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Showing 1 results for Ramian County

Marzieh Miri, Mohammad Sharif Sharifzadeh, Gholamhossein Abdollahzadeh, Ahmad Abedi Sarvestani,
Volume 5, Issue 9 (4-2018)

This research was carried out to analyze Strawberry Supply Chain in Ramin County, Golestan Province. The statistical population of this research included all strawberry farmers in Ramian County (N=1100). According to Krejcie and Morgan's sample size table, sample size was determined (n=289). The respondents were selected by simple random sample technique. Content and formal validity of the researcher-made questionnaire as research tool was approved by an expert panel, including a group of faculty members and extension agents. Some items have been removed or merged to increase the validity of the questionnaire. Its reliability was confirmed by calculated Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (between 0.72 and 0.90). This research applies mixed methods. The first and second phases were used quantitative and qualitative research method. The findings of the first phase were used to describe the issue and generalities of the research design as well as the development of research tools in the second phase. The results of the ranking items showed that "being fresh fruit and premature" as a strength, "the lack of insurance for the cultivation of strawberry" as weakness, "the prevalence of extensive fungal pests and diseases in the region due to high humidity" as a threat and "the possibility of creating the complementary industries and entrepreneurship development in the process of production and processing of strawberries (jam, marmalade, etc)" as opportunity have high priorities. The total score of the internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) was 3.986 and 3.905, respectively, and the total score of the external factors (opportunities and threats) was 3.683 and 3.975 respectively. According to the results, supply chain development strategies are close to defensive strategies. Using a focused group approach, a set of policies was introduced for each strategy. According to the results of the study, we can suggest promoting more productive and marketable varieties by growers in the region, encouraging investment in order to develop the processing and conversion industries in the area which, as well as the creation and activation of a :union: of cooperatives.

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