Volume 6, Issue 12 (12-2019)                   J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric 2019, 6(12): 59-68 | Back to browse issues page

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Amirbayk M A, Ahmadpour Borazjani M, Salarpour M, Karimi H. (2019). Agricultural Employment through the Removal of Barriers of Agricultural Products Supply To Commodity Exchanges (A Case of Khorasan Rezavi Province). J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric. 6(12), 59-68. doi:10.52547/jea.6.12.59
URL: http://jea.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-182-en.html
1- University of Zabol
2- Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, University of Zabol
Abstract:   (3461 Views)
       CCreating full employment is one of the macroeconomic goals of politicians in all countries. Unemployment is one of the major problems facing the Iranian economy,  reduction of which requires investment in various sectors of the economy and production boom. Improving the marketing situation of agricultural products can boost production, increase income and employment in agriculture. An agricultural commodity exchange boom is one way to improve the marketing position of agricultural products. The agricultural commodity exchange is an organized marketplace and a speculative example of the hypothetical of the markets. Traditional Iranian markets are not efficient for reasons not competitive, smallness, the existence of multiple marketing layers, the lack of transparency of market information and the existence of price fluctuations. Hence, the purpose of this study was to identify barriers to entry of selected agricultural products in Khorasan Razavi province to the Commodity Exchange. For this purpose, the most important barriers to supplying agricultural products were first identified by the Fuzzy Delphi method and then, using the fuzzy DEMTEL technique, the effect of each indicator on the supply of goods was investigated. The statistical population of this research includes agricultural Jihad experts, university professors and brokerage experts in Khorasan Razavi province in 2018. The results indicated that the most important obstacles to the supply of agricultural products to the stock exchange were the lack of educational systems to increase the skills and knowledge of farmers with the stock exchange, the lack of integrated agricultural organizations, commodity corruption, non-uniformity of goods (non-homogeneity of products), the absence of contracts proportional to the conditions for agricultural producers and buyers, and the existence of parallel markets such as Fruit and vegetable squares. Investigation of the interactions of factors illustrates that  lack of educational systems to increase the skills and knowledge of farmers and the lack of familiarity of agricultural producers with agricultural commodity stock are the most effective factor and the lack of appropriate contracts to the conditions of the producers and buyers of agricultural products, the corruption of goods, non-uniformity of goods, and the lack of coherent agricultural associations are the most influential or most perceptible factors. Finally, it is recommended to familiarize producers with the agricultural commodity exchange and to provide the necessary background for the commodity producers to supply the commodity exchange.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: اقتصاد کشاورزی
Received: 2019/05/27 | Accepted: 2019/12/17

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