Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: The rapid changes and developments of science and technology in recent years have made all countries, especially developing countries, face serious and new challenges, which passing through them requires creative and entrepreneurial approaches and methods. Therefore, entrepreneurship is a key element in societies that has a significant impact on productivity, innovation, employment and economic and social growth and development. The aim of the current research is to identify factors and obstacles affecting the development of agricultural entrepreneurship and strategic planning in this field.
Material and Methods: In this research, first by reviewing previous studies and interviewing experts in the field of entrepreneurship, agriculture and agricultural business owners of Kerman province, a set of components of agricultural entrepreneurship were extracted. Then, research data was collected using the questionnaire tool and analyzed using Excel, SPSS and Expert choice statistical software. Finally, based on the matrix of paired comparisons and Fuzzy hierarchical analysis internal and external factors affecting agricultural entrepreneurship were identified and prioritized. SWOT matrix has been used to examine the current situation and formulate effective strategies for the development of agricultural entrepreneurship in Kerman province.
Results: The results of the study indicate that the development of entrepreneurship requires the preparation of cultural and social contexts, cooperation of educational and research systems, administrative and financial structures and other support mechanisms. Based on the results of the SWOT model, revision strategies are the most suitable strategy for the development of agricultural entrepreneurship and agricultural businesses. Also, strategies development of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, cooperation between public and private sectors in financing start-up businesses, consulting with experts and experienced people, revising and revising the structure of higher education, facilitating investment in the initial stages of starting a business, for the improvement and development of agricultural entrepreneurship, have had the first to fifth priority.
Conclusion: According to the obtained results, it can be said that creating entrepreneurship among farmers has been proposed as a new solution in the theory of development to build the capacity of farmers, which is also necessary to control changes in the direction of reforming and improving the agricultural extension system. Also, strengthening the capacity of the research and development department for better access to market information and techniques to improve the decision-making process of farmers with the aim of creating an entrepreneurial spirit and culture among rural communities and agriculture is inevitable. Therefore, it is suggested that education and promotion of entrepreneurial spirit in the agricultural sector and provision of cultural and economic platforms for entrepreneurship should be paid attention to by policy-makers.
Type of Study:
Research |
کارآفرینی در کشاورزی Received: 2022/07/28 | Accepted: 2022/10/11