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Showing 13 results for Performance

Khatereh Pourahangarian, Morteza Movaghar, Meisam Shirkhodaee,
Volume 3, Issue 6 (12-2016)

In dynamic business environment, that profit streams in future is unreliable, the firms continually need to search and exploit new opportunities. As a result, it is essential for firms have more attention to performance and factors affecting on it, to maintain an active presence in this field. Now a day, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial orientation is at the central point of view of researchers and managers in theory and practice of management in organizations. The purpose of this study is examining the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge absorptive capacity on SME performance of Agro industry in Mazandaran. The sampling method is stratified random sampling and the sample size consists of 99 firms. Data have been collected thought Questionnaire that its validity confirmed according to experts opinion.  Its reliability was calculated 0.95 with Cronbach's alpha formula. The results showed that entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge absorptive capacity have a positive and significant effect on the firm performance. In other words, higher levels of entrepreneurial orientation activities lead to higher level of performance. In addition, the findings has showed that continuous exploration of knowledge outside the firm, absorption and internalization of required components of them among individuals an teams can improve the firm's performance. According to findings, we have introduced that the managers can improve the firm's performance with entrepreneurial orientation, and preparation to knowledge absorptive capacity.
Akbar Bahmani, Seyed Mehdi Mousavi Davoudi, Mehdi Vaezi,
Volume 5, Issue 10 (7-2018)

The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of green entrepreneurship orientation in increasing the performance of Agriculture Jihad Organization. The present study is an applied research and included witin descriptive research method. In this research, green entrepreneurship has been considered as an independent variable and organizational performance as a dependent variable. The statistical population of this research includes 115 managers and employees of Mazandaran Agriculture Jihad Organization. According to Krejcie & Morgan table, the minimum number of sample size has been determined as 89 people that have been selected randomly. Further, standardized questionnaires have been used to gather necessary data. The reliability of the questionnaire has ben approved by Cronbach's alpha coefficienty; Moreover, combined reliability, has been confirmed by using convergent validity. Furthermore, the validity has been confirmed by content validity through the esperts idea about the questionnaire. Further, SPSS22 and AMOS22 softwares were used to analyzing the data and determining the correlation between variables. The results of the current study show that green entrepreneurship has a significant effect on organizational performance. Therefore, managers can take a practical step towards developing environmental activities considering the dimensions of green entrepreneurship and their institutionalization in the organization.

Mr Aliakbar Aghajaniafrouzi, Dr. Jahangir Yadolahifarsi, Phd Mahmod Ahmadpour Dariani, Professor Mahmoud Motavasseli,
Volume 6, Issue 11 (9-2019)

    In recent years, with the growth of studies in the field of family business, research on the corporate social responsibility has increased in parallel. Regarding the importance of social responsibility studies in the field of family business, the present study identifies the component of corporate social responsibility in order to investigate its impact on family business performance in Mazandaran province. In this regard, a descriptive survey method using structural equation model was used in this research. In order to, a researcher-made questionnaire of 67 questions with a five-point Likert questionnaire was used to collect data. A simple stratified sampling method was used to select a sample of 125 active business owners in Mazandaran Province Cooperation and Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture Chambers. The data were analyzed by PLS software and the findings showed that the impact of customer social responsibility with a factor of 84 percent had the greatest impact on the financial performance of the company.                                                  

Mr Pouya Behzadnia, Dr Naser Sanoubar,
Volume 6, Issue 11 (9-2019)

