and "applicants", have the most importance in increasing the willingness of unemployed insurance. Considering these four criteria, the most important reasons for rising request for unemployment insurance are: "market fluctuations with stagnation in manufacturing and industry (such as construction) and job losses", "labor market imbalance (Labor force inflation as a result of supply over demand for labor force), "the non-payment of the minimum official wage (the gap between the actual wage and unemployment insurance payout)," and "the limited economic ability of active enterprises in the province (low employment capacity)". In order to accurately assess the solutions identified for unemployment insurance, four criteria of "economic feasibility" and then, "environmental feasibility", "administrative feasibility" and "institutional appropriateness" (in accordance with the general rules and regulations) in order of importance was considered. considering these four criteria, the most important solutions for optimal management of unemployment insurance are: "reviewing the conditions and mechanism for receiving unemployment insurance compensation for preventing collusion between the worker and the employer", "recruiting foreign investments for industrial development of the province", "training workers on work discipline and conscience in cooperation with business enterprises" and "strengthening the field of labor relations".

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