Extended Abstract
Background: Livelihood diversity, with an emphasis on off-farm activities and the expansion of employment opportunities for various active groups in rural communities, has proven to be an effective approach in rural development. Disability is a reality that societies must accept, consciously manage, and plan for, especially in high-risk rural environments where it is more prevalent. Disability increases the burden on communities and raises the cost of living for rural households. This pressure intensifies when disabled individuals who are capable of work are deprived of suitable job opportunities, preventing them from participating in the economic cycle. Research in entrepreneurship has often overlooked the entrepreneurial potential of specific groups within rural communities, including disabled individuals. In Kermanshah Province, rural disabled people represent a significant portion of the unemployed population, with only four percent of disabled individuals in the province currently employed. Addressing the entrepreneurship of disabled individuals has multiple implications across economic, social, and political dimensions. The aim of this research is to identify the factors affecting the entrepreneurship of rural disabled individuals in the Kozran district of Kermanshah Township.
Methods: This study utilized a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The qualitative component involved semi-structured interviews with 21 rural disabled individuals from Kozran district and 15 managers and experts from the welfare organization in Kermanshah Province. Participants were selected through purposeful sampling based on data saturation. The qualitative data were analyzed using the grounded theory coding method with Maxqda software. Validity and reliability were assessed through four key concepts: credibility, transferability, verifiability, and reliability. The quantitative aspect employed a descriptive correlational method, with a statistical sample of 130 rural disabled individuals with employability in the Kozran sector. A researcher-developed questionnaire served as the primary data collection instrument. Convergent validity (mean variance extracted) and divergent validity (Fornell and Larcker criteria) were used to evaluate the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Data analysis for the quantitative component was conducted using SPSS22 software, while structural equation modeling with a partial least squares approach was employed using SmartPLS version 3 to explore relationships among the studied constructs.
Results: The analysis of the research data revealed 58 concepts related to the factors affecting the entrepreneurship of rural disabled individuals, categorized into 15 structures and four main categories. These categories include the entrepreneurial competencies of rural disabled individuals, which encompass commitment competence, learning competence, communication competence, and strategic competence. Individual factors include utility and social identity, a sense of altruism, entrepreneurial awareness, and entrepreneurial personality traits. Contextual factors encompass perceived local support, challenges and limitations, perceived family support, and human capital. Structural factors include infrastructural and environmental factors, administrative bureaucracy, and measures taken by the welfare organization. Additionally, 27 concepts related to strategies for developing entrepreneurship among rural disabled individuals were identified, categorized into five areas: educational and empowerment strategies, cultivation and change of public attitudes toward the entrepreneurship of disabled individuals, material and spiritual support, diversification of employment fields, and branding of products made by disabled individuals, along with improvements in the quality and quantity of human resources. The results indicated that learning competence, human capital, challenges and limitations, perceived family support, and commitment competence are the most significant factors influencing the entrepreneurship of rural disabled individuals. The findings of the quantitative model revealed that learning competence had the highest impact on entrepreneurship (β=0.811), followed by human capital (β=0.679) and challenges and limitations (β=0.672).
Conclusion: The entrepreneurship of rural disabled individuals, often overlooked in discussions of rural employment, can play a vital role in achieving integrated rural development. To realize this goal, it is essential to focus on factors that facilitate the spontaneous employment of employable rural disabled individuals. This research highlights the need for addressing the lagging state of rural entrepreneurship as identified by both disabled individuals and related experts. Creating a supportive environment for employment and harnessing the talents of rural disabled individuals requires a commitment from authorities and the rural community. First, there must be a belief in the potential for disabled individuals to be employed. Second, efforts should be made to identify and empower these individuals. Finally, the three foundational dimensions of this initiative—families, officials, and disabled individuals—must collaborate and take responsibility. Reforms and institutional development regarding the employment of rural disabled individuals are crucial for the successful functioning of these three dimensions. Therefore, it is recommended to update and simplify regional laws and regulations to support investors interested in the ideas of rural disabled individuals. Additionally, facilitating self-employment for rural disabled individuals by identifying and engaging with relevant sectors is crucial. To incentivize private sector engagement, tax exemptions, low-interest loans, and subsidies for energy costs should be considered for employers. Furthermore, networking and showcasing the capabilities of rural disabled individuals within supply networks and the value chain of agricultural and rural products can significantly enhance their employment opportunities.
Type of Study:
Research |
کارآفرینی در کشاورزی Received: 2023/03/27 | Accepted: 2023/06/8