     The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of marketing capabilities on export performance of Entrepreneurial Exporter companies of Agricultural Products in Iran, directly and indirectly, with the mediating role of competitive advantages. The statistical population of this research is export companies of agriculture products in Iran, which have export performance in the past 3 years. using available rrandom sampling method, 423 questionnaires were collected. Respondents to questionnaires in companies, were executives. To test the research hypotheses and data analysis, SEM structural equation modeling and SPSS and Smart PLS software were used. The results of statistical data and structural equation modeling showed that marketing capabilities do not have a direct impact on the export performance of the company and its impact is due to the creation of competitive advantages. Marketing capabilities have a positive and significant effect on competitive advantages, and competitive advantages have a positive and significant effect on export performance. Also, a general review of the results shows that the variable of marketing capabilities, directly and indirectly through the creation of competitive advantages, explains 45% of the variations in the export performance, which indicates the importance of marketing capabilities Market sensing, Customer engaging, and Partner linking) in Achieving superior export performance. Based on the results of this research, companies should be aware of the importance of marketing research and try to keep in touch with customers and partners alike and note that connecting with customers in international markets and recording their demands and suggestions can be effective in improving the company's export performance.

Dr Leila Andervagh, Dr Ebrahim Albo Naeimi, Mr Iman Ghasemi Hamedani, Ms Zahra Atf,
Volume 7, Issue 14 (12-2020)

Export is one of the main variables of production and national income. Export performance is also one of the other main ways to generate revenue and to use investment's capacities. The aim of this study is to explain the role of entrepreneurial performance and export marketing capabilities on export performance with the moderating role of inefficient competition. This research is purposed-based inbterms of application and is a descriptive_study in terms of data collection. The statistical population of the study is all fixed managers and deputies of pistachio exporting companies in Kerman province with 280 people in 2019. The sample size was estimated 162 using Morgan's Georgian table. After analyzing the data, it was found that entrepreneurial performance and export marketing had a significant effect on export performance. The moderating role of inefficient competition in the impact of export marketing on export performance has also been proven. Therefore, it is suggested that the managers of pistachio exporting companies try to increase the level of export marketing capabilities in the company to increase cooperation and recognize inefficient competition.

Ssahar Ekradi, Dr Mahdi Hosseinpour, Hossein Karimi, Milad Bakhsham,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (7-2022)

Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Organizational performance is one of the most important structures in achieving organizational goals and also one of the most important structures discussed in managerial research and without a doubt, it is the most important criterion for measuring the success of commercial companies. the existing competitive environment is more competitive than in the past. in such situations, agricultural organizations have to look for new ways to improve performance. in this regard, one of the most appropriate strategies is to focus on choosing the right organizational strategy and organizational knowledge and its proper management. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of knowledge management on organizational performance with regard to the mediating role of differentiation strategy in agricultural companies located in Kermanshah Science and Technology Park.
Material and Methods: This research is based on the purpose of an applied research, based on data collection, descriptive comparative causal research and in terms of approach or methodology, it is quantitative research. The statistical population of the study was the employees of agricultural companies located in Kermanshah Science and Technology Park, which amounted to 95 people and the sample size was determined using Cochran's formula of 77 people. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data and was scored based on the Likert scale. Descriptive statistics techniques in SPSS software and structural equation analysis in Amos software were used to process the data.
Result: The results showed that knowledge management affects organizational performance both directly and indirectly through the mediating variable of differentiation strategy. Knowledge management is one of the important factors affecting organizational performance that the mediating role of differentiation strategy in this regard was also confirmed.

Conclusion: Agricultural organizations if they want to maintain their position and act in a way that leads to survival, development and success, it is necessary to review its performance and select the appropriate organizational strategy and organizational knowledge and manage it properly. an organization that cannot choose the right competitive strategy and develop its skills, knowledge and knowledge and use it to increase productivity, will not be able to develop any of its resources optimally.

Dr Kamal Ataie Solout,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (7-2022)

Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Knowledge-based agriculture is realized in the era of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. At this stage, on the one hand, the development of agricultural economics requires scientific knowledge and on the other hand, the field of science and technology is still relatively weak, therefore, the process of creating a knowledge-based agricultural economy should be considered a long-term process. The goals of green agriculture development and sustainable agricultural development are exactly synonymous with knowledge-based economics because this knowledge can create decision support systems in various economic fields to create added value. Due to the spread and influence of the internet on the entire population, Startup companies have grown significantly in the last decades. Given that science and technology parks are not very old, studies are few about assessing their performance or units based in them.
Material and Methods: Based on this, the present study has examined the competitive performance of 46 technology units located in the incubator of Sari’s township using the presented index in the calculation of the human development index (HDI) by the United Nations. The variables used in the modified index include: technological achievements (scientific and technical), index of economic activity and commercialization of achievements (economically), the index of human resource management (Team work), and the interaction index with the incubator and Technical unites (interaction and synergy).
Results: The results of the study showed that none of the TUs achieved grade A (a high score of 0.75), in other words, the geometric mean of the advantages gained by TUs on each of the axes was not excellent compared to other TUs. Also, the second and third ranks of performance were related to startups in the agricultural sector and, the majority of TUs (58 %) achieved a score between 0.25 to 0.5, which is not very good and even 36 % of TUs achieved less than that range, Based on the results of this study, it revealed that 85 % of TUs on the planning and management of human resources, as well as the economic activities and achievements of achievements in Grade C and D, are achieved, i.e., a score between zero and 0.5. According to the research results, there is not much difference between the average scores of technology units in different sectors of industry, agriculture and services.
Conclusion: Therefore, it is suggested that an empowerment program be defined according to the components of each of the four axes in order to place a larger share of technology units in grades A and B. Also, by holding appropriate training courses and using efficient Mentoring services, the capabilities of TUs can be enhanced through the planning and management of human resources as well as the economic activities and achievements of achievements.

Davood Gholamrezaei, Maryam Mohammadi,
Volume 9, Issue 18 (12-2022)

Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: according to Iran development plans, rural cooperatives development and entrepreneurial performance is a necessity for rural development. Studies show their performance is influenced by employee`s social capital. Nevertheless, there has been little investigation of the social capital as a basis for people participation and a driver of entrepreneurial performance. On the other hand, organizational commitment is one of the basic strategic factors of entrepreneurial performance on which the entrepreneurial orientation will success due to existence of organizational identity. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of employees' social capital on the entrepreneurial performance of Rural Cooperatives through organizational commitment.
Material and Methods: The type of research is descriptive-correlation. The statistical society of this study was composed of employees and managers of Rural Cooperatives of Sanandaj which was 680. The sample size was estimated to 246 people which their data was randomly gathered using standard questionnaires of social capital, entrepreneurial orientation, and organizational commitment. Finally, results are analyzed with structural equation modeling.
Results: The Findings indicated that social capital of employees has a positive and significant effect on the entrepreneurial performance of Rural Cooperatives. Also result showed that organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on cooperatives entrepreneurial performance as well as a mediating role in the relationship between social capital and entrepreneurial performance.
Conclusion: social capital is rooted in the employee`s daily relationship on which trust and shared values would be developed. So it is expected that their entrepreneurial performance improve due to employees social capital increase. Also employees that have a good social relationship with their colleagues as well as organizational goals are expected to have more organizational commitment and entrepreneurial orientation. So it is suggested to have an enforcing organizational culture to foster such relationships on which the employee`s commitment and entrepreneurial performance of rural cooperatives developed, to advance job security of free workers through insurance options and to enhance employee job satisfaction through motivation plans.

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Volume 9, Issue 18 (12-2022)

Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Today's environment has brought new waves of changes. The environment around organizations has become more dynamic than before and has caused organizations to achieve higher success and performance by using this dynamism. To adapt to today's changing world and to create an atmosphere of creativity and innovation, organizations must be able to create strategies to guide and control these changes with the help of organizational capital. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of social capital and the orientation of entrepreneurial attitude on the entrepreneurial intention with the mediating role of psychological capital.
Material and Methods: The present research is descriptive-correlational and method and applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of this study included all employees of Damon Sabz Chaharmahal Bakhtiari Agricultural Insurance Services Company, during which 560 employees were reported. In this study, the sample size was estimated to be 229 according to the Georgian and Morgan table, which were selected by the available sampling method. In this model, the variables of social capital and entrepreneurial orientation are independent variables, the psychological capital is a mediating variable and entrepreneurship intention is a dependent variable. In this study, two methods of content and face validity were used to determine the validity of the research. The validity of the content was confirmed by several experts and the face validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by several respondents. The reliability of the present research questionnaire was tested using Cronbach's alpha method. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods using SPSS and PLS software.
Results: The results of hypothesis testing showed that entrepreneurial attitude and social capital affect entrepreneurial intention. Psychological capital also plays a mediating role in influencing the entrepreneurial attitude on entrepreneurial intention.
Conclusion: Entrepreneurial attitude has a direct impact on the economic and social development of the people. The more a society participates in entrepreneurial activities, the faster it achieves economic and social development. Using entrepreneurship as a practical solution, we can take a step towards creating social justice, fighting poverty and economic, social and cultural development. Social capital also plays an important role in entrepreneurial activities. Also, awareness of the importance of psychological capital and strengthening research and development activities to develop businesses and improve their performance in the market is important. It is important to strengthen the entrepreneurial units in the company and to connect with the industry, to increase the participation of employees in the planning of projects, as well as to be aware of the achievements, and to make employees aware of the effectiveness of innovative projects. It is suggested to measure and evaluate the performance of the organization based on the number of new ideas and thoughts presented in the organization by capable, creative and innovative people and providing new solutions and even authoring books and articles. Also, holding festivals of top entrepreneurs, choosing the top national entrepreneurs from among entrepreneurs and introducing them in mass media can strengthen the culture of social entrepreneurship and instill a sense of altruism in society.

Akbar Bahmani, Alireza Zamanian, Naser Barkhordar,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (8-2023)

Extended Abstract

Background: Innovation and adaptation are increasingly recognized as vital sources of competitive advantage for organizations in today's rapidly changing environment. In this context, entrepreneurial orientation plays a critical role in enhancing employee job performance and ensuring sustainable growth. Organizations can secure a sustainable competitive advantage by actively seeking new opportunities through innovative activities, adopting a risk-taking entrepreneurial orientation, and continuing to evolve in this era of change. Consequently, there is a growing theoretical and practical interest in entrepreneurial orientation as a key factor in improving organizational performance and pursuing growth. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to determine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the job performance of employees at the Mazandaran Agricultural Jahad Organization, considering the mediating role of innovative behavior.

Methods: This research is applied in nature and employs a descriptive approach, classified as a field study. It is causal in terms of the relationships between research variables. The statistical population consists of 440 employees of the Mazandaran Agricultural Jahad Organization. A sample of 214 individuals was selected using the simple random sampling method, guided by the Krejcie-Morgan table. Data were collected through standardized questionnaires. To assess the validity of the questionnaire, both "content validity" and "construct validity" were evaluated by a group of experts. The reliability of the instruments was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which yielded values of 0.875 for entrepreneurial orientation, 0.899 for innovative behavior, and 0.876 for job performance.

Results: The results of structural equation modeling indicated that entrepreneurial orientation has a direct and significant effect on both job performance and innovative behavior. Additionally, a positive and significant effect of innovative behavior on job performance was confirmed. Furthermore, the mediating role of innovative behavior in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and job performance was established.

Conclusion: Based on the findings of this research, implementing measures to enhance the innovative behavior and entrepreneurial activities of employees at the Mazandaran Agricultural Jahad Organization can lead to improved job performance within the organization. By fostering an environment that encourages innovation and entrepreneurship, the organization can significantly boost employee effectiveness and contribute to its overall success.

Mrs Sara Alipour, Dr Yousef Pashazadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (12-2023)

Extended Abstract

Background: Existing research highlights several critical factors that significantly influence the development of innovative and entrepreneurial performance within the agricultural sector. These factors warrant serious attention from stakeholders, policymakers, and entrepreneurs alike. The present study investigates the impact of open innovation strategies and their feasibility on innovative performance, specifically focusing on the mediating role of entrepreneurial opportunities in startups operating within the agricultural sector of the country. By examining these relationships, the study aims to provide insights that can enhance the performance of agricultural startups and contribute to the overall growth of the sector.

