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Showing 12 results for University

Sedighe Gasemii Ghasemii, Samira Bahramian, Mostafa Ahmadvand,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (5-2014)

  The Unemployment of agricultural graduates has been one of the most important challenges of higher education systems in recent years, and has had the negative effects on students’ learning and motivation. But it seems that according to the capacity of the agricultural sector in Iran, this problem can be solved by enhancing students’ entrepreneurship empowerment. Thus, the main purpose of the present study was to identify the factors affecting entrepreneurship empowerment and employment of students after graduation that implemented by survey method. The statistical population of the study was the senior students at Yasouj University (160 person), that 110 of them selected by proportional stratified random sampling. Data were gathered using questionnaires. The face validity and reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and pilot study, and measuring Cronbach’s alpha (0.89 - 0.97). The results of the study showed that the majority of students believed, individual, socio-cultural and educational factors respectively have the greatest effect on students' entrepreneurial skills. The most important individual factors includes self-efficacy beliefs and creativity the most important socio-cultural factors includes community’s economic issues and the attractiveness of entrepreneurship career and the most important educational factors includes the existence of competitive environment in university and the creative and dynamic environment in dorms. The results showed that the respondents have more potential in social relations, creativity, and leadership and communication skills, respectively. Finally, it is recommended some suggestions for developing the entrepreneurship empowerment.

Hamed Charsoghiamin, Raoof Molaei, Ali Reza Norouzi, Ahmad Kakeh,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (11-2015)

     The purpose of this research was to analyze the commercialization barriers of agricultural knowledge at IAU, Ilam Branch in 2013. The methodology of this research was applied in objective, a field study as far as the monitoring and control of variables is concerned, also in method of data gathering is descriptive. The statistical population included 90 postgraduate students studying agricultural extension and farm management. Since the statistical population were limited a small number of students, census method was used. The reliability of questionnaire was computed through Cronbach's alpha (&alpha=0.93), which was statistically acceptable. The Face validity of the questionnaire was affirmed by consulting the viewpoint of the faculty member's agricultural extension and management department. The findings ranking of commercialization barriers of agricultural knowledge at IAU, Ilam branch indicated that the cultural barriers are the   first priority. Also, the factor analysis of the commercialization barriers of agricultural knowledge showed that five main factors including economic, social, educational political-logistical and legal accounted for 76.76 percent of the total variance. The most important factor among these five factors was the economic one, which accounted for about 46.32 percent of the total variance.

Mohammad Mahdi Mardanshahi, Mohammad Ali Roshanfar,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2015)

Nowadays, entrepreneurship of graduates has an important role in resolving the problem of unemployment and stimulating the economic development of the nations. Having the entrepreneurship capabilities and skills by graduates can resolve the problem of unemployment and help to development of agricultural sector. Hence, the present study analyzes the strategies of increasing the entrepreneurship of agricultural and natural resources graduates using survey method and strategic model of SWOT. Therefore, the views of 90 experts were used in three groups including experts of Agriculture Jihad Expert of Agricultural Engineering Organization and members of scientific boards and graduates of Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University. According to the results of this study, 10 strengths and 7 weaknesses in the internal environment and 10 opportunities and 14 threats in the external environment were identified. Also, the results showed that the graduate entrepreneurship has the relative strengths in the internal environment and the relative threat in the external environment. Therefore, based on the present capabilities and capacities, performing the conservative strategies has priority. Then, some strategies for development of agricultural graduate entrepreneurship were offered.

