Volume 7, Issue 13 (6-2020)                   J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric 2020, 7(13): 87-96 | Back to browse issues page

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Niazi K, Ommani A. (2020). Identifying Factors Affecting Organizational Entrepreneurship Development in Agricultural Technical and Consulting Services Companies in Darehshahr Township, Ilam Province. J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric. 7(13), 87-96. doi:10.52547/jea.7.13.87
URL: http://jea.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-220-en.html
1- IAU
Abstract:   (3265 Views)

Organizational entrepreneurship is the process by which new products, services, or practices emerge through a dynamic organizational culture in an organization. The purpose of this study was to identify the mechanisms of organizational entrepreneurship development in Darehshahr agricultural technical and consulting services companies. This research is a descriptive correlational research. It is quantitative in nature and functional in purpose. The statistical population of this study consisted of all agricultural experts who were members of Dareh Shahr agricultural technical and consulting services companies (n = 100) who were selected as the subjects using census method. Validity was obtained through the panel of experts and reliability was obtained through Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed using SPSS22 software. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between age, education level, and participation in training and skill classes, risk taking, job satisfaction and organizational entrepreneurship level in agricultural technical and consulting companies. The results showed that according to the tendency of the company to excel in the creation of new services and ideas in the field of agriculture, the belief in the principle of prevention rather than treatment in the field of agriculture activities, the company manager welcomed bold behaviors in order to maximize the potential for exploitation of higher priority in agriculture. Based on the results of factor analysis, four factors of patronage and education, communication and support, cultural and managerial-promotional explained 73.58% of changes in factors affecting organizational entrepreneurship development.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: کارآفرینی در کشاورزی
Received: 2020/03/31 | Accepted: 2020/06/27

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