Volume 11, Issue 1 (7-2024)                   J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric 2024, 11(1): 135-149 | Back to browse issues page

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Ahmadi S, Karimi S, Mahmodi M. (2024). Identification of Factors Influencing the Participation of Business Angels in Rural Tourism Projects Using the Grounded Theory Approach. J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric. 11(1), 135-149. doi:10.61186/jea.11.1.135
URL: http://jea.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-400-en.html
1- Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
2- Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran
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Extended Abstract
Background: In recent years, rural development has been raised as a vital area for policymakers and development organizations in different countries and nations. Some researchers believe that overcoming the inevitable rural decline and reversing the rural recession requires the direction of investment and the reform of support policies, and one of these solutions can be the development of tourism in these areas. Rural tourism activities, along with all agricultural and non-agricultural factors to promote the development of these areas, provide an opportunity for rural communities to showcase their traditions, handicrafts, local foods, and unique natural beauty, and as a result, economic development by preserving cultural and environmental assets. The government budget is often limited, especially in developing countries like Iran; therefore, encouraging the private sector to participate in the financing of businesses in rural tourism can be more effective and efficient for the survival of these businesses. Considering the importance of the participation of business angels in the development of tourism activities and the effective support of the rural tourism industry, we need to scientifically identify the factors affecting the supply of tourism and provide the necessary capital for the development and prosperity of this industry. Therefore, this research mainly aims to develop a model to identify factors affecting the participation of business angels in rural tourism development projects.
Methods: In this research, the data obtained from the exploratory interviews were analyzed using the principles of the grounded theory approach. In this research, the approach of Strauss and Corbin was used in the grounded theory approach. The current qualitative research in terms of the approach is an applied type of study according to its purpose. The studied community consisted of investors in the fields of information technology, medicinal plants, founders of ecotourism residences, and all experts in the research (including universities) and executive (including the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism and the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture) levels of the country. Rural tourism, entrepreneurship, and sustainable rural development had scientific and practical expertise that were selected theoretically. The reliability of the collected data was determined through continuous reviews of the data, analysis of the data at the same time as their collection, re-coding of the collected data by two other researchers participating in the qualitative research, and continuous engagement of the researcher with the data. To increase the reliability of the data, the interviewees were selected from different stakeholders with different views and interests. The use of supplementary sources was another method for increasing reliability, which added to the richness of the data and increased their reliability by referring to scientific sources about the research topic. The concepts were also discussed with the interviewees, the correctness of the perceptions was inspected, and the categories and sub-categories were confirmed through the participation of the interviewees. In this research, interviews were conducted with 17 people between September and November, and no new data were obtained from the 14th interview onwards, as it reached the level of theoretical saturation. The data were analyzed using the process of open coding, central coding, and selective coding.
Results: The collected data were analyzed through coding, and the 13 categories obtained were placed in six categories, namely causal factors, context, phenomenon or central category, intervening factors, strategies, and consequences, followed by designing the model. The findings of the paradigm model showed these variables: appropriate teaming, training, legal and technological factors as strategies, individual factors such as interest in the subject and knowledge of the subject, and the project type factor as causal factors, resources, infrastructure, security, economic factors, and facilities as contextual factors, and political factors as intervening factors. Cultural and social factors are considered the consequences of the participation of business angels in rural tourism projects.
Conclusion: Cultural factors and cultures that prioritize entrepreneurship, risk-taking, and innovation may create a favorable environment for angel investors to participate in rural tourism projects. Economic factors and a strong and growing economy with purchasing power can attract angel investment by creating demand for tourism services. In terms of political stability, a supportive political environment with favorable policies, tax benefits, and efficient regulations can encourage angel investors to participate in rural tourism projects. Strong legal frameworks and a transparent legal system encourage investors' confidence and participation in tourism projects. The type and quality of business plans for rural tourism projects can affect the participation of business angels. Introducing laws and policies that facilitate the investment of business angels in rural tourism provides a favorable regulatory environment. Transparent procedures for obtaining permits and acquiring land can increase investor confidence. The level of security and safety measures and creating a safe environment with adequate measures to protect tourists and investments are very important to attract angel investors. Social factors, such as community support, cultural heritage, and social acceptance of tourism development, can shape the participation of business angels in rural tourism. Integrating technology into rural tourism and facilitating access to affordable technological infrastructure, such as Internet connectivity, can empower rural entrepreneurs and enable them to use digital tools effectively. Individual factors, such as risk tolerance, expertise, and financial ability of angel investors, can affect their participation in rural tourism. It is very important to address cultural, economic, political, resources, legal, planning, technology, security, infrastructure, team building, facilities, social, and individual factors to strengthen the participation of business angels in the development of rural tourism in Iran.

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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: تامین مالی
Received: 2023/03/2 | Accepted: 2023/05/6

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