Methods: This research employs a survey-based methodology, categorized as applied research due to its practical implications and objectives. The field data were collected using a composite standard questionnaire designed to assess various dimensions of innovation and entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector. The statistical population consists of managers and experts from 200 active startups in the country’s agricultural sector. Given the challenges associated with accessing the entire population, a sample of 40 startups was selected from 12 provinces. These startups are specifically engaged in the production or trade of agricultural products and services, making them relevant to the study's objectives. The sample included 160 managers and experts from these startups, and ultimately, 120 complete questionnaires were collected for analysis. The selection process ensured a diverse representation of perspectives, enhancing the robustness of the findings. The questionnaire was designed to measure various constructs, including open innovation strategies, entrepreneurial opportunities, and innovative performance, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of the relationships among these variables.

Results: The findings of this research confirm the conceptual model, demonstrating that the implementation of open innovation strategies significantly enhances the innovative performance of startups in the agricultural sector. Specifically, the results indicate that startups that adopt open innovation approaches are better equipped to leverage external knowledge and resources, leading to improved innovation outcomes. This finding aligns with existing literature, which emphasizes the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing in fostering innovation. Moreover, the mediating role of entrepreneurial opportunities was found to be significant in this context. Startups that effectively identify and exploit entrepreneurial opportunities are more likely to achieve higher levels of innovative performance. This suggests that fostering an entrepreneurial mindset among managers and employees can lead to more effective innovation strategies and outcomes. The study emphasizes the need for startups to cultivate an environment that encourages creativity, risk-taking, and proactive identification of opportunities. Several challenges facing the agricultural sector have been identified in recent years, which further complicate efforts to enhance innovation. Key challenges include water scarcity, inefficiencies in the supply chain, lack of reliable data and processing capabilities, food safety concerns, and significant waste of agricultural products. Additionally, there is a notable lack of awareness and knowledge among agricultural operators regarding modern practices and technologies. Financial constraints, including inadequate capital and resources, further hinder the ability of startups to innovate and grow. To address these challenges, it is essential for agricultural startups to adopt a feasibility-driven approach to nnovation. This involves carefully assessing the viability of new ideas and strategies before implementation, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and effectively. By focusing on entrepreneurial opportunities and aligning innovation efforts with market needs, startups can develop solutions that not only address existing challenges but also create new value within the agricultural sector.

Conclusion: The results of this study underscore the importance of adopting appropriate open innovation strategies to enhance the innovative performance of startups in the agricultural sector. It is crucial for stakeholders to recognize the mediating role of entrepreneurial opportunities in shaping these strategies. Policymakers and industry leaders should prioritize the development of supportive ecosystems that encourage collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation among agricultural startups. Furthermore, addressing the identified challenges within the agricultural sector will require a concerted effort from all stakeholders involved. Initiatives aimed at improving water management, enhancing supply chain efficiencies, and providing access to reliable data and processing technologies will be vital in fostering an environment conducive to innovation. Additionally, investing in education and training programs for agricultural operators can help bridge the knowledge gap and empower them to adopt modern practices. In summary, the findings of this research provide valuable insights for enhancing the innovative performance of agricultural startups through the strategic implementation of open innovation and a focus on entrepreneurial opportunities. By embracing these principles, startups can navigate the complexities of the agricultural sector and contribute to its sustainable development. Future research should explore additional factors influencing innovation in agriculture, including the role of technology, market trends, and consumer preferences, to further enrich our understanding of this dynamic field.