Hossein Agahi, Fatemeh Ghorbani Piralidehi, Samireh Sey Mohammadi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2015)

    Self-employment is one of the best options to prepare higher education system learners for employment in the labor market and resolving the unemployment problem but there are barriers against it. The purpose of this study is to assess the self-employment barriers from the perspective of graduate students of Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Razi University in Kermanshah. The general approach of research is quantitative and in terms of target is practical. Statistical population consisted of 470 students. Based on random stratified sampling method 52 Ph.D. students and 160 M.Sc. students were selected in order to do this study. Was used data collection, the researcher made questionnaire. The validity of questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts (scientific board members of department of extension and rural development of Razi University and some of entrepreneurship experts in province) and its reliability was calculated using alpha Cronbach coefficient (α= 0.86). The exploratory factor analysis and SPSS software was used to analyze the results. Based on the results of exploratory factor analysis, 4 factors include of training, structural- political, personality and social- economical are the barriers to self-employment from the perspective of students who explained55.76 percent of the total variance. Holding of joint meetings of students with the private sector, become familiar students with the rules of agricultural businesses and setting up educational content based on labor market needs to improve the self-employed status in the future is recommended.

Mojtaba Sookhtanlou,
Volume 3, Issue 6 (12-2016)

Nowadays, facing toward the entrepreneurial Universities and optimal performance in entrepreneurial higher education system is the main strategy in agricultural higher education system. In this regard, the main of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of agricultural higher education system on improvement of entrepreneurial capabilities among agricultural students (M.Sc. and PhD levels). By using of stratified random sampling method, among graduate students of agriculture in University of Mohaghegh Ardabili (N=995), sample size of 288 was determined. The research instrument consisting of standardized test "to measure personality traits of entrepreneurship in Iran" with standardized international test of entrepreneurship center of Durham University in England and five variables of the effectiveness of entrepreneurial higher education system. The results showed that the majority of respondents, in terms of achievement motivation and internal control were "relatively high" level; but in terms of independence, risk taking and creativity were at "relatively low" and "low" levels, respectively. Other findings suggest that only there was significant difference between two abilities of independence and risk taking, among M.Sc. and PhD students. Also, the upper GPA among respondents has increased their achievement motivation; but the increase in GPA, has not made a significant impact on entrepreneurial capabilities. According to regression analysis, totally, three variables of content and curriculum (Beta= 0.392), management and infrastructure factors (Beta= 0.304) and methods of teaching and training (Beta= 0.229) explained 60.2 percent of factors affecting on improvement of entrepreneurial capabilities among respondents. Therefore, the priority of educational planning to enhance the independence, risk taking and creativity of students in the three effective variables will be effective in improving the effectiveness of the agricultural education system.
Arman Bakhsi, , ,
Volume 4, Issue 8 (12-2017)

The purpose of this study was investigation of the situation and the obstacles of agricultural graduates to the employment, that was quantitative research, which conducted by survey method. Statistical population include all graduates (n=280) from Kerman University of Applied Science and Technology. Required information included individual and educational data was extracted directly from education records and filling questionnaires. Finally, 188 questionnaires were analyzed, (return rate of 67.14%). Reliability of indexes was confirmed by Cronbach's Alpha (0.82- 0.90). Kruskal-Wallis test reveals that there were no meaningful differences among respondents’ view about different agricultural minor to have job, and society need to their minors. Logistic regression results showed that the variables entered in the model, including major, gender, age, type of diploma and acceptance quota could explain 32% of employment variable. After factor analysis, barriers to employment from the perspective of the respondents was categorized into individual-academic, structural-financial and traditional-cultural obstacles. These barriers in total were explained the 56.215% of the total variance.

Bijan Abadi,
Volume 6, Issue 12 (12-2019)

     This contribution was conducted to take a grab at the expectations of agricultural students from entrepreneurship and self-employment lesson (the University of Maragheh). Most of the research has taken use of quantitative methodologies to address the research problem, and therefore, a qualitative methodology gap was recognized. Using exploratory case study, initially, the research objectives and the respective protocols were determined and verbal data were collected from 38 agricultural students via convenient sampling method. The method triangulation was also used to increase the credibility of the data, which included notes, group discussions, and non-structured interviews. The heuristic units were derived from Atlas.ti (version 6.0.15), thematic analysis, code formation, classes, and communication structures –– a semantic between the inferred concepts were developed. The approaches of peer-checking and member-checking were used to confirm the accuracy of the data. The findings indicate that students’ expectations from entrepreneurial and self-employment lesson are reduced in the derived concepts, such as priority-centered, creativity, skill/pragmatism, extra-planning, communication-centered, compulsive, designing-centered, and continuous support. For future research, it is suggested that these concepts to be studied quantitatively. It is also recommended to the scholars and professors at the entrepreneurship centers of universities and higher education institutions to take into account and use the implications of the study in formulating the syllabus content of the lesson and in designing and establishing the orientation and in-service training of teaching for entrepreneurial novice professors.

