Extended Abstract
Background: Inefficient management in the traditional cultivation of strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa) in the coastal areas of the Caspian Sea, especially in Mazandaran province, is the main factor in reducing the quantitative and qualitative yields of the fruit, which may be due to inappropriate cultivation methods and environmental factors. To overcome these shortcomings, farmers have started to use raised bed stack cultivation systems covered with plastic mulches. Today, the development of new technologies in the production of horticultural products at the macro scale has also provided the necessary capacity for the benefit of the micro strata of society. The use of plastic mulch in the strawberry rise-bed affects the yield and quality of the strawberry fruit due to the heat and light conditions that it creates in the surrounding environment (microclimate) of the plant. Therefore, this research aimed to use the advantages of using colored plastic mulch microclimate on increasing income and rural business.
Methods: The studied area is located at 36 33 N and 53 00 E, and 14 m above sea level, with an average temperature of 17.9 °C, average rainfall of 650 mm, and silty-clay soil texture. The effect of colored plastic mulch microclimates in the strawberry rise-bed on rural business and micro-economy was investigated in an experiment based on a completely randomized block design with four experimental treatments. The treatments were red, black, and white plastic mulches, with a control (without mulch), which were conducted with three replications in the entrepreneurial farm of Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Iran, in the 2021-2022 growth season. The fruits were harvested for 4 days, and the fruits of each plant were carefully weighed after each harvest. The antioxidant activity, phenolic content, and flavonoid compounds were measured in the fruits. In the end, the obtained data were analyzed using ANOVA with SAS software (SAS 9.1). The Duncan post hoc test was employed to compare treatment means (Duncan = 0.05).
Results: The colored plastic mulches significantly affected the quantitative and qualitative yields of strawberry fruits. Red, white, and black plastic mulches produced the highest yields (11910.17, 10441.83, and 9706.2 g, respectively) compared to the control treatment (7164.3 g). Thus, the income from the sale of fruits in red, white, and black plastic mulches increased by 65.8, 57.7, and 16.9%, respectively, compared to the control. Moreover, the number of fruits harvested from the first, second, and third groups was assigned to the treatments with plastic mulch. The income from the sale of the fruits in the first and second groups in red mulch increased by 181 and 87%, respectively, compared to the control treatment. In addition, the income from the sale of fruits in the third group in the white mulch treatment increased by 86% compared to the control, and black (75%) and red (65%) mulches were ranked next. In the fourth group, the income from the sale of fruits in red, black, and white mulches decreased by 63, 22, and 25%, respectively, compared to the control. These findings showed more favorable marketability of the product in colored plastic mulches. In addition, the number of fruits harvested from the first, second, and third groups, which showed more favorable marketability of the product, was assigned to treatments with plastic mulches. According to the results, the highest (71.8 mg/100 g) and the lowest (58.5 mg/100 g) fruit anthocyanin contents were measured in the red mulch and control treatments, respectively. The highest phenol content belonged to red, black, and white mulches (60.2, 61.1, and 60.9 mg.GA/g, respectively), which were not significantly different from each other. However, these treatments were noticeably superior to the control treatment (47.9 mg.GA/g). Red and black mulch treatments contained the highest flavonoid contents (12.5 and 12.8 mg.Qu/g, respectively), followed by white mulch (10.2 m.Qu/g) and the control treatment (6.9 m.Qu/g).
Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that the use of plastic mulches in the strawberry rise-bed significantly increases the quantitative and qualitative yields of the fruits, early maturity of the fruit, favorable marketability, and lack of fruit contact with the soil surface compared to control treatment (without mulch). Therefore, the income from the sale of fruits at all stages of harvesting showed the superiority of colored plastic mulches compared to the control. Meanwhile, the number of fruits in the first and second groups was higher in the red plastic mulch treatment, indicating early ripening and better marketability of the fruit, and as a result, higher income than the other treatments. Therefore, using plastic mulches can be considered a useful tool for increasing rural income, business prosperity, and micro-economy.
Type of Study:
Research |
کارآفرینی در کشاورزی Received: 2023/01/28 | Accepted: 2023/05/19