Davood Shafiepour, Farshid Aslani, Akbar Bahmani,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (12-2023)

Extended Abstract

Background: Researchers assert that if the world's population and economy continue to grow at the current rate, the consumption of the Earth's natural resources will surpass its capacity. This scenario raises significant concerns related to environmental protection, a concept known as sustainable development. Sustainable development is defined as development that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. More precisely, the strategy of sustainable development aims to establish harmony among humans and between humanity and nature. It emphasizes that sustainability requires societies to manage environmental considerations alongside economic factors in their development and performance improvement efforts. The serious environmental issues resulting from rapid economic development have led to increased attention on the sustainable performance of companies. Growing concerns regarding excessive resource consumption, environmental degradation, and social inequalities highlight the urgent need for a sustainable economy and society. To achieve sustainable performance in today's turbulent and dynamic industrial environment, companies must prioritize environmental considerations. This focus allows them to minimize environmental impacts effectively, addressing customer concerns while also reducing operational costs. Additionally, companies must manage their resources to ensure that the prices of their goods and services remain competitive. Sustainable development has emerged as a broad social goal that emphasizes the necessity of integrating and pursuing human well-being while halting environmental destruction. In this context, some entrepreneurs have sought to achieve sustainable development goals by integrating social and environmental objectives into their business practices. Due to the values and motivations driving these activities, such entrepreneurs are often referred to as sustainable entrepreneurs. This research examines the impact of green entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic capabilities on the performance of green innovation within agricultural and food industry cooperative companies in Mazandaran Province, investigating how these factors contribute to the success of these cooperatives in achieving sustainable performance and improvement.

Methods: The research method is applied in nature, utilizing a descriptive-causal approach for data collection, which is survey-based and cross-sectional in terms of time. The statistical population consisted of 1,300 members of agricultural production cooperatives in Mazandaran Province. Based on the Karjesi-Morgan table, 297 questionnaires were distributed among cooperative members using a cluster sampling method. Ultimately, 250 questionnaires were collected, yielding an 84% response rate, which served as the foundation for this study. The primary data collection instrument was a structured questionnaire designed to capture relevant information.

Results: The research findings indicated that green entrepreneurial orientation has a direct, positive, and significant effect on sustainable business performance (t=5.942, β=0.266) and green innovation performance (t=6.074, β=0.290). Additionally, green dynamic capabilities also demonstrated a direct, positive, and significant effect on sustainable business performance (t=7.732, β=0.338) and green innovation performance (t=8.249, β=0.390). Moreover, green innovation performance significantly influences sustainable business performance (t=8.672, β=0.427). The study further revealed a positive and significant relationship between green entrepreneurial orientation and sustainable business performance, with green innovation performance acting as a mediating variable (t=4.680, β=0.124). The Variance Accounted For (VAF) statistic was calculated at 0.318, indicating that 31.8% of the total effect of green entrepreneurial orientation on sustainable business performance is mediated by green innovation performance. Similarly, the relationship between green dynamic capabilities and sustainable business performance, with green innovation performance as a mediating factor, was found to be positive and significant (t=5.781, β=0.167), with a VAF statistic of 0.329, meaning that 32.9% of the total effect of green dynamic capabilities on sustainable business performance is explained through green innovation performance.

Conclusion: The primary aim of this research is to determine the effects of green entrepreneurial orientation and green dynamic capabilities on sustainable business performance, considering the mediating role of green innovation performance among agricultural cooperative companies in Mazandaran Province. Green entrepreneurial orientation focuses on activities that create economic value while improving and preserving the environment and minimizing negative impacts. To achieve these goals, companies must adopt green entrepreneurial methods and develop appropriate training programs for their employees and stakeholders. It is recommended that managers of agricultural cooperative companies in Mazandaran Province create opportunities for cooperative members to learn new methods and enhance business performance by organizing training courses in green entrepreneurship and sustainable management. Additionally, providing financial support to these cooperatives can guide them toward adopting green entrepreneurial strategies. Such financial assistance may include grants or rewards for companies that excel in green and sustainable entrepreneurship. Ultimately, green entrepreneurial orientation emphasizes creating business opportunities in environmental protection, sustainable resource use, reducing environmental impacts, and delivering innovative solutions to environmental challenges.