Dr Hamid Karimi, Mr Naser Valizadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 13 (6-2020)

Today, educating entrepreneurial students is one of the main goals of higher education systems and universities. One of the most important strategies for educating entrepreneurial students is to strengthen their self-directed learning skills. In this regard, analyzing the relationship between self-directed learning skills and entrepreneurial intention among agricultural and natural resources students of University of Zabol was determined as the main purpose of this research. This study is an applied research which was carried out using survey technique. The statistical population of the study included all students of the faculties of "agriculture, water and soil, and natural resources" at University of Zabol in academic years of 2016-17 and 2017-18. From whom, 210 students were selected as the samples. A stratified random sampling method was used to select the samples. Research tool was a questionnaire which its validity confirmed by a panel of academic experts. Cronbach's alpha coefficients demonstrated an acceptable reliability for the research tool (α=0.71-0.84). The results showed that four variables communication skills, learning strategies, evaluation skills, and learning activities had significant positive effects on the entrepreneurial intention of students. Also, independent variables were able to predict 42.1% of variance changes in entrepreneurial intention.

Ssahar Ekradi, Dr Mahdi Hosseinpour, Hossein Karimi, Milad Bakhsham,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (7-2022)

Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Organizational performance is one of the most important structures in achieving organizational goals and also one of the most important structures discussed in managerial research and without a doubt, it is the most important criterion for measuring the success of commercial companies. the existing competitive environment is more competitive than in the past. in such situations, agricultural organizations have to look for new ways to improve performance. in this regard, one of the most appropriate strategies is to focus on choosing the right organizational strategy and organizational knowledge and its proper management. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of knowledge management on organizational performance with regard to the mediating role of differentiation strategy in agricultural companies located in Kermanshah Science and Technology Park.
Material and Methods: This research is based on the purpose of an applied research, based on data collection, descriptive comparative causal research and in terms of approach or methodology, it is quantitative research. The statistical population of the study was the employees of agricultural companies located in Kermanshah Science and Technology Park, which amounted to 95 people and the sample size was determined using Cochran's formula of 77 people. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data and was scored based on the Likert scale. Descriptive statistics techniques in SPSS software and structural equation analysis in Amos software were used to process the data.
Result: The results showed that knowledge management affects organizational performance both directly and indirectly through the mediating variable of differentiation strategy. Knowledge management is one of the important factors affecting organizational performance that the mediating role of differentiation strategy in this regard was also confirmed.

Conclusion: Agricultural organizations if they want to maintain their position and act in a way that leads to survival, development and success, it is necessary to review its performance and select the appropriate organizational strategy and organizational knowledge and manage it properly. an organization that cannot choose the right competitive strategy and develop its skills, knowledge and knowledge and use it to increase productivity, will not be able to develop any of its resources optimally.

Nematollah Shiri,
Volume 9, Issue 17 (7-2022)

Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Entrepreneurship is a vital approach to accelerating innovation, developing economic growth, reducing unemployment, maintaining social stability and, indeed, value creation; in such a way that entrepreneurial activity or entrepreneurial behavior has attracted a lot of attention in educational and political systems. Over the past decades, many developing countries, including Iran, have turned to entrepreneurship as a potential underlying solution to various problems facing the country, including; Lack of efficiency in the economy, rising unemployment rate, over-graduation and the inability of the private and public sectors to create jobs for them have received serious attention. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the main purpose of investigating the impact of environmental factors on the entrepreneurial intention among agricultural students at Ilam University.
Material and Methods: In terms of paradigm, this research was quantitative, according to the applied purpose and in data collection and analysis was descriptive-correlation, which was done using structural equation modeling technique. The statistical population of this study included all fourth year undergraduate students of Ilam University (N=160), which using Cochran's formula, 100 of them by stratified random sampling with appropriate assignment (Based on field of study) were selected for the study. The main research tool was questionnaire که, the validity of which was confirmed by a panel of experts and convergent validity and its reliability by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient and combined reliability. Data analysis was performed in two sections of descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS21 and LISREL 8.80 software.
Results: The results showed that the status of entrepreneurial intention among agricultural students of Ilam University was moderate to high. The results showed that the variables of perceived desirability of entrepreneurship, social support, social norms and the entrepreneurship role model had a positive and significant relationship with the entrepreneurial intention of agricultural students. In addition, the results of structural equation modeling showed that the perceived desirability variable had the greatest effect (β= 0.82) directly and the social norms variable had the least effect (β = 0.06) indirectly. He had the entrepreneurial intention of the students.
Conclusion: Based on the research findings, it can be said that environmental factors such as social support, social norms and entrepreneurial patterns have an important role in developing the entrepreneurial intention of agricultural students due to the perceived variability of entrepreneurial desirability; Therefore, according to these factors, it is possible to develop the intention and entrepreneurial behavior of students in the agricultural higher education system of the country.

Mr Mohammad Taghi Khorand, Ali Seghatoleslami,
Volume 9, Issue 18 (12-2022)

Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Nowadays, the importance of entrepreneurship and its key role are not hidden from anyone. The objective of this research was to investigate the impact of social responsibility and emotional intelligence on the entrepreneurial spirit of students.
Material and Methods: This research is descriptive, analytical, implementation model, field and practical in terms of purpose. The statistical population of this research consisted of the students of Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources in the first semester of 1399-1400, which according to the size of the population, the number of statistical sample using Chrissy Morgan's table is 86 people. The research tools were three questionnaires: Carroll's social responsibility (1991), the entrepreneurial spirit of Houshmandan-Moghadam (2013) and the emotional intelligence of Siberia Shirring (1996), and simple and simultaneous regression was used to analyze the findings.
Results: The results of the research indicated that the four components of social responsibility, Economic responsibility, legal responsibility and moral responsibility explain the variance of responsibility. Which accounted for the highest variance of social responsibility according to the components of social and economic responsibility, and also these 4 components were able to predict the entrepreneurial spirit of students (P≤.01). Emotional intelligence is a suitable predictor for students' entrepreneurial spirit at the level of P≤.01, and among the sub-components of emotional intelligence, empathy, self-efficacy, self-awareness and social skills, had the ability to predict entrepreneurial spirit (P≤.01).
Conclusion: The results show that paying attention to the variables of social responsibility and emotional intelligence can lead to more entrepreneurial tendencies and the efforts of planners to promote social responsibility and strengthen emotional intelligence seem to be essential. At the present time, the importance of entrepreneurship in the growth of societies is obvious and the role of universities and students is influential. Therefore, it is suggested that related institutions and organizations should plan and formulate goals for the growth and development of the entrepreneur-oriented educational system.


Dr Fatemeh Ghorbani Piralidehi, Homa Ahmadian, Zahra Sinaei Rad, Zobiedeh Kochaky,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (2-2025)

