Volume 9, Issue 18 (12-2022)                   J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric 2022, 9(18): 103-114 | Back to browse issues page

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Asadi N, Fattahi M, Taghvaie M. (2022). The Effect of Commercialization of Knowledge-based Ideas on Enhancement of Technological Capabilities of the Agricultural Companies located in Mazandaran Science and Technology Park: The Mediating Role of Organizational Development and Excellence. J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric. 9(18), 103-114. doi:10.52547/jea.9.18.103
URL: http://jea.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-329-en.html
1- Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
2- Department of Educational Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University Sari, Iran
Abstract:   (2790 Views)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Nowodays, companies located in science and technology parks face increasing technological changes and experience a dynamic environment, in such a way that they constantly need to rearrange and recombine their technological assets to respond to the changing conditions of their market and technology. In order to follow this path, the company needs to acquire a new capability or upgrade its existing capabilities in each of the stages of commercialization. Therefore, agricultural companies based in science and technology park should actively develop new technology in products in order to achieve superior technological capabilities against their competitors and find more customers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Commercialization of Knowledge-Based Ideas on Enhancement of Technological Capabilities in In the agricultural companies of Science and Technology Park with the mediating role of organizational development and excellence.
Material and Methods: This research regarding to the purpose, is applicable and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection method. The statistical population consisted of all managers, assistants and senior experts of companies active in the field of agriculture based in Mazandaran Science and Technology Park, numbering 220 people. Based on the Cochran formula, 140 of them were selected through stratified random sampling method with proportional allocation. A researcher-made questionnaire with a Likert scale was used to collect data, and finally, the related information was analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) method by SmartPLS3 software. Cronbach's alpha for all constructs was higher than 0.7, and AVE was higher than 0.5, and the validity and reliability of the constructs were confirmed.
Results: The results of the research showed that the commercialization of knowledge-based ideas and organizational development and excellence predicts 34.1% and 47.6% of the enhancement of technological capabilities variance of agricultural companies located in Science and Technology Park, respectively. It was also shown that the indirect effect of commercialization of knowledge-based ideas on enhancement of technological capabilities of these companies was 52.1%, which was determined by the organizational development and excellence mediator variable. R2 equal 0.597 indicated that the independent variable has a moderate prediction of the variable of improving technological capabilities.The fitting indices of the overall research model confirmed the desirable fitness of this model. therefore, organizational development and excellence mediated the relationship between commercialization of knowledge-based ideas and enhancement of technological capabilities of these companies.
Conclusion: According to the research finding , by increasing the amount of commercialization of knowledge-based ideas and using indicators of organizational development and excellence, such as: development of agricultural knowledge-based businesses, development of technical knowledge and agricultural technological innovation, development of skills in the field of agriculture, future research in the field of agriculture, adherence to the main work and independence and entrepreneurship, vertical development and phased development of investment provided the basis for the development of technological capabilities, including: management capabilities, communication capabilities, marketing capabilities, knowledge capabilities and commercialization experience, human power capabilities, and research and development capabilities in agricultural companies based in parks.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: کارآفرینی در کشاورزی
Received: 2022/09/29 | Accepted: 2022/10/30

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