Ali Rasouli, Seyed Mojtaba Mojavarian, Foad Eshghi, Somayeh Shirzadi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Extended Abstract
Background: The success or failure of a company is influenced by internal and external factors. The three management components, including the conduct within the organization, the market structure, and the performance of the company, cannot be considered separately from each other. The performance of companies in every industry is influenced by their conduct. On the other hand, the market structure affects both performance and conduct, but the market structure itself is also dependent on the behavior of companies with each other. In this regard, the number of employees and the creation of new businesses strongly depend on the type and intensity of the relationship between these three components. There are three management theories based on the posterior or anterior effects: the theory of structuralisms who believe that the direction of causality is from the structure to conduct and then to performance. In fact, the behavior of companies and their decision based on cooperation, alliance, or competition with each other is affected by the market structure. The structure and behavior of companies in the market collectively shape the market performance of companies. The Chicago theory is the opposite. Contrary to the opinion of structuralisms, they consider the direction of causality from market performance, which is reflected in efficiency, technical progress, profitability rate, amount of production, sales, export, and employment to other elements of the market. In the third theory, the behavior of companies is considered the principle. They consider the behavior pattern of companies as an effective factor in the formation of market performance. Accordingly, the structure is not very effective in the market performance, but the behavior of companies is the basic element that determines the performance. This study aims to measure the effect of employment on the financial performance of sugar companies and to identify the structure-behavior and performance paradigm.
Methods: The information on eight sugar-producing factories, whose shares are bought and sold in the Tehran Stock Market, was collected over four years (2018-2021). According to the available data, Herfindahl index variables, research and development cost, and gross profit were used to measure the components of structure, conduct, and performance, respectively. The variables needed to form the applied models were calculated using the financial statements of sugar factories in different provinces of Iran. The type of ownership of the company, the share of government ownership, and the number of labor forces were used as exogenous variables of the model. The variables were modeled in a panel simultaneous equations system. System estimators (Full Information Maximum Likelihood: FIML) were used to estimate the parameters of the simultaneous equations system.
Results: The results showed that about 1100 workers were active in the production sector of these factories. Among different industries, the sugar industry was relatively labor intensive. On average, the government's share in providing capital was about 40%. However, this is not a suitable criterion for the management role of the private sector because the government periodically assigns tasks to these units. Based on the estimation results, the market structure effect on the conduct was statistically significant, but it did not significantly affect its performance. Moreover, the conduct impact of the company had a significant and positive effect on both the structure and the performance. Performance also showed a positive and significant impact on both components of the industry structure and company conduct. Examining the effect of exogenous variables is also considerable. Companies where the government has more share in financing leave a negative impact on the structure. The relationship between sales value and R&D expenditure became negative, which could be caused by the lack of need for companies in times when their sales are high. Another justification for this result can be the low marketing margin due to the government's price interventions in this industry. The estimation of the effect coefficient of the sales value on gross profit is positive but small. Based on the obtained results, the workforce has not been able to have a significant effect on the company's performance. Although it shows a positive effect on average, this effect is not statistically significant.
Conclusion: The results showed that the performance of the companies differed greatly from each other, but small companies were more successful on average. Each sugar factory has 136 workers on average, although this record cannot be valid due to the seasonal nature of the activity.  One of the results of the study is no impact of the labor force on performance from a statistical point of view. Although this input in this industry has not entered the third stage of production and the inverse relationship with production, its effect was not significant on performance. The amount of effects between the three components of structure, conduct, and performance were determined by measuring the average elasticities, and therefore, the theory of structuralisms is closer to the conditions of the Iranian sugar market. According to all the results, it is suggested to reduce government interventions to allow for activating the market mechanism. According to the results of the research, it can be expected that the reduction of government interventions will have a positive effect on the behavior and performance of companies in the long term. Firstly, the use of other indicators that have the ability to explain behavior, performance, and structure, secondly, the estimation of the model in a non-linear way, and thirdly, the use of composite indicators made based on the opinions of experts, which are a better representative of the prevailing situation in Iran's sugar industry, are suggested for future studies.


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