Introduction and Objective: Academic entrepreneurship is the third mission of universities and higher education centers after the educational and research mission, so these institutions can play an important role in the country's entrepreneurial ecosystem and strengthen it by establishing it.
Academic entrepreneurship means promoting entrepreneurial behaviors of employees and students in the academic environment, Which, by creating opportunities for participation, also provides financial independence and income for academics and students. Thus, academic entrepreneurship can be defined as the creation of an entrepreneurial process in the academic environment while preserving intellectual property for the university. In this way, the entrepreneurial process encompasses all university activities (scientific, educational, research, etc.) and enables the university to interact with other economic actors, and subsequently injects the university’s intellectual property into commercial markets for the development of innovative ideas and products. As a result, the results and achievements of academic entrepreneurship are very important for academics, their affiliated universities, and the general public. Accordingly, different university departments have taken steps to develop academic entrepreneurship, but what makes such activities effective is the organization and implementation of various activities in a specific and planned format. Designing a model that can provide a specific intellectual framework and path for the development of academic entrepreneurship is useful and practical. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the effective components in the establishment of academic entrepreneurship in Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University.
Materials and Methods: The research method is practical in terms of its purpose and terms of the overall approach, it is a combined (qualitative-quantitative) sequential type, in the first stage, the qualitative section was designed and then based on the findings of the qualitative part, the quantitative part of the research was followed. 42 experts including university faculty members, graduates, managers of knowledge-based companies, university entrepreneurship experts, university students, and researchers were purposefully selected for the qualitative part of the research. The required information was collected through interviews with the sample until theoretical saturation was achieved. The data analysis steps from the interviews were followed in the form of three-stage coding and the form of a grounded theory paradigm model. The validation of the findings obtained from the qualitative part of the research was investigated through the review of the findings by member checking and the triangulation technique. The community studied in the quantitative section were all faculty members, managers and vice-chancellors of the university, and the students of SANRU in Ph. D. and Master's degree (135 staff/professors and 1027 postgraduate students). Using simple stratified random sampling and based on the Cochran formula, 289 people were selected as a sample. The validity of the questionnaire was examined by asking faculty members and other entrepreneurship experts at the university level. The reliability of the questionnaire was also examined and confirmed by conducting a pre-test and calculating Cronbach's alpha. As a result, composite reliability (CR) was also used to measure the reliability of the constructs. In addition, the fit of the designed model concerning the establishment of academic entrepreneurship in Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University was also examined in two parts including measurement and structural parts. The structural equation measurement model was studied using indicators such as factor loadings, Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability (CR), convergent validity or AVE (average variance extracted), and divergent validity (Fornell-Larcker test). The structural model was also examined using indicators such as R2, t-coefficients, and path coefficients (Beta). The overall fit of the model was also studied using indicators such as the standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) and the normed fit index (NFI). The data obtained from the quantitative section were analyzed using structural equation modeling and the SmartPLS3 software package.
Results: Based on the findings of the qualitative section, six components causal factors, contextual factors, intervening factors, entrepreneurship development, strategies, and consequences are the main components of the establishment of academic entrepreneurship in Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University. From the point of view of the students and employees of Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, contextual factors (path coefficient 0.967) had the greatest role in the implementation of university entrepreneurship development strategies, and intervening factors had a negative relationship with university entrepreneurship development strategies (path coefficient -0.410) and this finding shows that the role of intervening obstacles is more pronounced. The relationship between the development of academic entrepreneurship and its strategies, as well as the relationship between strategies and the consequences of academic entrepreneurship, is meaningful. Between two groups of academic entrepreneurship strategies in Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, policy strategies and support programs with a higher factor load (0.952) are on the first rank and educational-cultural strategies with a factor load of 0.910 are on the next rank. Among the various consequences resulting from the implementation of university entrepreneurship development strategies, economic consequences, organizational consequences, individual consequences, and social consequences were ranked in the order of priority from the most important to the least important consequences.
Conclusion: Various components are effective in the establishment of academic entrepreneurship in Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University. From economic components to social, and cultural components, etc. An important part of the effective components in the obtained model can be attributed to the conditions of the organization. Therefore, the university can be considered as an organization whose preservation and promotion depend on organizational entrepreneurship. The improvement of organizational conditions as the main sub-components of causal factors has an impact on the development of intra-organizational interests, which is the most important aspect of the development of academic entrepreneurship. Favorable management conditions in the university can affect the improvement of policies, laws, and support programs of the university and thus the creation and establishment of university entrepreneurship. At the same time, the financial and technical obstacles of the university make the establishment of entrepreneurship difficult. In the end, suggestions for a more successful establishment of entrepreneurship in the studied university were presented.

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