Volume 10, Issue 2 (12-2023)                   J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric 2023, 10(2): 116-127 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghorbani Piralidehi F. (2023). Investigating the Role Practical Courses in Improving the Entrepreneurial Competencies of Students (The case of: Students of Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University). J Entrepreneurial Strategies Agric. 10(2), 116-127. doi:10.61186/jea.10.20.109
URL: http://jea.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-358-en.html
Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran
Abstract:   (1733 Views)

Extended Abstract

Background: Acquiring entrepreneurial competencies among higher education graduates is essential for enhancing their participation in economic development and improving the overall welfare of their social lives. In today's rapidly changing job market, the ability to think critically and solve problems is paramount. Therefore, training entrepreneurial graduates has become one of the fundamental goals of the higher education system in many countries. Among various educational methodologies, practical courses stand out as a significant opportunity to develop essential skills and equip graduates with the necessary entrepreneurial competencies. Practical courses offer a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience, enabling students to engage in critical thinking and problem-solving. These courses are designed to bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world application, fostering an environment where students can experiment with their ideas and learn from their experiences. This research aims to investigate the role of practical courses in enhancing the entrepreneurial competencies of students at Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University (SANRU). By focusing on this specific context, the study seeks to provide valuable insights into how practical training can influence students' readiness to enter the workforce as competent entrepreneurs.

Methods: The research employs a quantitative and descriptive-survey approach to gather and analyze data. The statistical population consists of students enrolled at SANRU, specifically those pursuing Ph.D. and Master's degrees, as well as final-year Bachelor's students, totaling 1,611 individuals. From this population, a sample of 310 students was selected using a stratified random sampling method. This sampling technique ensures that various subgroups within the population are adequately represented, enhancing the reliability of the findings. To assess the effectiveness of practical courses in improving entrepreneurial competencies, a structured questionnaire was developed. The validity of this questionnaire was evaluated by faculty members at the university, utilizing both the Content Validity Index (CVI) and the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) to ensure that the instrument accurately measures the intended constructs. Furthermore, the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed through a pre-test, followed by the calculation of Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which indicated a satisfactory level of internal consistency.

Results: The findings of this research reveal that, according to the majority of the students surveyed, practical courses have an average effect on improving their entrepreneurial competence indicators. Among the different types of competencies assessed, individual and communication competencies received the highest average ratings, indicating that students feel more confident in these areas. In contrast, technical-specialist competencies were rated the lowest, suggesting that there may be opportunities for improvement in this particular aspect of entrepreneurial training. Additionally, the research highlights the influence of educational level on students' entrepreneurial skills. Notably, Ph.D. students reported higher average scores in entrepreneurial competencies compared to their Master's and Bachelor's counterparts. This suggests that advanced education may correlate with a deeper understanding of entrepreneurial principles and practices. Among the various practical courses offered, the internship course emerged as the most impactful in enhancing students' entrepreneurial skills. This finding underscores the importance of experiential learning in fostering the competencies necessary for successful entrepreneurship.

Conclusion: The research concludes that the entrepreneurial competence of Ph.D. students is notably higher, and they possess a stronger belief in the effectiveness of practical courses in improving their entrepreneurial skills. While the overall effect of practical courses on each dimension of entrepreneurial competencies is considered moderate, this perception is significantly reinforced as students' educational levels increase. The internship course, in particular, has proven to be highly effective due to its immersive nature, allowing students to engage directly with real-world challenges and opportunities. In light of these findings, several recommendations are proposed to enhance the impact of practical courses on improving the entrepreneurial competencies of students. First, universities should consider integrating more hands-on experiences into the curriculum, particularly in technical and specialized areas, to bolster students' confidence and skills. Additionally, fostering partnerships with local businesses and organizations can provide students with valuable internship opportunities and exposure to industry practices. Moreover, it is essential to create a supportive environment that encourages collaboration and networking among students, faculty, and industry professionals. This can be achieved through workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs that facilitate knowledge sharing and skill development. By adopting these strategies, higher education institutions can better prepare their graduates for the challenges of entrepreneurship and contribute to the overall economic development of their communities. In conclusion, the findings of this study emphasize the critical role of practical courses in developing entrepreneurial competencies among students at SANRU. As the job market continues to evolve, equipping graduates with the necessary skills and experiences will be vital for their success as entrepreneurs. By prioritizing practical training and fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, higher education institutions can significantly enhance the employability and readiness of their graduates, ultimately contributing to the broader economic landscape.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: کارآفرینی در کشاورزی
Received: 2023/02/4 | Accepted: 2023/06/8

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